Thanksgiving was AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME. Great food, great times with me, Brad, Mom, my aunt & cousin. Played card & dice games and It was a total blast. Gained some of my hard-worked off weight BACK after all the Thanksgiving food.. UGH UGH UGH UGH. Now I’m gonna have to be a slave to the treadmill even longer to get back to where I was before the 4-day Thanksgiving holiday I had. Sigh. I wish It weren’t so hard for me to lose weight. Atleast I’m willing to hang in there and really try. I’m determined. DAMN YOU MESSED UP HORMONES FOR RUINING MY LIFE + WEIGHT GOALS. *shakes fist*

Wellll, It’s true — I SUCK at updating this blog here. I dunno I feel so BLAH about my website right now. I have no modivation for a new layout or any layout ideas. I feel more comfortable posting on my livejournal and occasionally my myspace. Hang in there guys, I’ll get my modivation back and be up with a new layout and going once again. I HOPE. I miss this site but I look at it and just want to close IE. I want a cutesy, colorful layout & something that feels fresh and new. *shrug*

I don’t want Christmas to come, lol. Why? Coz it’s another holiday, with more holiday food and I don’t want to gain weight back after losing it DAMNIT. It seems like If I eat ANYTHING extra from my normal diet-plan schedule, I GAIN. I think this holiday I’ll just sit back and watch others eat down plate fulls of holiday food while I munch on watermelon and yogurt. I imagine we’ll spend Christmas holidays with Brad’s family mostly and knowing his family, If I don’t eat then they’ll think I don’t want to be there or something, lol.

GRRRRR. There’s some sort of loud constant noise going on outside that is about to drive me INSANE. BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG. sdlkfajasdl;fja. Anyhow. Brad rented Sims 2: Pets for PS2 for meeeee. It’s interesting and REALLY REALLY fast-paced and seems like hours FLY by when I’m playing it.
Sigh. I love my life.. I really do but I dunno I guess It’s just hard for me with my weight being as hard to lose as it is.

Well, I guess that’ll be all for me for now. Gonna go work for a bit to make some moooooolah!!! Have a great Tuesday. No telling when I’ll post here again but ya never know!! See ya.