Thank you guys for the comments! As far as the kidney infection goes, I don’t know If I had one or was on the verge of getting one but I spent 2 days drinking nothing but water and I seem to be fine now so I guess that’s what I needed, hehe.

Brad and I had a fall out last week and It kindof put us in an iffy spot with one another but we finally made it through back to our old selves again. Every couple is gonna have things to try to work out and work through and this just happened to be our time.

Gah, I can’t believe I’m up this early!!!! Brad woke me up this morning around 5:30AM so I could take my temp (for TTC purposes) and I think I went back to sleep for just a little while then woke up at 6AM and couldn’t go back to sleep so here I am still. It’s now 7:30AM and I am STARVING – so much that I feel sick so I think I’m gonna go eat a sausage biscuit here in a minute.

Mom left for Georgia on Friday. She’s got an appointment with Section 8 Monday to get all the things settled so she can move there. She’s gonna stay all week then come back Saturday? I think? She told me and Brad to come over when they get back and they might be going ahead and moving then? I dunno. I just know I don’t know how I’m going to handle it. *sigh*

Yesterday was very interesting. Brad and I got up around noon? Sat around – hadn’t even got dressed and his friend Alex called and wanted us to come along with him and his girlfriend to a LAN party hosted by a bunch of people that they both work with. I didn’t really wanna go… but I told myself, hey, It’s a way out of the house and to spend some time with other people so we got dressed, loaded up and met them. We left Brad’s truck at a gas station then loaded up into Alex’s girlfriends car. Umm, well It was a very disorganized LAN party, lol. Everybody was playing different games instead of all playing the same game at once. I got to play Need For Speed: Carbon! Pretty awesome game! :grinny: Alex and Brad went and bought us Taco Bell for dinner, YUM! We stayed until about 8:30PM then decided we’d go. Wound up in Wal-Mart for quite some time, looking for various items then just wandering. Eventually, drove back to Brad’s truck and It was storming at the time – told them goodbye then headed on home ourselves. We got home about 10:30PM and our Internet was out. It kept going in and out. We had some pretty good lightning and thunder + rain. Kept hoping the Internet would come back so I could play some Lord of the Rings Online but It never did, ugh. Brad sat and read his book while I fiddled with my desktop and listened to music. Finally, after 2AM we headed to sleep.

Now here it is Sunday! We need to go grocery shopping and I need to wash my hair! Then tonight is an all new episode of THE 4400 and THE DEADZONE, squeeeee!!! The Deadzone looked like it was gonna be AWESOME so I can’t wait!!!!! :happy: Alright, you guys have a great day! :grinny: