You know. I used to dispise yogurt! I remember my Mom used to buy me the Trix yogurt and I would try a bite then throw the rest away. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found a new fondness to it. Brad started buying yogurt recently with the Dannon Light & Fit. Oooh my! It’s really, really good! I espically love the cherry. I’m having some right now as part of my snack. It has a different taste than the usual yogurts which I really like and It’s got a smooth texture.

The past couple days have been a little bit cooler than the usual 98-100 degree weather. It’s currently 93 and I don’t have the air running! I had it going earlier and got REALLY cold. I get cold easily espically on the not blazing hot days because I drink so much water lol. I got all my laundry done for the week!!!! Usually I take more time with it and get done Wednesday and sometimes Thursday but I went ahead and washed and folded two loads today instead of my usual just one.

I really wish Mom lived closer so I could go visit her more than just once or twice a year. I was hoping she was gonna be able to move down here around August but I dunno if that’s gonna happen because it would be pretty expensive for her and it would be another big, tiring move but I sure do want her to move here.

I can’t believe how loose my rings are getting on my fingers!! Speaking of weight loss. I know when I used to read blogs about people losing weight – I’d be like “PFFT whatever, good for you! I’ll never be able to do that!” And when you get in that state of mind and are overweight It’s hard to see the positive, hopeful side of things espically when stepping forward towards weight loss seems impossible. What did I do differently to motivate myself? I GOT UP and TRIED! Then when I tried.. I kept GOING. That is the MOST important thing ever is to just keep going and never giving up on yourself. A lot of people will get up and try but then give up. You can’t do that If you want it to last and WORK! Now everything is clear to me. That I have to keep going, stay positive and never, ever give up because I BELIEVE in myself. I BELIEVE in staying happy, active and healthy because that means everything to me. I don’t want to sit around and gain weight ANYMORE. I did that for a long time and I REFUSE to let my life slip into that routine again because I feel so alive and happy now. DON’T say you can’t do it !!!! Everyone can do it, It just takes kicking yourself in the butt a little. If you REALLY want to be healthy and active then WHY NOT keep going? I have wanted this for so long for myself and I’m going to MAKE SURE to hang onto this lifestyle.

“when you can’t go on, ya gotta get up and try!”