I honestly can’t come up with a blog title tonight, lol. I’ve had another busy day.. this evening I went to another church meeting but after some mishaps, we didn’t really get anything accomplished but thats ok!!! It was so cold by the time we left the church, brrrr! There’s a full moon out tonight and I could see the stars and they are absolutley gorgeous.

I have found 2 NEW LOVES. Soy Slender chocolate milk is SO GOOD!!!!! Also have a new love for a very petite peanut butter and sugar free maple syrup sandwich. DROOL. The soy milk is 60 calories PER CUP and 7g of protein, YES. I think this is going to be a new favorite.

Really I don’t have much else to blog about! We hung up some of our church certificates on our living room wall last night and I love it. I had better go get dinner started and dry plus style my hair since I didn’t get a chance to earlier today! Have an awesoooome evening! =)