Hey guys!!! I had a goooood weekend! I’ll explain in a sec but first, a late Friday Five!!!!!

01) Who is your favorite person to hang out with? Uh.. Brad’s the person I hang out with most now haha.. used to be my best friend Krista.
02) Who is your favorite person to talk to on the phone?: My Mom.
03) Who is your favorite person to talk to online?: Uh, anyone? lol.
04) What’s the best inside joke you share with someone?: “EAT MO CHIKEN” hah. I miss that girl *sigh*
05) What’s the best memory you share with a best friend?: SO MANY. With me and Krista.. we used to sing along together to the Spice Girls (HAHA) um we’d dress up in silly things and have a “fashion show” for my Mom, LOL. The time we were watching some movie and eating chicken pot pies. We heard a knock on the window and Kris got up and stepped in the chicken pot pie!!!! It was hilarious! Those were the days.

Now then! As for my weekend.. Friday night Brad and I decided to go to Tupelo, just us! We left and it had started raining and a little bit of lightning. It was pretty rough driving conditions. We get to Tupelo and go to Petsmart for a bit. We wound up buying our Rocko a wooden ledge to go in his cage that he can either sleep on or leap on/from. Also picked up a drink and candy bar for both of us before leaving Petsmart. Decided to eat dinner at TACO BELL! Heck yesh. I ordered 3 burritos, lol. 1 too many for me! Brad got this new meal.. can’t think of what it was. I was STUFFED by the time I ate my 2nd burrito so I let him have the last one. GOOD DINNER! I love Taco Bell. The manager there was stupid though. Everytime he’d set an order on the counter, he’d shout “ORDER NUMBER ___, THANK YOU, COME AGAIN” and he’d say it EVERYTIME. And he was trying to sound black too haha.
After getting stuffed, we headed to Books-A-Million. A guy that I went to High School with works there, haha. We looked around forrrrrevvvvver. Brad was wanting a book about zombies. He didn’t really find anything so then he wanted SOMETHING. Looked and looked and looked. I think we were there almost 3 hours or so. Finally, he found a book he wanted and then we both went and got a mocha frappicino! Man, that was sooo, so so GOOD!
Left Tupelo and then on the way home, stopped by Wally World to pick up animal food and a few other things. We slept in late Saturday morning. Got up and got ready coz his Grandparents wanted us to come to their house at like 4PM since we were going to Russellville with them to eat then go grocery shopping. We decided to leave here a little early and go looking for houses for rent in Red Bay. No luck really… lots of houses for SALE but not RENT. Went ahead to his Grandparents house. Left his truck at their house and we all loaded up in the car. On the way there, we asked them if they knew of any houses for rent and they didn’t really. BUT! Brad’s Grandpa did mention that he knew this one guy pretty well and he has a house for sale. His Grandpa said we’d go see it once we got back.
Once we were in Russellville, his Grandpa wanted to show us the house that Brad’s Mom had wanted to get if they were able to move back down here. Took a while to find but it looked like a pretty house. The houses around that area though are GORGEOUS and HUUUUUGE. Like 3 storys!!!!!!!! I was in awe.
We were trying to decide on where to eat. There was a Capt’n D’s but Brad didn’t want seafood. There was a Taco Bell but we had just had that last night. We finally decided on a place called Jonathan’s Steakhouse. It’s a steakhouse named after this boy who got killed in a car wreck.. (I think) I ordered grilled shrimp dinner (who would of though, eh? lol) and some cole slaw and fries. Brad got a half rack of ribs and fries. That shrimp was the biggest shrimp I’ve seen ina LONG TIME. It was amazingly good too.
Went to Wally World Supercenter and went shoppin for groceries! But Brad.. *sigh* Here’s how he is. He’ll get paid. We pay our bills, get groceries but If we have ANY extra (we had like $140 for groceries and we only spent like $77) he wants to buy things and blow is all EVERY weekend! I kept telling him that we NEED TO SAVE! He got all negative and kindof depressed. We were doin our grocery shoppin and I’d ask If he thought we needed somethin and he’d be like “No!” Tryin to be all pouty and all. I don’t know what I’m gonna do with him. He was still pretty pouty all the way back to Red Bay.
We got to see that house his Grandpa was talking about and OMG!!! It’s really neat! It has a lot of windows. It’s white – from what I hear they just repainted it not too long ago. It has a GARAGE! Storage shed in the back and a storm shelter!!!! Has an “L” shaped porch and apparently 3 bedrooms! Doesn’t really have a front yard coz it’s right at the road but It does have a decent backyard. The guy wants like $45,000 for it. I realllllly like it!
Anyhow, got back to his Grandparents house then drove back home and I put away groceries and stuff. Sunday, we didn’t do much cept go back to Wally World to pick up a few extra things we had forgotten Saturday night.
Brad’s gonna drive by the house again and get the number for it and call the guy to see when would be the best time to meet up with him and get to see the INSIDE of the house! I’m really excited. If it’s half way decent inside (which I’m really hoping so!) then we may ask him about how much It would cost us to move in and all. I dunno though, It’d be GREAT to have a house but then we’d be kindof stuck in Red Bay but I mean, we don’t really have that much of a choice now. There aren’t many apartment places in Red Bay and almost all of them don’t allow pets. Found a trailor for rent.. but I don’t want to live in another trailor. Can’t find any houses for rent.. so why not try to go with this? I don’t know how in the world we’d pay for it but we’d just have to take it a day at a time and I would definetly have to get a job to help pay it and I’m 100% willing to do that. But if we DID get this house – we COULD GET DSL AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! We’d have our own little HOUSE!!!! 3 BEDROOMS!!!! 1 bedroom would be our room, other we figured we could turn into an office room and then the other will be kindof a little storage room but will be used in a few YEARS by a little bundle of joy !! ;)
I think I’m getting a bit ahead of myself about the house though, haha. For 1, don’t know what it looks like inside and whether it’s worthy yet. For 2, don’t know If we’ll be able to pull it off. I have lots of plans though If we do end up with it though! Wanna plant some nice flowers outside and buy all kinds of new stuff for the inside. New bed, new desk, new couch!!!! EE, I just want this so bad! I COULD HAVE A WORKING SINK TO WASH MY DISHES IN!!!!!!! Instead of using the STUPID BATHROOM SINK!
Well, here’s to hoping. I just can’t wait to see what the house looks like on the INSIDE!!!! :)
It’s already after 2:30pm, so I guess I’m gonna post this and get to cleaning. Need to go do the dishes (in the lovely bathroom sink!) then clean the kitchen then the animal cages and the living room.
I’ll let you guys know what happens with the house! I won’t hold my hopes up too high though.
Laterrrrr loves!