edit: GRRRRRR. Had no idea that you couldn’t post a comment until now. I’m attempting to fix it.. :pissed: /edit

edit #2: FIXED!!!!!!!!! :grinny: You can now post comments, finally! I had deleted a part of coding in the comments form in Greymatter that caused the error.. doh. /edit

*SQUEE* !!! I am SO EXCITED to finally have a new layout! That last layout I’ve had up since January! So it’s really, really refreshing to have something new to look at. Isn’t the layout CUTE? I absolutley adore it. I was trying to find a smaller picture to use as the header picture and then I thought of one of my favorite wild birds… penguins and found that image!!! :D This layout took me over a week and I just now not too long ago put the “final” touches to it. I still have a few random things to update and add but mostly, it’s done! :grinny: :YAY:

New stuff? I added some tile backgrounds, mini icons and codes + scripts in the visitor section. FINALLY put together the pet page with information on all my animals!!! I’m currently adding pictures of Daxter to the photo gallery and I have a HELLA lots more pictures from March to upload. I updated pretty much EVERYTHING! Check it all out. New cam pic.. well, It’s from March but It’s still new to you guys. My digital camera’s batteries are currently dead so I’ll have to recharge them to get a “recent” new cam picture.

Did everyone have a good Easter? Wasn’t anything but an ordinary day for Brad and I. Today is 4/20, haha. Reminds me of Brad’s online AIM name coz it has 420 in it. Errm, lets see. What have I been up to lately? Not entirely too much. Sunday evening I started my “spring cleaning” around 7PM or so. I didn’t finish until 6AM, Monday morning and I only took short breaks! Shew.. It was rough on my back but hey, I got like over a weeks worth of cleaning done and I was mighty proud of myself! :) Still trying to keep things clean and tidy after doing THAT much work and cleaning. I have a new love for crisp berry scented Lysol.

And WTF… It’s April but feels like JUNE or JULY?!!! The last few days, we have just been soooo miserable. Since Brad is gonna get a niiiiiiiiiiiice check tomorrow, we’re gonna look into getting a new air conditioner because I don’t want to have to roast like we did last summer. That was terrible. :dead: It feels pretty good outside right now and the wind is picking up. We might get a little rain, which, would be nice if it’ll cool it off a tad. This weekend and next week is supposed to be in the 70‘s. Thankkk goodness. We’ve had to leave our door WIDE OPEN and with a floor fan in front of it during the day and evening to try to get some kindof cool air in. Only problem with that is… BUGS. Grrr. Right at this second, we’ve got a ton of bugs flying aimlessly all over the living room driving me insane. At random times, I’ll get up with the fly swatter and try to swat as many as I can. I can’t STAND for them to land on me. Hah, when there’s bigger beetles that come in, Brad’s scared of them!!!! :teeth: It’s amusing. He tries to kill them but I catch them and put outside they go!

Our poor Daxter… when we first got him, I started using this hard prickly bristle brush on him and about a week or so later, he started really, really scratching. At first, I didn’t know what the heck was up. He soon scratched just about ALL the fur off his legs, sides and face. :O I thought at first it might be fleas but I give him a bath once a week and hadn’t seen any so I knew it couldn’t be fleas. Then I thought of the hard bristle brush and realized that it’s quite hurtful and rough even on my skin so I knew that was probably the issue considering he has tender puppy skin. Last weekend while grocery shopping, we decided to go ahead and buy him a new brush with protected tips and the other side is soft bristled. Picked up a bottle of medicated shampoo and the first aid hot spots liquid that goes along with it. Gave him a bath with the medicated shampoo last Saturday and it reallllllly helped him and he was really, really fluffy again! He looked weird coz most of him was fluffy but his legs, sides and face were almost furless, LOL! It’s been almost a week since I bathed him with that and Brad and I both can tell that his hair is slowly growing back. Right now he looks like a little werewolf, rofl. :AWW:

OOOOOH! Almost forgot! Did anyone watch American Idol last night? CHRIS IN THE BOTTOM 3?!?! WTF?! I was shocked. Atleast he didn’t get voted off coz if he would have.. :O I kindof thought that Kelly was gonna go home coz of the way her performance went the other night but nope, not according to America. I dunno, sometimes I don’t know wtf American is thinking. *sigh* Bones was also a very, very good episode too. Does anyone watch that show? I looooove it! :love:

Okie, guess I’ll post this and upload more pictures to the photo gallery then get ready for bed and HOPE that I won’t go to sleep burning up hot like I did last night. Let me know what you guys think of the new layout!!!!!!!! :grinny:
Have a great Thursday! ;) :cool: :MUAH:

P.S. Expect long+er entries since I’ve got plenty of room! :thumbsup: