My incredible year!



Wow. Where do I EVEN BEGIN? I knew I wanted 2009 to be life changing but I never dreamed that It would be THAT big of a change but I am so happy that I took charge of my life because IT IS MY OWN and I WILL BE happy no matter what! 🙂 I have learned so much about myself, about life, about God. This new lifestyle of mine has brought about a love for MANY new things:

1) i love healthy foods now! espically fruits and veggies
2) a new love for jogging/running, i feel so powerful when I run!
3) exercise in general – YES I LOVE EXERCISE!
4) a love for myself. life. GOD! I am SO passionate about God and my health now <3

It has taken some serious hard work mentally, physically and spirituality but you know what? We are ALL children of God so guess what? We can ALL do what I have done this year. I’ve heard SO MANY people say to me these things, “I wish I had your willpower and motivation!”, “I could never imagine myself skinny” I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard those things espically lately. EVERYONE CAN have the willpower and motivation but you have to TRY to build it and KEEP it! As far as the skinny goes… why not?!! I used to say the same thing but look at me now, I AM SLIM! Everything takes dedication and work to keep it in your life no matter what it is.

Again, anything and EVERYTHING that has changed in my life I OWE all to my Heavenly Father!!!!

This first pic is this time last year & the next one is from a few days ago

Here’s how Katie has changed from this time last year till now lol.

2009 has been the best year of my life!!! Rock on 2010! I’m gonna strive to make it just as good as 2009 and hopefully even BETTER! 😀

– My 2009 motto: “Losing the weight while growing in faith” and my word of the year: MOTIVATION!
– getting the treadmill
– valentines day balloons from my sweet
– going to visit Mom in Georgia
– discovering my healthy, new food plan!
– katie’s 1st tooth and 1st birthday
– losing 6 pounds in a week
– taking Katie swimming
– brad helping me dye my hair 🙂
– going to our church temple for the 1st time
– traveling with brad, katie and one of my good friends to and from Georgia!
– getting my gallbladder taken out
– spending a full week with Mom.. that meant so much to me
– spending time with brad’s family for Christmas
– katie getting lots of presents from LOTS of people, such a blessing
– starting couple morning and night prayer with brad recently
– meeting my goal of 140 pounds before the end of 2009!
– THE BIGGEST LOSER for helping inspire and motivate me this year! <3
– hearing so many people say THEY’VE been inspired by ME!

Rock on 2010!

New Years Resolutions

Tomorrow is the last day of 2009. WOW. I won’t go into my 2009-was-awesome post just yet since I want to post my resolutions for now.

>> KEEP and maintain my weight and healthy new lifestyle – which includes exercise!
>> get an eye exam so I can get my permit then practive driving for my drivers license
>> have my teeth looked at so I can possibly start getting some work done
>> spread our Heavenly Fathers Gospel more and keep building my spirituality
>> start a savings pile or account and keep budgeting our money
>> do everything and anything I can to help and support my friends and families who want to change their lives
>> take Katie outside often after Winter and the cold are gone

I know since I have changed my life that 2010 will be great because I will strive to make it great!!!

Days with you

It was another wonderful day and I know If anyone reads my daily posts your probably sick of hearing about my happy, cheery days but hopefully my happy posts will bring some happiness into your own lives!

Brad worked out with me again! That makes me SO happy!!! Then he put together Katie’s new rocking chair that she got for Christmas. We got a shower then finished getting ready to head out to the grocery store to buy food and whatnot. I’M SO EXCITED! I got a new bra! Yes, I’m a dork. I’ve been wearing one that’s way too big for my now 36B boobs! Now I have a bra that FITS. We stayed within our budget with all of that so SCORE! It’s really chilly out there tonight too.

So far tonight we’ve watched an episode of Dollhouse! I’m gonna cook our dinner then we’re gonna watch the 2nd part to Dollhouse then to top it off… dessert! Which will be frozen yogurt on an ice cream cone with cool whip! Heeeeck yeah! Have a great night.

Utterly amazing

– Finding out my liver enzymes aren’t higher but gonna recheck them in a month
– Donating 4 bags of misc clothes and stuffed animals to a local thrift store
– Getting a good bit of fruit and veggies from a local produce store for $10!!! I AM SERIOUSLY SO GIDDY OVER THIS!
– Having a super, awesome, delicious lunch because I had chopped up cucumbers added to my usual!
– Exercising with my HUBBY! I was on the treadmill and he was on the bike.. LOVE IT!
– taking down our Christmas items together
– studying our church scriptures together
[insert big ole’ happy sigh here]
– A FANTASTIC DINNER (pictured below)

baked, slightly breaded boneless, skinless chicken with cut up squash and carrots. sweet potato fries with seasoned turnip greens

Yes, my day was just that amazing. My heart is overjoyed and I’m loving every second!!!

This week – MUSIC MONDAY!
What is your favorite song RIGHT NOW?

Mine would have to be Three Days Grace – Life Starts Now. AWESOME SONG.

In fact, I’ve been playing their new album a lot recently. I need to put it onto my mp3 player so I can listen to it while I’m on the treadmill or exercise bike! I cannot express enough how much music means to me.

Cheers to the joy that is music!



After 11 months, 16 days with a starting date of January 10th, 2009… I HAVE REACHED MY GOAL!!! When I started I weighed 216 pounds and now I am VERY BLESSED TO SAY I WEIGH 140 POUNDS! My BMI is 24.8 which is ACTUALLY IN THE NORMAL WEIGHT RANGE for the 1st time EVER in my adult life !!!!!!

Since 2006, I’ve lost 110 pounds and since January 10th, 2009 I’ve lost 76 pounds! I owe it all to my HEAVENLY FATHER for giving me the strength, determination, hope, faith, willpower and MOTIVATION to GET THIS DONE! I am going to keep this healthy, new lifestyle because I love it and I want my body to stay healthy the rest of my life and I KNOW I have that willpower to do it. I’m going to continue to exercise just as I have been but I’m not going to “try” to lose weight anymore but If I can lose some more, I’m ALL for it! If not, I’m completely content with 140!

This is DEFINETLY a Christmas present to me!!! Along with that present — It’s not a “present” but It is to me!! Brad’s cousin Jamie had a whole BAG full of pratically brand new clothes (and some WERE new, with the tags still on them!) that she wanted to give to me! I’m so thrilled because now I have a bunch of new, SMALL CLOTHES! I cleaned out my closet and got rid of all the big, baggy shirts that reminded me of the old me. I now have PLENTY of space for the NEW clothes for this NEW ME!!!!!!!

2009, you have ROCKED.


Again, Merry Christmas everyone !!!!



From our family to yours, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Let us not forget that the true meaning of Christmas and the reason for the season is our SAVIOR who suffered so much for all of us! Be thankful for all the blessings He has bestowed upon you on this Christmas Day!!! May your hearts be warmed with comfort and joy.

We went to Brad’s Moms side of the familys Christmas dinner yesterday afternoon and didn’t get home until around 10pm! We’ve got Brad’s Dads side of the family dinner tonight and I look forward to that because I haven’t seen most of them in… almost a year??? It’s been a long time!

I have been so blessed this Christmas… this whole YEAR !!!!!! Wishing you all a very, very Merry Christmas wiht lots of holiday cheer!

Eve eve!


I feel SO BEYOND BLESSED. As sad as this sounds.. we haven’t been able to buy Katie any Christmas presents because of our financial situation and lack of ANY extra money but we have been blessed from presents from our family, church family and PEOPLE AT BRADS WORK! Apparently, a bunch of ladies at his work got together and BOUGHT KATIE CHRISTMAS. Seriously!!!!!! Brad brought home a big box of presents ALL FROM THEM! There was a card with it that they all signed! I am speechless and SO THANKFUL. There’s also no telling what she’s going to get from Brad’s Mom/Dads side of the family as far as presents go so she will get a BIG Christmas!! Most of the presents from those ladies haven’t been wrapped and I also have some presents from my Mom when she came to visit that she left for Katie for Christmas SO tonight I’m gonna attempt to get Brad to help me wrap the rest of them!

Brad works until 2pm tomorrow then we’ve gotta get ready to go to his Moms family Christmas Eve dinner! And yes, I am going to be VERY VERY picky on what I eat! I didn’t do all this weight loss, hard work and dedication for nothing even though it is a “holiday” but nope sorry, I don’t want 6 cookies or a plate full of mashed potatoes and gravy! I’ll take my healthy food instead every day!!!


Today has been SUPER BUSY.

– did my exercise
– quick lunch, quick shower
– we went to post office
– then off to the hospital to get my blood drawn and BTW the lady who did it was so nice!
– lastly, stopped by Wal-Mart for groceries and whatnot
– home for misc things including laundry, online work, taking care of household duties
– feeding Katie
– people from church stopped by so I was late bathing and putting Katie to bed
– Katie threw the biggest FIT she’s ever thrown tonight because she knew it was bed time
– still gotta wrap some of her Christmas presents!
– about to eat our late dinner and attempt to relax a little

Nom nom!