I love animals and espically love cute animal poses and pictures! If you haven’t heard about Cute Overload you should check it out and get your daily dose of CUTE that will probably make you squee over such cuteness! Scoot on over to
Today is mine and Brad’s…

(this is from Jan 2004.. aw kissy!)
5 whole years <3 Can’t wait for the next 5! <3
AWWWWWWWWW. Our baby girl is 2 months old today!!! We have been so so so so busy these last few days, gosh. Appointments here, appointments there. Tomorrow we go to Brads Aunts house for a BBQ then tomorrow evening an event with the church for some food and games and possibly SWIMMING! Sunday is church and then cleaning + laundry at home. Monday is Katie’s appointment. Busy busy busy. Not enough hours in the day!
happy 2 months katie, mommy and daddy love you!

lol. her expression says, “it’s my birthday???” 🙂
Hehe. Since I was getting anxious about getting started on putting together Katie’s nursery, while we were out shopping today I bought a few foam craft things to put together a sign that I can put on her nursery door! I thought It turned out real cute!

I’m sooo excited that my 1st baby shower is next Sunday! Also, don’t forget to wish all your Mommys a Happy Mother’s Day tomorrow! Since my Mom lives in Georgia, I sent her card off Wednesday so she should have it by now!
taken from livejournal…..
FYI: this is gonna be a long post :]
Our trip to Georgia was good all except for the smoke like I mentioned before! Simba doggie is still hanging in there and Moms kitty Hunter (he’s about.. 6 months?) is as spunky as can be! He LOOOOVES to play but does NOT like to be held heh. Mom cooked LOTS of good food, I tried to eat as much of it as I could, lol. I really love love LOVE to play card games with Mom and Cathy.. always have since I was real young. It’s kindof a family tradition. We stayed mostly at my Cousins house THANK GOODNESS he doesn’t smoke. We would sleep at my Cousins house, get up go over at Moms and go back to my Cousins house later at night. The trip to and from Georgia was overall alright. Now for OVERALL Christmas pressies from everyone (including Brad’s family) !!!
* penguin snowglobe
* penguin kitchen towels, oven mitten
* 2 stuffed animal penguins
* a nifty tea light fountain
* blankie made by brad’s aunt for baby + wal-mart gift card
* lovely bedspread/quilt
* chocolate covered raisins
* penguin container + jolly ranchers
* veeery soft jacket
* $45 buckarooo’s
BABY STUFF from my Mom and Aunt!
* 3 bottles (1 TINY bottle, 1 curved bottle, 1 regular)
* BITTY sockies! + 2 pair of MY baby socks from Mom, aww <3
* 2 pair of wittle pants :]
* 3 little stuffed animals
* soft jungle friends green blankie
* a yellow outfit (shirt, pants, hat) that says “i cry over spilt milk” SO CUTE!
annnd brad’s mom/stepdad still have to buy us presents so it’ll be after new years Read the rest of this entry »
Aww, yay! I’m 6 weeks pregnant today!!! My lower abdomen is starting to bump out just a tiny but how exciting!!! I love to go and read about what’s going on with the baby each week as it grows. 😀
What I’m not too impressed about is that the Doctor I was wanting to see – which is the closest Doctor to us (about 35 minutes away) will not see any patients until they are 12 weeks, ugh!!! I was hoping to get seen before then! I want to know ASAP that everything is alright with my tiny baby! I figured up 12 weeks and that will be the day after Christmas for me. We will probably be in Georgia at that time so I would have to reschedule for January, even later!!! Ugh, ugh. We could go for the other Doctor but it’s much further away and with gas as high as it is, would cost us much more money, espically later in the pregnancy when I would need to go to appointments more often. SO I dunno. That other Doc might not see patients until 12 weeks as well, not sure.
I was hoping to get to hear my babys heart soon! What a bummer!
When I woke up this morning around 5:10AM, I was STARVING but It was that starving-sick feeling yenno? I’ve had that all day. I just got out of the shower not too long ago and while I was in the shower, AH STARVING + sick feeling! I just drank some V8 and feel a little better, soon I’ll go fix some cereal.
I think the nausea may start creeping up on me. I can handle this starving-sick feeling but If I start eating and then getting sick, lol. Oh boy! That’s ok though, that’s all part of the pregnancy! Awwww, while I was taking a nap today, I had a dream I went to an ultrasound, saw the baby and heard the heartbeat! SQUEE. I can’t wait for that!!!! Brad’s Mom bought us a baby name book!!! Brad was being silly and picking out these really odd names haha. I just gave him a glare, lol. SO, my Doc’s office never called back and when I called them Friday no one answered both times I tried to call so I think I’m just gonna forget that and go ahead and see about my baaaby doctor!! I hope I can get an appointment soon coz I’m excited and can’t wait to see my TINY BABY AHHHH!! lol 😆
Ok, gonna go fix some cereal! Gonna try to talk Brad into going for a walk outside once he gets home! 😀
I just want to take a moment to dote on my dear husband. Even though he can be annoyingly silly and frankly quite immature and RUDE at times.. he’s a guy. He’s a great guy though. I love him lots and lots! Aww he said tonight, “Out of all the people in the world you picked me to love” AWWWWWWW. Then I said, “You picked me too” 🙂
My day consisted of: Internet, nap, reading the baby book, making up the bed, more Internet, Hubby coming home, went to store to buy a few things because Hubby wanted to make homemade salsa. Verdict: salsa was good! Went over to MIL’s to eat dinner and watch a new episode of BONES! Came home, back on Internet, Hubby went to bed and I ate a granola bar with my prenatal vitamin and voila, here I am! Very, very full! 😀
I thought today was Wednesday… and today was pretty chilly! Supposed to be that way the rest of the week I believe. Today was the first day I’ve worn a sweater since last fall I guess!
And our baby. OUR BABY IS IN MY BELLY!! I’m so thrilled to get to say that. I have a TINY TINY growing baby in me! AHHHHHHH, makes me want to cry! 🙂 Or explode with joy! Tomorrow I will be 5 weeks! If my Doc office doesn’t call back soon with my hCG results I’m gonna call them and then choose which baby Doc I want to go to and get my first appointment, WOOO!!!!!!!
I tell you what, already I have the pregnancy brain going on. I’m constantly forgetting what I just said LOL. 😆 I’m just sooo happy to be pregnant!!!! 🙂 🙂 Man last night I was EXHAUSTED already by like 10pm! I think I went to bed around midnight but I was dragging by then!
How was everyones Halloween? We only got a few trick-o-treaters! Mainly because It’s a very, very small town and mostly everyone was at the main Halloween church event that was going on. Brad actually put a fake icky looking wound on his forehead! It looked awesome haha. So we have lots of leftover candy but I am going to avoid it LOL. I don’t need it!!!!!!!!
Also, notice the theme! I wanted something very simple for now so I snatched the theme from jenn! Very nice, simple theme which is exactly what I want right now and probably for a while! 😀 Oooh and finally some new smilies! Courtesy of bouncy-bubbles.net! 😀
What a DAY!!!!!!!! I’m so happy I can’t even explain it!
SO my temp the last few days has been higher than usual.. I thought well, I’ll see what my temp is gonna be Wednesday then go from there. I thought, ah, my temp will probably fall back down. I woke up this morning and my temp was 98.66!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was thinking OMGGGGGG, THIS HAS TO BE IT! I dug out my pregnancy test I’ve had stored away in my closet for the last, like, 6 months LOL! Today I am 15DPO so I was gonna surprise Hubby, sneak and get the test, go in the bathroom this morning but I knew he would be right at the door wondering what was going on, lol. So I told him I was gonna test! 😀 He smiled at me as he stood in the kitchen and I closed the door.. I was already shaking! SO, do my thing and set the test on the counter and wait wait wait. In the past I’ve always held my hand over the test so I couldn’t see it LOL. So once I waited a bit, I peered over my hand… Read the rest of this entry »