Today has been very good! Brad’s Mom was coming to get me and Katie @ 9:30AM and I had woke up after sleeping a little at 8:30AM but I laid back down on the couch and woke up at about 9:15AM! I was thinking AH! Gotta get going! Got up, got myself dressed, got Katie’s stuff together then Brad’s Mom and youngest sister arrived. Changed Katie’s diaper, fed her and then we were out the door about 9:40AM. Got to the Doc’s office about 10:15AM and didn’t have to wait too long before we got called back. Nurse checked Katie’s temp, measured her and then weighed her! At her last appointment she weighed 5lbs 12oz and now she’s up to 6lbs 2oz! I’m so proud and proud of her!! Katie’s umbilical cord fell off Saturday so Doc said we can give her full baths now! AND we can start using baby wipes when we change her! Yayz! Then the Doc asked if she could go show her off to her husband before he goes back to work LOL I said sure! Hehehe.

(pic after we got home) <333
After we were all done and got back into town, Brad’s Mom bought lunch for all us and we got back to the apartment just in time to see Braaaaaad!! before he had to go back to work (he was home for his lunch break) hehe so Brad’s Mom left, Brad went back to work and I fed my bitty girl then fed myself! Talked to Mom for a bit, pumped some milk and then a bit later on Brad came home! It’s about time for Miss Katie to wake up, change her diapie and feed her before we go over to Brad’s Moms housie. Katie goes back on the 19th for her 1 month appointment, awwwws. <333
I’m sooooooooo thrilled to be a Mommy! And so in love with my Bradley. SOO in love :] <333
OH! and P.S. last night was HILARIOUS LOL I got the butt paste for Brad to put on Katie’s bum and It had gotten hot by my lava lamp and when he went to get some he thought it would be thicker but it was liquidish and squirted on his pants LOL!!!!!!! I couldn’t stop laughing LOL!