
I just woke up from a long nap and had a very sexy dream. Brad and I in a bathroom.. *ahem* My dreams are usually very vivid and this one definetly was. I could feel the passion! Espically with the kissing. Gah!!!!

I wish he was home right now so I could tell him then give him a taste of that dream!


When I woke up this morning around 5:10AM, I was STARVING but It was that starving-sick feeling yenno? I’ve had that all day. I just got out of the shower not too long ago and while I was in the shower, AH STARVING + sick feeling! I just drank some V8 and feel a little better, soon I’ll go fix some cereal.

I think the nausea may start creeping up on me. I can handle this starving-sick feeling but If I start eating and then getting sick, lol. Oh boy! That’s ok though, that’s all part of the pregnancy! Awwww, while I was taking a nap today, I had a dream I went to an ultrasound, saw the baby and heard the heartbeat! SQUEE. I can’t wait for that!!!! Brad’s Mom bought us a baby name book!!! Brad was being silly and picking out these really odd names haha. I just gave him a glare, lol. SO, my Doc’s office never called back and when I called them Friday no one answered both times I tried to call so I think I’m just gonna forget that and go ahead and see about my baaaby doctor!! I hope I can get an appointment soon coz I’m excited and can’t wait to see my TINY BABY AHHHH!! lol 😆

Ok, gonna go fix some cereal! Gonna try to talk Brad into going for a walk outside once he gets home! 😀

Bad naps!

Why is it whenever I take my nap in the morning I always wind up having bad dreams? I wake up thinking what the heck?? I don’t think it helps that EVERY. MORNING we have stupid sales people call at like 10AM. Annoying.

I’m really trying to blog more. I really would like to start doing some of the paid-for-blogging sites but I need to get money stuff situated first. Need to change my name on my social security card plus get an ID card. Then all I’ll need to do is get a bank account and let the money begin to pile in! I have an online banking account for ChaCha but it’s pretty much for ChaCha only. I wouldn’t mind being a crazy blogger with posting lots of sponsered posts and such!

As far as Brad’s work situation.. he’s been looking into other jobs. He also talked to his boss at work and his Boss said he’ll see what he can do so maybe.. just maybe. Ugh. I really really do hope so for Brad’s sake.

I know I’ve had this layout up for a while and I’m finally started to brainstorm for a summer layout. I think I’m gonna use the same people in the header image hehe. But different colors and different patterns and such. I love this little wordpress theme. I’d like to use a LITTLE bit bigger font but I don’t know which.

Oh! We have a FULL weekend this weekend! Going BOWLING with some of Brad’s friends – we both have never been bowling so It should be interesting, lol. :happy: Umm then Sunday we’re supposed to meet up with some friends who we haven’t seen in months and months. I think we’re gonna meet up in the town where Mom lives and If so, we’ll get to see her too!! Which I know would make her extra happy!!!

One last thing.. did anyone watch America’s Got Talent Tuesday night? I have to say.. UM. It just wasn’t that great? None of the acts were really. Maybe 1 or 2 acts kindof got my attention. ESPICALLY the last guy with the saxaphone LOL!! He was hilarious!! And I’m glad that Sharon is here this season! Not sure how I feel about Jerry Springer being the new host though.

Well, hubby should be home soon soooo *waves*

MD weekend

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven’t updated sooner but I just really haven’t wanted to. How was your Memorial Day weekend? What did you do???

I thought we weren’t really gonna have any plans but! Brad’s friend Kenny invited us over for a BBQ and was inviting a few other of Brad’s High School friends yay!!!! Got up early Saturday and the BBQ was at noon so we arrived right around then. Brad’s friends Kenny, Chase, Bubba and his wife + their 3 week old baby!!! BTW, the baby was so tiny and precious!!! He has a feeding tube right now since his tummy is too small as far as holding milk goes. Ate some yummy hot dogs, hamburgers, sausage! Then Brad and I got to play Kenny’s Wii!!! I was kindof nervous at first haha but we played the sports HAHA I LOVE the Wii bowling and tennis! Me and Brad had a blast with it LOL. Then a little while longer Brad got to play Wario! CRAZY, awesome game! :grinny: We didn’t stay too long after that – told everyone bye and headed off. Decided to put off grocery shopping until Sunday since we both just wanted to go home and relax.

Everything was going great until Brad told me he wanted to take a whole box of allergy pills to get high. I told him not to do it. He got pissy, threw the box and said fuck it. Oooh boy was I mad at him. WTF?!?!?! I told him I CARE ABOUT HIM AND HIS HEALTH! He was still huffy. He eventually admitted that he was being stupid. Well, YEAH. *sigh* He KNOWS how I feel about drugs/pill poppers. Saturday when we saw Brads friends wifes baby, Brad was saying how much he wanted a baby soo bad but he wants to pull crap like that????????? UGH.

Sunday we went grocery shopping and had a pretty good day. He told me that he knows I was just trying to protect him (as far as the pills go) and that he would have done the same thing if it were me. I would surely hope so!!! And then yesterday he didn’t have work and we didn’t do much.. then yesterday evening we went and ate at his Moms like usual then Brad’s friends Alex and his g/f Amanda wanted to come hang out so they came about 7:30ish and didn’t leave until 11pm lol. It was awesome having them over though!!! 😀

While taking my nap today I had an interesting dream. I can’t remember most of the dream, I just remember I was pregnant with a big belly and I felt the baby kick!! And told Brad to FEEL!! Got him to feel too and we were both so excited, I was crying! Gosh, It seemed so real. I WANT THAT BELLY!!!!!!!! – on a different note, sometime this weekend my little gerbil passed away. R.I.P Bruno..

OH and Ranee – I’ve been taking Metformin for over 6 months now and yeah, It does cause havoc with my stomach most of the time but I strive through it. If it’ll help my hormones and achieving pregnancy then I’m gonna hang on for all it’s worth!!!