
Last week Mom told me she went to the lung Doctor because lately she hasn’t been able to breathe hardly at all. They said her lungs weren’t their main concern, her heart was. Monday she went to the heart Doctor and they said she needed to get an angiogram done today to see what was up with her heart. I was SO WORRIED! They said If she had blockages, they would put stents in but If she had more than a couple, she would have to have bypass surgery. Eek. So I worried, worried, worried all day about her. She told me to call her tonight to see If she was home (meaning It wasn’t something bad or that she had to have surgery) but when I called tonight there was no answer so I waited then called my Aunt. No answer on her end either! She called me back tho and said that Mom had 2 blockages and they put 2 stents in today. She gave me Moms room number so I called her.

She seemed to be doing alright but had been having to lay flat of her back since 8:30AM this morning since they had to put tube up her leg to her heart through a major artery and they didn’t want her leg to bleed where they put that in so she can’t move until midnight tonight. She said her back hurt so bad and she can’t wait to move! She also said that she had been STARVING. She ate earlier and when I got off the phone with her they brought her a turkey sandwich, lol. I’m soooo glad that It’s over with and that she’ll have a few days to rest rest rest before we come to visit. She’s gonna have to take it REAL easy and I really wish she would just not even touch cigarettes… The Doctors also said that she had blockages in her kidneys so she’ll have to go to a kidney specialist but she said she’s not gonna go till after the holidays!

I am so, so relieved that It went ok. I can’t wait to see her!!!!!!


I’ll tell you about a wonderful Firefox plug-in that Brad has had for quite some time and I just recently got: the StumbleUpon plug-in! Basically you click the Stumble button in your toolbar and It takes you to a random site depending on the catagories you pick when you first install the plug-in. I think It’s great! Provides for entertainment when I just want to relax and look at random sites! Check it out and download it! 🙂

Nicole in my last posts comments brought up the consideration of reptiles around babies and the chance of salmonella. We probably won’t have most of the animals here soon… we keep them in our extra room which will turn into the babys nursery and really, I have nowhere else to put them. I’m thinking of only keeping 2 pets. I think It’s for the best. As far as our iguana, we’ve had him for over 2 years but If there’s too big of a risk, there’s no way I’m gonna take it as far as my baby goes. I really only want to keep my chinchilla and my guinea pig. The 6 birds are noisy and really messy and take up a bit of space. Our iguana needs a bigger tank right NOW and we don’t have one for him plus It would take up a good portion of the room If we did that. I might consider keeping our dwarf bunny but I’m not as attached to her as I am the guinea pig or ESPICALLY my chinchilla. We will probably try to sell them… I hate to do it but I think It’s the right thing to do. Baby comes first. If we had a 3 bedroom then I might reconsider but next year with a new baby I’m not really gonna have time to take care of 10 animals and a newborn. 2 animals would be easy. I love my animals with all my heart and I’ve had most of them for 2 years or more but I have to think of our baby and It’s well-being and health first and foremost.

Speaking of baby! My MIL bought me the famous book, What to Expect When You’re Expecting! Now I know most people say DO NOT buy this book, It will scare you, etc etc. No worries, I know about most of the “scary” parts. She bought Brad, The Expectant Father! 😀 😀


Thank you guys for the comments on my last post! Yeah, this whole TTC thing hasn’t been easy but I’m hoping and gonna keep on trying.

I think instead of doing online work I need to get myself out there. This is sad but I’ve never had an outside job. Brad does not like his job at all. We’re thinking about going for a Dell call support center job. Brad’s friends work there and Brad has always wanted to work there – only thing that stopped me is because I don’t like to talk on the phone. I figure though If I just go for it, maybe I’ll even adjust to liking to talk to people on the phone. If we both worked there we’d be making about as much as Brad does by himself so yeah. He wants to leave his job he has now so bad. I need to get Brad’s Grandma/Grandpa to take me to get my ID and while I’m there I’ll even pick up a driving booklet so I can get my permit so atleast I can practice driving safely haha. Once I get my ID, I’d like to get my own bank account.

I think I would be so much happier out working. I’d actually feel like making myself all pretty and I know we would make friends up there. Mostly all the people up there are young and we can wear ordinary clothes and I can keep my piercings!!!! And the job has lots of benefits, paid vacations, paid holidays. If Brad puts in a 2 week notice that should give me enough time to get things situated. I know we would both get the job because lots of Brad’s friends have worked there and we know one of the main guys.

Lastly, I think I need to get out there because I tell you, my social skills are nearing low numbers haha. Ever since High School ended, I haven’t had much contact with anyone. And I know having my own outside job would make me feel better to know I’m making a decent amount of money to help me and Brad, we’d be working together for it. Only thing is, we’d have to have similar hours since I don’t drive yet. I love staying at home but there is so much more out there and I don’t want to waste my life away! I want friends too. And I’m sure I can get atleast a handful of people up there to start playing Lord of the Rings Online since most of them are mad gamers mwahaha! :]

I need to focus on getting the job, eating as good as I can, get back to exercising 6/7 days of the week on the treadmill like I used to (that was the ONLY way I lost weight was to exercise a LOT, like 3 miles a day) then when all is said and done for the day Brad and I can come home to our games, lol.

Okie gotta go make our bed and wait for this Lord of the Rings Online server to download – they have an “extra” server for when the others are down (their down for maintenance until 3PM) and the server is at 72%! Once It’s down I get to go on there and preview the new player HOUSING that’s coming out at the end of this month, woot! Heh I’m such a LOTRO nerd :]


This whole trying to conceive thing is so draining. Espically when I HOPE HOPE HOPE for it to happen and then each time It doesn’t. It’s now been over a year. Coming up close to being a year since I started my medicine. I go back to the Doctor October 30th so maybe she can figure something else out. I dunno.. sometimes I just want to throw the towel in and say forget it but then again I try to hang on to hope.

In other bad news, yesterday I got a message on Myspace from a girl I know from High School asking If I had heard about my best friend Krista’s daughter. I told her no? Last time I saw Krista and her son + daughter was when Mom moved away in August. Apparently, Anna (her daughter) was taking a nap, vomited and choked to death.. 🙁 I feel so heavy hearted for her. Anna was a beauuuuutiful little baby. Had the cutest little face. Gosh and Krista was big time crazy about her kids so I can’t even imagine how she is feeling right now. I want to call her but I am no good with words when It comes to situations like these. I might attempt even just to show her I care and that I’m there for her even though I just won’t know what to say. I was talking to Mom about it and Mom lost a son – Jimmy when he was only 19 hours old and she said that there isn’t a day that goes by that she doesn’t think of him.

I just hope Krista can make it through okay.


What an EXCELLENT weekend Brad and I had!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I haven’t been updating!

Friday after Brad got off work, I was still busy cleaning cleaning cleaning! A little bit later on he said he was going to the store to buy dinner for us! He got back and I was in the extra room and he said dinner was a surprise, lol. :grinny: Man, I realllly cleaned. I still have a few things I need to clean but for the most part our apartment is nice!!!! I got done cleaning and needed a shower big time! Jumped in the shower to shave my legs and wash my hair! Brad kept peeking in asking me If I was almost done because dinner was almost, lol. He bought us these yummy rolls, cooked cheesy chicken rice and black eyed peas! It was yum!!! We just relaxed the rest of the Friday.

Saturday, we got up and I was trying to think of a place where I could get my hair cut. Then I remembered that the Wal-Mart we go to actually has a salon in it! Decided to go ahead and get my hair cut there!!! Got to Wal-Mart and walked into the salon, signed my name and went back. The lady washed my hair then I told her about my very troublesome hair. Then she asked about Kenny (One of Brad’s friends) and It DAWNED on me who this woman was! Kenny’s EX!! I felt really bad for not knowing who she was from the beginning but I’ve only seen her a few times before. She asked how Kenny was doing and such.. she broke up with him and he was really torn up about it for quite a long time. Anyhow, I told her I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my hair. Told her I had tried to look online for hairstyles and she shook her head, there really isn’t much. She went and got a hairstyle book and was flipping through. I had told her how I’ve had layers before, lots and the higher layers made my hair poofy so she showed me this picture and I said sure! She had to cut off a couple inches of just dead hair! Keep in mind my hair hadn’t been cut since May 2004!!!! I decided to go with just a few layers towards the bottom and she asked If I wanted her to dry it and hot iron it? SURE!! :grinny: :grinny: Of course by the time she got done with it, It looked great!!! My hair felt funny because It felt so light LOL. After I was done there, we went in search of a hot iron for me! We bought one then I also bought some gel spray. Bought our groceries, yadda yadda. Once we got home, Brad’s friend Alex called and said him and his girlfriend were coming over to hang out. Put up groceries and started cooking dinner (hot dogs & mac n cheese) sooo they stayed a couple hours which was nice!!

Sunday was spent doing laundry mostly. Washed and fixed my hair then called Mom! Last night we went to Brad’s Moms to eat dinner and watc the SEASON FINALE of The 4400 and The Deadzone, both were VERY good!!!!!!!!!! Another thing that made this weekend rock was the AWESOME weather!!! It’s still very nice outside even today! Yay!!! I’m very proud of my new cut hair though, lol. Well I had better get up.. gotta give Trev the Iguana a bath and feed him then feed + water the other bebies. Then wash some dishes, fold some laundry then wash my hair and use my nice new hot iron on it again! I LOVE it!!! Have a great day!!!!! 😎 😎

P.S. Brad and I LOVE the new Chevelle song!!!! Hehehe


After 3 years of having my eyebrow pierced, I took out the eyebrow ring for good Saturday. It just didn’t really interest me anymore. Plus I kept losing pieces on the jewelery haha. I’d loose the top or bottom screw so for a long time now I’ve only had the top screw and I dunno, again, just didn’t have any interest in it anymore. However, I am still SO attacted to my lip piercing hahah. :grinny: I really love it. I think the hole is already closed up. *waves goodbye to eyebrow piercing*

Nothing exciting going on. . . sometimes I feel like such a rock, lol. I just want something new and exciting to happen. Maybe something will eventually. Well, gotta get up here in a minute, go feed + water the animals – the iguana needs a bath and his tank cleaned then I need a shower and hair washed myself. Hope you all have a good day! 😎

# 10!

Sooo here it is, layout version number 10!!! Let me know what you think of it! Umm, I changed my computers resolution to as high as it could go – which is 1280X1024 and I’m still trying to get used to it. I know it’s a pretty small layout but I like, I like. I still have to work on my pet page coz I accidently deleted most of the content on it haha. I really need to start going out and commenting people so maybe I can get some more visitors and comments!!! :grinny:

It’s been off and on again rainy/stormy here the last few days but that’s typical Southern summer weather. It’s been hot but not TOO hot. We need the extra rain though. In fact, It seems to be clouding up at this very moment. This last weekend, Brad and I bought a watermelon and yesterday I cut it up and put it into bowls. OH MY – it is dark red, sweet and juicy! Best watermelon I’ve had in a long, long time. We still have a whole bucket full in the fridge!!! Very, very good. :thumbsup:

Speaking of yesterday, after Brad came home from work he took his shower then I saw him go into the bedroom and to get something from my bottom nightstand drawer and I knew he was getting the clippers to shave. Usually he just trims up and such. For the longest time I’ve wanted him to get rid of his long goatee. I like a smaller goatee and his was just getting wild and longer. Well, yesterday after he was done shaving he ran to the bedroom and had the door almost closed and motioned for me to come then quickly shut the door, rofl. What a goof. I came in there and HE SHAVED HIS FACE COMPLETELY AH!!!!! Heheheh, I was so surprised! He put on his aftershave too which smells SOO good! I went in and kissed his chin and hugged hugged hugged him! Hehehe. Speaking of my babe, he’s been in a real good mood this week so far and I really hope the rest of the week is good for him too. :love:

I really think my hormones are starting to get back to almost-normal or atleast somethings going on coz I just feel overall different in a very good way. I’ve felt more energetic and just that feeling of wanting to burst with happiness and glee hehehe. And my body feels smaller so hopefully my hormones are kicking back to where they should be or atleast heading that way! OH and I’ve lost a few pounds even though I went on vacation and didn’t exercise + had lots of foods I probably shouldn’t have, lol but hey I’ve lost so that’s what counts!!!! Speaking of getting back to normal, all my life every now and then I get blisters. When I was little I’d get them on my fingers. As I got older, they started to pop up on my left underside of my arm. Now, they appear on my right palm. I hadn’t had one in like… gosh 2 years? Well, I noticed one about to make an appearance the other day so maybe that’s another sign my body is getting back to normal haha even though I have to see those blasted blisters again. Apparently, their like a form of cold sore type for me. Found out it runs in the family and I’ve got scars from them on my left arm. Ugh.

Okie, off to eat my late lunch then have some DELICIOUS watermelon! Have a great afternoon!!!!! :happy:


Hello June! :grinny: Sure does FEEL like it outside as far as the weather goes! Hot hot!!! Just about 90 out there right now and cloudy – we might get a SLIGHT shower. Slight.

Thank you all for the comments on my last entry! Well, since Brad was off Monday this week seemed to go by a bit faster and now here it is Friday!! WOO! I’ve finished the cleaning for Friday so now I can play lots of Lord of the Rings Online!!!!! I’m almost level 35 and when I reach that I can get a horsie!!!! Can’t wait then I can travel a LOT faster all around! Hehehe. I love that game, lol. It’s so much fun and you get to interact with so many different people! Each map I go to I meet a whole new set of people and then some I already know and get to hang out with more 🙂 It’s awesome!

Don’t really have much news from this week.. can’t say much happened lol. Brad’s cousin James has been staying with us off and on these last few days because his girlfriend broke up with him and he’s having a hard time right now so It’s nice to have some company over!!!!! Hehehe.

What are you guys doing this weekend? We need to go see my Mom again sometime soon – haven’t been to her house in a while. Man I want to go swimming!!!! Speaking of swimming and my ear.. I’m all done with my antibiotic so now I just have to keep my ear as dry as possible so It doesn’t happen again so maybe in like 2 weeks or so we can see about going swimming coz I really want to!!!

Umm well this post was pretty boring lol. I’m gonna go log into Lord of the Rings Online now! Have a great Friday night!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:


I feel AWFUL. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.. but everytime I try to eat/chew, it shoots pain into my ear and the left side of my neck is swollen and my shoulder/top of back hurts too. I called Mom last night and told her and she told me to get Brad to take me to the ER but Brad and his Mom said that the ER would charge us a lot and to wait until Monday.. Mom was NOT happy about that. I told her they would charge a lot and she said, “Well, by the time Monday gets here, It may be a lot more than that if it gets worse” I just want to feel better but I don’t want to have to pay so much to go to the ER.

I wanted to get so much done this weekend. 🙁 Wanted to see about going the beach, wanted to clean up the apartment even more than I usually do. Wanted to possibly go out shopping or something but gosh, I feel so bad I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I took half a pain pill yesterday and Brad was EXHAUSTED from work so we layed down together and took a nap and didn’t get up till 8pm then we went to McDonalds and got something to eat and stayed up till 1AM then went to sleep.

Brad’s gone right now to a big yard sale – his cousin and aunt are there too. I would have gone but I just don’t feel like it.. sigh. I have the other half of the pain pill here by me but I don’t know If I want to take it right now or If I should just take 2 ibprofin. I think I might go back to sleep in a little bit though. I just feel miserable.

I just want this to be over and gone! Well, have a great weekend!

Version 9

I’ve finally made up my mind what layout I want as version 9, LOL. This is it! Spring fever!!! Sheesh and I have spent ALL. DAY working on it! I still have a LOT to do with it but I’m out of site-editing power for now haha. :tongue:

I think It’s very cute and cheerful – which is what I think I’m all about and what SPRING is all about! Still have to edit the WHOLE sidebar and play around some with the footer a little bit more. This was originally a theme I found but I have really tweaked it and customized it. It’s a really neat theme! :thumbsup:

Ugh, PMS showed it’s ugly self this morning.. so we’re now moving onto our 7th month of trying to conceive. I tell you what, people who can get pregnant easily are really lucky! Ah well, I’ve heard It can take perfectly healthy people up to a year to conceive. Speaking of babies and all, Thursday night instead of watching ER (I taped it) I watched a new show called Notes from the Underbelly! Brad and I both thought It’s a pretty funny show so I look forward to watching that!

Well, I shall work on the layout probably tomorrow because tonight I’m gonna be busy getting tipsy (or moreso) with my baby! Have a great SATURDAY NIGHT! :drunk: