Bad times

*Sigh* Bad news:
1) Brad got laid off his job Wednesday.. =( LOTS of people at his workplace have been laid off because of low production
2) The power went off the other morning and our Wii wouldn’t turn on. Found out it was the power cord THANK GOODNESS so we bought a new one

No idea what we’re gonna do as far as a job for Brad. We’ll see what we can do..

Miss Katie has been constipated. =( She finally had a big ole diaper full Friday afternoon but hasn’t went since then so I guess we’ll have to give her another suppository.

Mom came home for the hospital yesterday morning! She’s doing well except that she’s really weak from laying in bed for so long. I really wish we could take a trip to see her. =/

Friday we went with Brad’s Stepdad fishin! Brad caught a bluegill lol. We stayed out there for a few hours and kept Katie in the shade but the stupid ants kept getting everywhere. I got a little sunburnt but Brad got it pretty bad. Then Friday evening the people from Brad’s church invited us for dinner. They were super nice.

Today I mostly tried to sleep and this afternoon we headed to Tupelo to the mall to buy the new Wii powercord and then went out to eat at the chinese buffet, yum yum!

Went to Wal-Mart in Tupelo and bought groceries then headed back home! Gonna go to church in the morning then come home and clean like a maniac haha. Gotta wash clothes too. I better head to bed soon.. only gonna get a few hours of sleep. *wave*

Hahah oh.

LOL. I was so tired this morning – Brad usually wakes me up at 5:15AM and I tell him goodbye when he leaves for work. I was so tired that I did not hear him at ALL. When I woke up, he had already left!

Well, Brad realized how good he has it where he works. Has great money and great hours, just a bit shitty surroundings and people’s attitudes most of the time so he doesn’t want to go for the call support job, lol. I would like to move to have a new place to go, just something new yenno? but *shrug* he said he’s still gonna try to get me a job up there where he works so I guess I’ll wait and wait for that.

The problem with this town is, nobody is EVER hiring in the main little stores. Freds, CVS, Dollar General, ETC. McDonalds is always hiring but.. hahah. Anyhow, just a short post. Gonna work on some more website stuffff then go get some more sleep!


This whole trying to conceive thing is so draining. Espically when I HOPE HOPE HOPE for it to happen and then each time It doesn’t. It’s now been over a year. Coming up close to being a year since I started my medicine. I go back to the Doctor October 30th so maybe she can figure something else out. I dunno.. sometimes I just want to throw the towel in and say forget it but then again I try to hang on to hope.

In other bad news, yesterday I got a message on Myspace from a girl I know from High School asking If I had heard about my best friend Krista’s daughter. I told her no? Last time I saw Krista and her son + daughter was when Mom moved away in August. Apparently, Anna (her daughter) was taking a nap, vomited and choked to death.. 🙁 I feel so heavy hearted for her. Anna was a beauuuuutiful little baby. Had the cutest little face. Gosh and Krista was big time crazy about her kids so I can’t even imagine how she is feeling right now. I want to call her but I am no good with words when It comes to situations like these. I might attempt even just to show her I care and that I’m there for her even though I just won’t know what to say. I was talking to Mom about it and Mom lost a son – Jimmy when he was only 19 hours old and she said that there isn’t a day that goes by that she doesn’t think of him.

I just hope Krista can make it through okay.


How’s everyone been doin? Good I hope! SO. Back to Monday. Brad had a contact lense crisis this morning and threw a fit because he couldn’t get his contact out – It had gotten stuck so his Mom came over to help.. eventually he got it and he was only a few minutes late for work. (but he loses his week bonus for being 1 second late)

We were supposed to go out with some friends this weekend but didn’t because the girl wound up going with another one of her friends to a football game so haha yeah. Very bland weekend… just stayed up just about all night Friday night and then Saturday again. Went shopping Saturday. We did make a DELICIOUS dinner Saturday though! We made Easy Chicken Paprika + Green Bean Casserole. OMG, the green bean casserole was so so so good. Can’t tell you when the last time was that I had that but It’s one of my favoriteeee dishes!!

HEY Jenn!!! I’m doing good hun! Good to hear from you again :grinny: was wondering about you! How have you been? Are you gonna bring 0ne1 back??? *hugs*

Wanted to thank you all for your comments!!!! Okie.. not much to tell, lol. Gotta get up and get some things done! Have a gooooood Monday! 😎 😎 😎


Friday Friday Fri-day! :grinny: :grinny: :grinny:

I’m happy it’s now onto the weekend and our weekend of looooove! 😉 Can’t wait to go out and celebrate our anniversary! SQUEE!

Well, Brad was about to leave for work this morning and his truck wouldn’t do ANYTHING. Dead battery! He had to call his Stepdad to come get him and take him to work. This evening he couldn’t get a hold of anyone so he had to walk home! It’s not TOO far but he said It was a pretty good walk. Brads Stepdad had to go somewhere and Brads Mom was @ the hair salon with Brad’s oldest sister so they dropped they 2 younger girls off here with us. Once Brad’s Stepdad got back he came to get Brad to go to Wal-Mart to get a new battery so I had to watch 2 of Brads sisters. We put in Lilo and Stitch for them to watch. Leah is 10 and Lindsey is 5.. Leah is always so so quiet and sweet. Lindsey on the other hand.. LOL. She was kindof just going from one spot to another constantly but overall she was pretty good. Brad’s Mom came by and picked them up. Brad came back, they put in the new battery and Brad’s Stepdad went on home and voila.. new truck battery!

Brad went and got us CHINESE for dinner! That’s what I’m chompin on right now! I was STARVED. We might go out for our anniversary tomorrow or we might wait till the actual anniversary day, Sunday! Hehehe. :love: :love: Love is so great. I feel so blessed to have him. *sigh* WHEEEE! :happy:


Poor Brad, something always go wrong for him. :upset: Saturday I was waiting for him to get ready so we could go grocery shopping. La la, he was finally ready and so got ready to go, he opened the door and whaddya know.. his tire. Was flat. Again. FOR THE 3RD TIME. He ran over ANOTHER screw at work. Oooh boy, there are no words for how upset and enraged he was. Cussing, throwing things. I didn’t know what to say. He just about cried.
He couldn’t get ahold of his Mom and Stepdad so he got out there himself and jacked up the tire, took the tire off and plugged up the hole. Called his Grandma to come get him to take the tire to fill it back up. By the time he got back, he was a little bit calmer. I just get so.. distraught when he gets like that, so mad and upset. I just don’t know what to say or do. SO another flat tire plugged and he put that back on, got cleaned up and we headed off to get groceries. I finally told him at the store that I’m sorry that happened to him but in life we have to take the good with the bad and the bad with the good!

Well, my Uncle is the one that helps pay insurance and up-keep on my Moms house and apparently It’s getting too expensive and my family wants Mom to find an apartment. Mom loves the house but It’s got so many problems and has from the time she moved in. The yard is pretty big too and there’s no way she can take care of it. Late last year Brad’s Mom was looking into apartments around here for my Mom and said she sent my Mom an application for one of the apartments but my Mom never got it sooo I’m gonna check back into those apartments. Mom would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be closer to me and I would love for her to be closer too!! That would be so great! I really hope things pan out. My Uncle and other members of the family have agreed to pitch in money when she moves for the U-Haul, etc etc. Mom says she’s already getting excited about the idea and told me to get on it LOL. Ooo that would be so great! I could give her company whenever and we could drink coffee together and go for walks!! :grinny:

I love my Mom.. even though as far as blood goes she’s my Grandma but to me she’ll always be my Mom. I don’t know what I would do without her. She is the closest family member I have and pretty much the only family member I talk to now. Mom mentioned her eye sight is getting worse.. she’s always been blind in one eye so I can’t even imagine how that would be. I have my Aunt and Cousin but I don’t ever really talk to either of them anymore and they live in Georgia. I feel like Mom is all I have and without her, I wouldn’t have my foundation. Moms the person I go to for my ranting – espically when It’s about Brad lol. Who would I go to when Moms not around? Brads Mom? Don’t know If I could.. just wouldn’t feel right even though Brad’s Mom is awesome, just not my Mom.

Well, I’m gonna snack a little then once Brad gets home, It’s LORD OF THE RINGS ONLINE time!! Woo I love that game! SO awesome!!! :grinny:

Away bad luck!

Last week was filled with all kinds of bad luck scenarios. First the Sunday event.. Monday was ok then that Tuesday event. Well, come Wednesday afternoon, Brad and I were just about leave to go eat dinner at his Moms – he opens our front door and says “Shit” … HIS TIRE WAS FLAT. Apparently, he ran over a nail at work. If you remember me posting about his other flat tire a while back (the one where his tire got slashed by someone) then he was so aggrivated to see ANOTHER flat tire. He had to get his Stepdad to come help him patch the hole up, which, was quite a task but we eventually made It to his Moms. :faint:

Thursday and yesterday have been okay, thank goodness. Brad was pretty down all week but he’s finally cheering up again and I’m very glad of that because when he’s down and sad, I feel that way too which is no fun!

Speaking of fun!!! My Lord of the Rings Online game is ULTRA fun! Haha so all that mess Tuesday was worth it. That’s why I haven’t been posting as much, lol. It’s a lot prettier than WoW and It has more “depth” to it as well. You’re playing in the middle of the LOTRO story why wouldn’t it be great?!?! :grinny: :grinny: :grinny: Right now I am a level 13 Champion currently running around trying to “find” certain land marks and then I’ll move onto another part of the map. I recommend trying the game out If you like WoW and are a LOTRO fan! 😎

Gooosh, I’m hungry! Brad should be back soon and he’s gonna make a pizzzza!!! Yummy pizza too then It’s off to play some more LOTRO! When I bought it, It came with a 10-day buddy key and Brad activated it and at first he wasn’t too sure he liked the game… now? He LOVES it heheheh. I’m pretty sure I’m gonna keep playing it after my “try-before-you-buy” period ends. Maybe Brad will too! He’s having crackling sound issues in-game but hopefully we can get that solved! Okie, have a great Saturday night!!! 😉

VT Shooting

I really want to send out my condolences to the people at Virgina Tech who were involved in the shooting this week. I imagine It will take that whole campus a long time to recover. The deadliest shooting in US History.. :worried:

You just NEVER KNOW what people are going to do these days, you just really don’t. The world has become so much more unsafe and tense than It used to be. The places we call safe are becoming very unpredictable. As was the case with Virgina Tech. It seems we have to keep ourselves on full alert because you just never know when something like this is gonna happen and It’s becoming more and moreso these days, which is terrible. 🙁

There are so many sick, messed up people in this world. Most of the time innocent people go down because of people who build their hate, anger, etc or problems up and instead of getting help take it out on whoever they wish.

Our world is turning into such a scary place to live. :blank: