Friday appointment & busy!

Man am I tired! Was up quite a bit during the night because of leg/hip pain and having to use the bathroom every couple hours and then a little more haha. Then we had to get up at 7AM to get ready for my baby doc appointment @ 8:30AM. Brad happened to be off work today (I think I had mentioned in a post before that his work has had random weeks lately where instead of 5 days they’ve been working 4) SO I was glad that he was gonna be able to take me to the doc once again. I think I got up around almost 6AM? to use the bathroom and then Brad got up about 6:45AM so I layed there for a few more minutes then finally got up to start getting ready.

We left about 7:45AM and got there a little early so we sat in the truck for just a bit before going in. Waited a few more min inside before the nurse called me back. Haven’t gained any weight in 2 weeks. Blood pressure was 134/85 and my sugar was 69! Brad was already waiting back in one of the rooms hehe so I went and joined him to wait for the Doc. She came in and said everything still looks good! :] Measured my belly – my belly is measuring about a week ahead of where It should be which she said is ok. Got to hear Katie’s heartbeat and she had been squirming all morning so her heartrate was up to 158-159bpm then It went back down to 147bpm which Doc said was just fine! Told her about my leg/pelvic pain so she prescribed me some muscle relaxers. Take 1 an hour before bed time. I really hope they work, lol. That was about it! Made my next appointment for in 2 weeks then we headed out to get breakfast! I got a sausage biscuit and bottle of water and Brad got a chicken biscuit and coke. Went to Wal-Mart parking lot, ate then went inside to wander around. Didn’t have to be back at the Docs till 11AM. Bought a few little items and Brad’s Mom called to say they had gotten their stimulas check and they were heading up to Wal-Mart to buy groceries. We met them in the parking lot right before we were heading back to the Doc and said after we were done we’d come back, follow them in Wal-Mart till they were done then we’d all go eat lunch! YAY! Back to the Docs. The awesome nurse Linda took my blood sugar this time and as she said while we were waiting.. “Drum roll please” hehe and number was… 88! Woot! Then she joked and said, “I’m sorry but I’m gonna have to let you go” lol. She is great. So we were out of there!! Headed back to Wal-Mart & went and found Brad’s Mom and Stepdad in the store and went along with them as they did their shopping. They checked out and we headed for the Mexican restaurant! I wound up with a shrimp chimichanga YUMZ. I was so full, lol. Afterwards, we thanked them then headed home.

Brad’s Mom and their crew were grilling out tonight so we wanted to eat some yum grill food too so after going home, relaxing a bit, watching most of Dr. Phil then I called Mom and talked to her for a long while – we headed back over to Brad’s Moms about 5:30PM-ish and food was delish. We stayed over there past 8PM then came on home. I got in the bath to relax and soak and now I’m sitting here typing this listening to Breaking Benjamin! Think I’m gonna do a few more things then maybe log onto Lord of the Rings Online for a bit before taking my muscle relaxer, waiting an hour then hopefully getting some niiiiiiiice Zzzz’s! Busy but awesome day and even better? How good the temp was outside today! WOOT WOOT. Have a great rest of the weekend!

Our little girl

WOOT! We finally have a final name for our baby girl! After finding out that Brad’s Aunt is OK with us using the same name as her 1st baby (that was stillborn) – our daughters name IS!…


Brad and I both adore it 🙂 Denise is after my middle name

P.S. – found out one of my baby showers is gonna be May 31st! YAY can’t wait!

Had a good weekend, how about you? :]

I wound up not cleaning when I got home from my appointment Friday – was too tired and my sinuses (face) were really hurting/pinching so I just decided to take a nap until Brad got home. We had chinese Friday night, yum yum!!! Saturday we got up, went and got an ice cream cone for me and a pineapple milkshake for him and eventually went grocery shopping. When we got there I went to the hair cut place to get my eyebrows waxed. Had to wait quite a long time tho! Once done we got our groceries then came on back home. I still felt pretty rough from my cold but started to clean house once we got home and I had put away the groceries.

Brad cleaned up the animal cages while I cleaned up the rest of the apartment. Always feels so nice and gives such an accomplished feeling when I get lots done. I felt a little sluggish from my cold but I also had a good amount of energy where I wanted to clean, clean, clean. Definetly nesting! I did clean up the nursery more and mop over the floor. FINALLY got some answers about Brads Dads side on their baby shower! Can’t wait for it now!! :] Yesterday we had a bit of a concern on the TMI side but things are fine. Just another lazy Sunday, really. Our baby girl has really been active since yesterday evening! Was really going at it when I went to bed after 1AM. I’ve felt her even a bit this morning since I’ve been up heh.

Now I just hope this cold is GONE GONE maybe within a few days. I drank a lot of orange juice this weekend so hopefully that helped speed up the process of elimination with that. Have a great Monday! Supposed to be near or in the 80’s all week! 🙂

30.3wk appointment

Had my weekly appointment this morning – in fact I haven’t been home too long. Another excellent appointment! Came in, they took my sugar first thing and with no food or drink It was 78. I’ve lost 1 pound and my blood pressure was good! (Think it was around 129/83?) Saw the Doc and she said she was very pleased on how everything was going and that she was certain that my blood sugar was gonna do fine so now I don’t have to go every week anymore! Back to normal – which would be every 2 weeks at this point in pregnancy. Got to listen to my little girls heartbeat of course and she was anxious this morning because her heartrate was up and she had been squirming all morning! Her heartrate was 163bpm hehe. SO me and my MIL went and got food from McDonalds – I got a sausage biscuit, hash browns and water. Ate the biscuit and water then we went to Wal-Mart and my MIL bought a few things including a few things for the little one heheh. Got back to the Doc’s a little before 11:15 – waited a few min then went back for my 2nd stick in the finger. One of the other nurses was actually dancing cheering for my sugar to be a good number, lol. She’s hilarious. Wait. Wait. Wait. 112! WOOT so I was good to go!

I’m very happy things are good! :] But SHH afterwards we stopped by Dairy Queen for a little treat lol. Gotta have atleast a little treat!!!! Bought Brad one too so he’ll be very happy to find that in the freezer when he comes home from work today!

Only bad thing right now is I’ve got a bit of a cold.. boo. Already getting to where I can only taste just a bit. That sucks. My sinuses hurt as well. Anyhow, gonna go ahead and get some cleaning done then I’m gonna lay down for a little nap before Brad gets home home home!!!

Have a GREAT weekend!

30 weeks preggo!

My big ole belly at 30 weeks!!!

Here’s whats happening with my little one…

At week 30 of pregnancy, your baby can pee about a half a liter into the amniotic fluid every day!
Other fetal development that is occurring around week 30 of pregnancy includes the following:
* In male babies, the testicles move from near the kidneys through the groin en route to the scrotum.
* In female babies, the clitoris appears large and exposed because it is not yet covered by the folds of the skin called the labia.
* The baby’s head is getting larger.
* The early lanugo is disappearing. There are still patches on the back and shoulders.
* The eyelids open and close. Much of the time your baby has its eyes open and is looking around.
* The bone marrow is now responsible for making red blood cells.
In preparation for breathing after birth, your baby will mimic breathing movements by repeatedly moving the diaphragm. These movements are rhythmic and may even cause your baby to get a case of the hiccups if amniotic fluid is accidentally inhaled. This is normal — do not be concerned.

~ ~ ~
Can’t believe I’ve only got (about) 10 weeks left until I meet my little girl! I’m so anxious! UGH and I’m about to go bat crazy because things as far as baby showers and baby items aren’t going as planned.. I’m ready to set up the nursery but am waiting on baby showers!!! If I had the money I’d just buy all the items but I don’t so I just have to wait and remain crazy, lol. Most of my baby girls body is WAY up high. Yesterday she was even HIGHER than she’s ever been – right under my boobs and then she moved or kicked and yeah, owie lol. I looooooove feeling her! It’s so great.

Now I have to talk more about love, lol. With Brad, I still feel that same love for him I always have. Last night before he went to bed, I sat on the bed with him and talked about his work while he gazed lovingly at me and played with my hair. It’s just little moments that make me realize how lucky and blessed I am. Before my nap this morning I was thinking about the baby and Brad and just cried and cried because of how happy and again I say BLESSED I am. I’m just so thankful. Our little family that I’m so happy to have. <3

Thursdays appointment

(taken from my livejournal)

My Doc’s appointment went well Thursday 🙂 Gained 1 pound which they said is good because from now on I might gain a pound a week. Blood pressure was excellent @ 120/79! Of course my MIL drove me up there @ 8:30AM and after they weighed and took my blood pressure, they stuck my finger to see about my sugar level. It was 80 and they said that’s good. Told me to go wait out in the waiting room for the Doc to see me. Finally came back and the nurse asked my MIL if she wanted to come back with me 🙂 At first she said no but then the nurse said, “Come on back and hear the babys heartbeat!” Heheh and my MIL asked me If I cared and I said no so she came back with me. Doc finally came in and measured my belly – I’m measuring a bit bigger but she said I have extra inches on my belly and that baby will probably fill in those inches. Got to hear my little girls heartbeat!!!! Going at 142 beats per minute, awwwww. It’s just so nice to think about that.. It’s my little girls heart I’m hearing! So was done seeing the Doc – she said to go and get something to eat and come back in 2 hours. Doc said that because she wants to watch my glucose (sugar) level that I will need to come every week now (normally would be every 2 weeks at this point) and It needs to be in the morning.. which means Brad can’t take me anymore, boo. =( My MIL said of course that will take me anytime I need her to. Made my next appointment for Friday, May 2nd.

My MIL and I left to go see about getting Taco Bell but It was 9AM and they didn’t open till 10AM. Wasn’t sure where to eat but we decided on McDonalds where I got a sausage biscuit and a breakfast burrito + low fat milk. Ate on the way to the courthouse and went in once we were finished eating. Asked about where the ID department was and It was downstairs so we went down and there was a pretty big line. Ugh. The examiner asked what everyone needed and of course I said ID. She left soon after that to go do a driving test and wouldn’t be back till 10:15AM so everyone cleared out at that point so we got to sit down, yay lol. Waited.. examiner came back, got a few more people done then I got to go in!!! WOOT AND I FINALLLLLLLLLY GOT AN ID hahah so now I can identify myself after all these years haha. Pitiful. Also picked up a permit book to study and hopefully soon I can get my permit, practice driving and get my drivers license. When we left there It was 11:00AM and we had to be back @ the Docs at 11:30AM so we went over to Shoe Show real quick and when we went in my MIL said to pick out a pair of sandals and she’d buy them for me! She is too generous! She really didn’t have to do that but I thought WOOT new sandals! 😀 She helped me look around and I finally decided on these nice blue Nike flip flops that have green and orange flowers on the bottom and the straps are white with a green Nike check on them. Their really nice! We left around 11:25AM and got back just in time! The nurse called me back just as I sat down lol. The older nurse Linda cracks me up everytime I’m there!! She’s great. She stuck my finger and my glucose was 124 and they didn’t want it higher than 125 so I just did make the number, lol. We sat there and waited for the Doc to get through with a patient so Linda could tell her my number but It took a while! Linda and I talked about all kinds of things – I’m so glad their such nice people up there. Makes me feel sooo at ease, relaxed and welcome. Finally the younger nurse came in and said she’d go tell the Doc and Doc said that number was fine so I was done! My MIL drove me back home and I was soooooo thirsty! Told her thank you, thank you, thank you over and over hehe then headed inside to eat lunch and clean up a little. Layed down at 1PM, woke up 2 short times then got up when I heard Brad came home!

So yeah that was my Thursday! 😀 We had chinese last night and It was soooooo good! Planning on going out and about today and going grocery shopping sometime tonight before we come back home. OMG gas prices are insane. In maybe the last 2 weeks? It’s went from $3.29 to $3.55!!!!!!!!! Insanity. Also – my baby girl has really been giving me some big kicks lately! Like 4-5 kicks in a row! It’s funny, lol. I hear the kicks start to really hurt at the end but I don’t care If they do. =) Welp, better get up and go get ready! Have a great weekend!!!

(guess this is the longest entry I’ve typed in a long time! lol)


I have an appointment at 7:30AM and my MIL is gonna take me since couldn’t get it on one of Brad’s off days. Can’t have anything to eat this morning before I go in for the appointment and about this time every morning I eat breakfast so I’m starving!! Ugh. I HOPE I can eat while I’m waiting the 2 hours before I go back into the Doc’s office. I’ll be glad to get my ID too, woot!!!!

Oh and as far as a name for our baby girl — we still have to start narrowing down names. We both really like the name Katie and If we go with that name, she’ll have my middle name, Denise! We’ll keep looking at names and If we find something other than Katie that we really really like we’ll go from there. I have to say I really like Katie Denise though hehehe.


Our little one finally decided to have those legs open, lol.

We have….

Dun dun dun!

Its a girl

That’s right!!! Didn’t see any boy parts! 🙂 I’m so thrilled. A daughter! My dreams were right.. I knew having 10 or so girl dreams had to mean something! Baby was kicking away today! She is still head down like she has always been with her butt & legs on the upper right side of my belly. I CANNOT WAIT TO HOLD HER! Appointment went well – +1 weight gain, 117/82 blood pressure. Only thing is my glucose test came back high so I have to go back up there tomorrow @ 8:30AM for a 3 hour testing to see If I have the gestional diabetes (which means I’ll have to REALLY watch what I eat with the gestional diabetes if I’m not careful baby could get too big)

WHEEEEEEEEEEE I’m so happy! One extremely HAPPY pregnant MOMMY TO BE! <333

28 weeks preggo!!!

(taken from my livejournal)
YIPPEE! My belly is getting quite big but I love it. My baby is in there!!!!!

This is day number 197
You’re 28 weeks pregnant
Your baby’s age since conception is 183 days / 26 weeks
There are 83 days until your due date! (29.6% to go)
197 days passed – 197/280

On one of my little tickers, it says “I can see light, taste, hear Mommy, and smell! I weigh almost 3 pounds!” AWWWWWS.

Some development stuff @ 28 weeks:
Other fetal development that is occurring around week 28 of pregnancy includes the following:
* Brain tissue continues to develop
* The folds and grooves of your baby’s brain continue to develop and expand
* The baby begins to dream
* The eyes open and close
* Eyebrows and eyelashes are present
* Your baby has about 2 to 3 percent body fat, and his or her muscle tone is increasing
* Although lungs are still immature, they are capable of sustaining life in the event of a premature birth (with some medical help).

Our little baby <333

27 weeks

Weekend was good! Friends came over Friday and spent the night, yay! 🙂 Was supposed to go out with Brad’s friend Saturday but something came up so we just went grocery shopping instead. We bought this 3 drawer thing to put in our bathroom to put extra towels in. I also bought a cute new pink shirt. Sunday was our usual lazy day.. talked to Mom on the phone, did lots of laundry. So yeah!

I’m now in my 3rd (and final) trimester of pregnancy!! About 3 months to go! Which makes me 27 weeks today! And what a rough night! Woke up twice to go to the bathroom then woke again with leg pain. Every morning getting out of bed is pretty painful because seems a lot of the pressure goes on my left hip and leg… ouch.. so I almost fall over when I get out of bed. They say it only gets worse but It’s definetly allllllllll worth it! Just wow, I can’t wait to see and hold OUR BABY! Ahhhhhhhh!! Down to NINE days until our next appointment – can’t wait! Trying to not get my hopes up too high but PRAYING baby will OPEN those legs!!! Brad’s Mom bought us a few girl outfits and few boy outfits lol along with some other plain onesies and a sleep positioner yay!

Had another baby dream today while napping! In the dream I had a baby girl on June 30th and she weighed 7lbs and I think.. 3oz? How weird would that be if it came true???
