
I’ll tell you about a wonderful Firefox plug-in that Brad has had for quite some time and I just recently got: the StumbleUpon plug-in! Basically you click the Stumble button in your toolbar and It takes you to a random site depending on the catagories you pick when you first install the plug-in. I think It’s great! Provides for entertainment when I just want to relax and look at random sites! Check it out and download it! 🙂

Nicole in my last posts comments brought up the consideration of reptiles around babies and the chance of salmonella. We probably won’t have most of the animals here soon… we keep them in our extra room which will turn into the babys nursery and really, I have nowhere else to put them. I’m thinking of only keeping 2 pets. I think It’s for the best. As far as our iguana, we’ve had him for over 2 years but If there’s too big of a risk, there’s no way I’m gonna take it as far as my baby goes. I really only want to keep my chinchilla and my guinea pig. The 6 birds are noisy and really messy and take up a bit of space. Our iguana needs a bigger tank right NOW and we don’t have one for him plus It would take up a good portion of the room If we did that. I might consider keeping our dwarf bunny but I’m not as attached to her as I am the guinea pig or ESPICALLY my chinchilla. We will probably try to sell them… I hate to do it but I think It’s the right thing to do. Baby comes first. If we had a 3 bedroom then I might reconsider but next year with a new baby I’m not really gonna have time to take care of 10 animals and a newborn. 2 animals would be easy. I love my animals with all my heart and I’ve had most of them for 2 years or more but I have to think of our baby and It’s well-being and health first and foremost.

Speaking of baby! My MIL bought me the famous book, What to Expect When You’re Expecting! Now I know most people say DO NOT buy this book, It will scare you, etc etc. No worries, I know about most of the “scary” parts. She bought Brad, The Expectant Father! 😀 😀


Thank you guys for the comments on my last post! Yeah, this whole TTC thing hasn’t been easy but I’m hoping and gonna keep on trying.

I think instead of doing online work I need to get myself out there. This is sad but I’ve never had an outside job. Brad does not like his job at all. We’re thinking about going for a Dell call support center job. Brad’s friends work there and Brad has always wanted to work there – only thing that stopped me is because I don’t like to talk on the phone. I figure though If I just go for it, maybe I’ll even adjust to liking to talk to people on the phone. If we both worked there we’d be making about as much as Brad does by himself so yeah. He wants to leave his job he has now so bad. I need to get Brad’s Grandma/Grandpa to take me to get my ID and while I’m there I’ll even pick up a driving booklet so I can get my permit so atleast I can practice driving safely haha. Once I get my ID, I’d like to get my own bank account.

I think I would be so much happier out working. I’d actually feel like making myself all pretty and I know we would make friends up there. Mostly all the people up there are young and we can wear ordinary clothes and I can keep my piercings!!!! And the job has lots of benefits, paid vacations, paid holidays. If Brad puts in a 2 week notice that should give me enough time to get things situated. I know we would both get the job because lots of Brad’s friends have worked there and we know one of the main guys.

Lastly, I think I need to get out there because I tell you, my social skills are nearing low numbers haha. Ever since High School ended, I haven’t had much contact with anyone. And I know having my own outside job would make me feel better to know I’m making a decent amount of money to help me and Brad, we’d be working together for it. Only thing is, we’d have to have similar hours since I don’t drive yet. I love staying at home but there is so much more out there and I don’t want to waste my life away! I want friends too. And I’m sure I can get atleast a handful of people up there to start playing Lord of the Rings Online since most of them are mad gamers mwahaha! :]

I need to focus on getting the job, eating as good as I can, get back to exercising 6/7 days of the week on the treadmill like I used to (that was the ONLY way I lost weight was to exercise a LOT, like 3 miles a day) then when all is said and done for the day Brad and I can come home to our games, lol.

Okie gotta go make our bed and wait for this Lord of the Rings Online server to download – they have an “extra” server for when the others are down (their down for maintenance until 3PM) and the server is at 72%! Once It’s down I get to go on there and preview the new player HOUSING that’s coming out at the end of this month, woot! Heh I’m such a LOTRO nerd :]


Brad wants to start an exercise routine! I told him I’ll definetly do it with him. So yesterday afternoon after he got off work, we went walking around for about 30 minutes! Was nice to get out and just walk. But he told me when we got back he didn’t wanna do it anymore LOL. I told him YES, we need to and It’ll make us both feel so much better to get some exercise. I was doing treadmill @ my MIL’s house but I stopped because they had fleas in their basement that were eating me up. =/ Reason Brad wants to start an exercise routine.. he said he’s thinking about joining the military. He’s asked me many, many times before in the past and I’ve always said NO NO NO NO. But! He said he would get a safer job, like military cook? Or medic? Or something. So that made me feel so much better. I don’t know If he’ll go through with it though.. one minute he says he wants to do this and that then the next It’s something totally different so who knows. I know the military would be GREAT for him.. help him GROW UP. We could see more of the world and the military would take care of us as far as money goes.

Brad has been begging me forever to get him a computer desk for his laptop… so the other day we took the table we got from his Moms that we had in our extra room and moved it into the living room and pushed it right up beside mine and he put the guinea pigs cage on the table too hehe so now he has a desk! And yenno I’m actually very happy with the way he’s been SO FAR. He’s kept his chair pushed under the table, leaves no cans or dirty dishes laying on it – which makes me EXTRAAAAAA happy. Coz when was using the coffee table after he would eat his lunch, he would leave ALL his dirty dishes on the coffee table. I just hope he continues to pick up and keep his desk cleaned off.

It’s raininggggg! We might even get a little storm! Then they say It’s supposed to start cooling down a little, YAY! Sometime this week the low might even be in the upper 50’s!!!!!!!!! WOOT. 😎

P.S. Nick Lachey is a sexy, beautiful, GORGEOUS man. Meowwww! he looks sooooo good in blue! =)

Energy legs!

Wow. I have had some major energy and MODIVATION lately as far as exercise + dancing/stretching goes! This morning I spent some time dancing and stretching along to some music and boy, It was great! I love to do that. Man, between my treadmill exercise, stretching, dancing and OTHER exercise 😉 😉 :wink:, I am SORE! That’s great though, It means I’m getting those muscles worked!!! I am so pumped! I just want to exercise, dance and stretch more more more!!! Hehehe! :grinny:

From my exercise, I can tell a little diff in my tummy. I’m attempting to get it back to the way it was when I was in High School. After High School ended I moved up to Nebraska and while I was there.. I was just a blob. All I did was sleep all day till Brad got home from High School, spend the rest of the day playing on the computer until anywhere between 2-4AM and repeat. I got some exercise when I went walking with Brad but I think that’s where my tummy started to gain. I didn’t have a ROCK HARD tummy in High School but it was small. The pants I’m wearing right now are getting way loose on me. And my big comfy nightie shorts? If I don’t keep them pulled up every few minutes, they DO fall off of me hahaha. I need to buy a new pair but I love those!!

UGH my Dell speakers are all of a sudden being crackly – I hate that! Looks like I might have to buy some new speakers.. that sucks. Haven’t had those speakers for a year and their already crackling… wait and now their randomly cutting out? Maybe It’s my CD. I hope. GRAWR. Yep, it’s my Hoobstank CD that’s doing it, thank goodness. Guess It needs a good cleaning. I’d like to buy a few new CDs including Chris Daughtry’s. :happy: And I swear, I can’t get enough of listening to Elliot Yamin’s song!!! Heheh.

It’s actually looks to be a decent day outside and doesn’t seem to be as hot. Brad is thinking about trying to apply for a job at the Post Office! They pay great money but he has to PAY money to take their test and then If he does good on that test then he’ll have a good chance but If he doesn’t then others have a better chance but I told him If he wanted to do that to go for it! :happy: I just want him to be happy with a job – as far as I know this week his job has been pretty good but I know he just overall doesn’t like it. So I hope he finds something else to do that is a little less straining on his body.

I think I’m gonna go dance and stretch some more to some music then get a few things done around the apartment before I sit down to attempt to work in ChaCha! *wave wave*


Got up this morning and my ear was killing me… I was feeling better the last 2 days and thought about just hanging in there and not going to the doctor’s, well this morning changed my mind. SO 10AM this morning, Brads Mom took me to the clinic.

Come to find out I have a lot of fluid in my ears and it’s run down into the glands in my neck so the Doc gave me some antibotics to take for 10 days so hopefully it’ll clear up soon enough. Ugh.. my ear hurts right now.

Shew and our land lord is here – been here for 2 weeks. He doesn’t live here but comes to stay in the other apartment (we live in a duplex) and he came over today to tell me about the guys who were working outside were getting rid of the termites. He talked to me for a bit then he wanted me to meet his wife. Went over there and boy is she a talker!!! I just now got back and I guess she talked for 2 hours? Wowie. I’m so hungry and I have a heache..

What a day, lol. Also, Brad was installing something on his laptop and wound up screwing up his computer so once he gets home – which should be soon, his cousin is coming over to see what we can all do to fix the puter. Hopefully we can figure it all out without having to wipe his laptop clean and reinstall the whole system. Well I’m starved so I’m off!!

Have a great Monday!!!! :grinny:


I’m sooo soo happy It’s now MARCH! My favoriiite month of the year!

Becauuuse of mine and Brad’s birthdays! His on the 11th, mine the 15th!
Ok so I was tired of everyone complaining about my site not working in IE so I did it.. I finally switched completely over to Firefox. Hah for so long I was against it because It made my site look like crap but I’ve learned to fix that… you can now comment! My comment box was all fucked up and not aligned. OoOo and I LOVE all the themes and plug-ins for Firefox haha.
I’ve had an EXCELLENT week! A really fast week too. I gotta clean the animal cages and the apartment today and I’m actually kindof excited about that.. haha I’m so lame. It’s SUCH A pretty day.. def gonna have to open up the windows while I’m cleaning. We got some pretty bad storms the last few days but now their all gone!

Okie, I might edit this and add some more to it later on… right now my smilies on my wordpress won’t show up in the post when I click them soo I’ll have to figure out why not!

edit @ 5:21PM ARG, still haven’t figured out how to get my smileys to be clickable on my this write post page… they were in IE. Anyhow, how was everyones week? Mine was great! Tuesday, Brad and I went out to eat @ Crackel Barrel with his Mom, Stepdad and 3 younger sisters. I got shrimp to eat, of course!!! :grinny: I exercised a little bit this week but we’re gonna stay home tonight haha. What a BEAUTIFUL day it is today. I opened up the windows and cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. Now the apartment is NICE. I re-organized some cabinets in the kitchen that were messy! I need to wash my hair, think I might actually go do that soon. Just thought I’d edit this and add a little about my week.

Have a FABULOUS weekend!!! I’m gonna work on my website more this evening so look for new (updated) different sections! I really hope I can get myself into blogging more often haha. I need to also start going to Xposure links again and commenting on peoples sites! I used to do that every time someone commented me but ugh, I’ve just got so bad about not. Bad bad!!! Hah, anyhow I’m off for now. 😎

Xmas Eve


Yesterday evening we went and did the rest of our Christmas shopping and bought our groceries as well and didn’t spent that much at all! Once we got home, Brad’s cousin James came over and stayed till late coz he wanted to hook up his computer to our connection to download some games so he went home and left his computer tower plugged up to the connection and will come get it within a few days. Brad and I didn’t go to bed till almost 3AM and had to get up @ 8AM this morning.. ugh. I meant to be up earlier this morning & Brad did wake me up but I don’t even remember him doing so. I did wake up about 7:40AM though and so we had to get up and get ready to go over to his Dad’s house.

Had a pretty decent time over there! I got some body lotion/wash/mist from them & Brad got some deodarant & cologne. Heh, Brad’s little half-brother Chad is SO CUTE. He’ll be a year old in Feb and he just GRINS GRINS GRINS. Then Brad’s half-sister Kara will be 2 in January. Brad’s 3 sisters were down at his Dads house too and they had already opened their gifts when we arrived so we ate breakfast and talked a bit then went up to Brad’s Grandmas house. We got gift cards from her & a Christmas card. :grinny: We gave her a big tin of popcorn & some chocolates!!! It was really good to see and talk to her again. We stayed for quite a while then headed back to Brad’s Dads to take pictures outside then we loaded up Brad’s 3 sisters with us and headed to Brad’s Moms house!

Wound up opening up our presents from Brad’s Mom & Stepdad. Yay!!! :happy: We also gave Brad’s 3 sisters, his Mom & Stepdad their presents to open. Let’s see.. I got makeup, bra, undies, new KoRn shirt WOO, Buffy: Season 5, Brad’s Mom got me some YUMMY Sweet Temptation lotion that smells LOVEEELY. :love: Got lots of new socks, new soft blankie and then of course I “opened” Brad’s gift he gave me, a little bottle of my FAVORITE perfume.. Lady Stetson & It came with the powder puff too! He also got me a box of my favorite chocolates, Ferrero Rocher and let me tell you those chocolates are YUMMMY. Wow and the makeup that Brad’s Mom got me is really nice! I’m excited to wear my new perfume, makeup and lotion lol. :geek:

As far as our schedule now? We’re leaving @ 4PM with Brad’s Mom & everyone to Brad’s Aunt & Uncles house for their little gathering. Tomorrow morning we’re heading out to MY MOMMY’S house to give her-her Xmas presents thennnn tomorrow evening is Brad’s Aunts (on his Dads side) Xmas party and I REALLY can’t wait for that!!!!! 😀 😀

Well, just thought I’d post an entry. I’ll post one again tomorrow probably after we get back from my Moms. OOOH we also got gift cards from Brad’s Mom! Hope everyone is having a great time with their familes and friends! HERE COMES SANTA, lol. :tongue: