
Thank you all so much for the birthday comments!!!!!!!!!! 😎

My birthday turned out to be a lot better than I thought It would! After my baybee got home from work Thursday, he got a shower then after a bit went to the store. When he came back, he told me not to look lol. He was cooking me a birthday dinner!!!! :grinny: Then he gave me my first present… A DOZEN RED ROSES!!!!! :love: Their just about dead now but they were pretty while they lasted! Then after a bit, I smelled matches lol. I said I smelled them and he said, “No you don’t” playfully. Heheee! So he said to come in there and had bought me a birthday cake!! A strawberry sundae cake! And he had bought 21 CUTE squiggly birthday candles and put on it! It was so sweet. I made a wish and blew them out! 😀 Went back into the living room while he worked on cooking my din-din. I was trying to figure out what food it was by smelling but there were a few different smells so I was thrown off.

Once he was done and had our plates fixed I came to see what he had for us to eat! He made my FAVORITES! Big juicy steak, buttered+peppered shrimp and garlic bread! OH and he also got me a 2 liter of my favorite drink PEPSI! Isn’t he a sweetheart?! I am so lucky.. I thanked him a lot! The food was wonderful! We both got stuffed! Then Brads Stepdad came by when we were eating and brought me a birthday balloon from Brads Mom and the gang. He also brought cupcakes and some of their leftover food but they didn’t know Brad was cooking me dinner lol.

Annnd my doctors appointment is a week from today! Their gonna take some more blood and see If the Metformin is helping my hormones! I really really think it’s starting to straighten them up! Maybe in a couple months I will actually get pregnant.. I hope! 😉
Okie I’m off to eat my lunch, have a great rest of the weeeeek! <3

Brad’s bday

WOOT. I had an excellent weekend!!! Went to Moms Saturday and ate LOTS of yummy homemade food. We ate until we couldn’t anymore haha. Then later on ate some banana pudding for dessert and then I knew I had reached my limit coz I felt sick from eating so much, lol. Later got to hang out with my BESTEST FRIEND ALLEN! Who I haven’t seen since December 05!!! We talked for like 2 hours? lol. I didn’t wanna go!!! But we had to since we still needed to go to Wally World and buy groceries then head on home. Sooo said our goodbyes then went shopping.

Once done shopping, we came back by Moms to get our stuff then headed towards hommme. :grinny: Yesterday was a great day too!!! We went to Brads Moms housie and they had balloons set up for us hehe and a cake with both our names on it! 😀 Brads Mom had made HOMEMADE lasagna – which was really tasty!!! After that we got 2 little baskets of nick-nacks a piece.. stuff like candy, little candle, LED keychain light, etc. THEN we had a big present for both of us so we opened it together and we got….. A NEW DIGITAL CAMERA!!!! :love: :love: It’s a Kodak Easy Share and It’s VERY nice!!! 7 megapixels heheh. It takes really, really good pictures! And we’ve been wanting a new one so YAYAY. I’m super excited about it heh. We also got some moneey from his Mom + Stepdad. His Grandpa came by today and brought us birthday cards that also had some money in it! 😎

So overall an awesome weekend now let’s hope this week goes by fast too!! MY BIRTHDAY IS THURSDAY WHEEE! Then the girl who hooked me and Brad up, Jessica, is getting married Saturday and we’re more than likely going to that! Anyhow, I’m out for now!! Have a great weeeek!!!!! :happy:


Ugh, I say I’m gonna update this blog more often but then I just don’t really know what to say and sometime I just don’t feel like posting here even though I’d like to? lol.

I finally got over my cold somewhere over a week ago and then I didn’t feel well for a bit but now I’m goooood. :happy: January is winding down! I cannot wait for January 31st! New episode of my favorite TV show – BONES!!! :grinny: Can’t wait for February coz of Valentines Day and March becauuuuuse of our BIRTHDAYS!!! Mine and Brad’s both.

Hm, other news… I got a new watch after having my old one for 8 or so years!!!l Don’t really have anything new to tell, lol. I have been contemplating different layout ideas so hopefully soon I will have a new layout. I hope I hope!

K, well I’m done. *waves*