Just wanted to update real quick and say that my website has been down because the person that hosts my server changed DNS and hadn’t change mine so I had to go in and change it and wait and now voila, here I am again!

Brad starts his new job tomorrow @ 1PM! He’ll work until 9:30PM and I hate that he has to drive such a long way at night. We’re gonna move real soon – hopefully sometime this week

Anyhow just a quick update!

Version 15!

WOOT new layout – had to put up a pink layout now that we know It’s a girl hahaha. I’m still working on finishing up the layout. May be a while. For now I’ve gotta get up and wash dishes, fold laundry, make up the bed and possibly call my Mom! Hope you guys like the layout! Have a great day! 🙂

Only love

Website: Newww layoout!!! Version 14! Not sure If I like it that much yet or not. I might wind up changing a few things around If I’m eventually not satisfied with it. I really like the header image. I espically love Maroon 5. Muah Adam Levine!! Muah muah.

Love: You know. Even though Brad can kindof irk me sometimes, (who doesn’t get irked every now and then tho?) I am just amazed at how close we are. He came into my life out of NOWHERE! I had no clue who he was. We were both love-struck when we met one another. We were laying in bed together the other night, with me laying on his chest. Talking about our first time’s and remembering all the memorable moments. He mentioned he remembers after he left my friends house after meeting me how he couldn’t stop thinking about me. I couldn’t help but tear up. Our first kiss. Brad said to me, “Was it like a kiss out of a Dawson’s Creek episode?” I smiled. It was, truly. My knee was shaking uncontrollably as I experienced my first true kiss. Remembering one night when Brad’s friend came over and while he watched over Brad’s little sisters we giggled our way upstairs to take our first bath together, lol. Brad lit candles and It’s one of those things you never forget. Spending the weekend with him.. him chasing me up the stairs and biting on my knee. (which tickles!) Memories are really dear to me. Every one of them. I am so lucky and blessed to have a love like ours. So very, very blessed.

Now I end with a very bittersweet song to match all this love talk.

what would you do if we woke up and the whole world was gone?
well would you believe with me is where you belong?
well there goes the world and we’re right in the middle
there goes the world and we’re right in the middle
i said leave me here. i said leave me here.. with you
as the city crumbles i see that there’s nothing left behind
as we lay here together feel your heart beat with mine
with time standing still, here is where we’ve always been
well there goes the world and we’re right in the middle again
i said leave me here. i said leave me here.
i said leave me here. i said leave me here with you…

17 weeks preggo!!!

🙂 SO! 17 weeks pregnant!! Was reading this morning that baby is about the length of my whole hand stretched out and around the size of a pomengrante! What really pleased me is when It said that baby will start to hear soon and that rubbing my belly and talking to the baby can help with bonding, awwww. I *think* I might feel flutters? I can’t think of anything else It can be! Wonder when I’ll feel a swift little kick??? 🙂 Hah, I know all I talk about now is baby and pregnancy but um.. I lead a pretty average, boring life so bare with me, lol. Brad has been wonderful and supportive for this whole pregnancy. I’m so grateful to have him. I still have a little cold! Still sniffling and stuffed up a bit plus an annoying random cough.

Onto more randomness. I really like watching music videos online and check for new ones often. Check out these 2! 2 of my current most played artists!
Chris Daughtry – Feels Like Tonight
Maroon 5 – Won’t Go Home Without You
Both really great songs IMO!! 😀

Anddd lastly, gonna try to work on a new layout pretty soon.. well, hopefully!!!


Man, I used to be pretty good at blogging and used to have pretty interesting entries haha. Now I just.. don’t, lol. I think I’m gonna attempt to be better at it though.

This weekend was a good one overall. Brad finally went to one of the new clinics in town Friday afternoon to get his blood pressure medicine refilled and since he’s had a pretty nasty cold lately. They gave him a shot and antibiotics to clear that up real fast since he does not need to be getting real sick with his job. He needs to save up his personal days for either my appointments or for when the baby comes!!! 🙂 Saturday started off with some roofers working on ours at 8AM.. we had no clue what the noise was at first so we both jumped out of bed and then we both stayed up. I eventually got sleepy enough to lay back down on the couch for a few hours more sleep. I had a pretty steamy dream that made me steamy when I woke up hehe 😉 so I went to use the bathroom and Brad came in there and I kissed him in “our” way that signals time to hit the sheets, lol. All I can say is, DAMN. Yeah, damn hehe. Afterwards, we both got a shower and got ready to go grocery shopping. I was quite sore already then add an hour+ of walking around in Wal-Mart. For dinner Saturday, we bought 2 decent sized steaks and some thick, hearty A1 sauce. Was really delicious!!! The rest of the weekend just kindof drifted by.. like usual. Yesterday was laundry and lazyness, lol. We fixed bacon, lettuce and tomatoe sandwiches last night. I haven’t had any bacon in a long time so that was different!

I just feel so lucky and blessed with everything I have — something that I heard not long ago that almost brought tears to my eyes is “some people search their whole life looking for love and never find it” and then to think about Brad and our love. I’m a sap but It’s amazing. *sighs*

New layout, v13!

Thought It was about time for a new layout since the holiday season is now pretty much over. Speaking of this layout, the Joey and Pacey image I made back in 2005 and had It set up for a layout on my website back then but never used it so It’s been sitting on my computer so I thought I’d put it to good use!

What do you think? I think It’s cute. LOTS of people complain about tiny fonts on websites nowadays – I remember when 7pt was everywhere. I personally still love to use it but I decided to go a little bigger with verdana for this layouts entries. I just don’t care for bigger fonts..

The weather here lately has been butt numbing cold! It’s 27 out right now says It’s gonna be down to 17 tonight. It was even colder last night! Guess what though? By next week our highs are gonna be almost 70 with some chance for severe weather. Fun! Nothing like crazy roller coaster weather to mess with you. :annoyed:

Version 12

Yay yay yay, newww layout! Figured I’d go ahead and get a holiday layout up! I made/drew the snowman and tree in photoshop LOL. Don’t laugh too much at my tree.. 😆

Also adding a few new things to my sidebar! Attempting to fiddle with the weather widget & I’ve added the twitter plugin! 😀

Ummm what else? Not much, really! Brad and I rented some movies the other night — Pulse (OK movie), Spiderman 3 (actually really LOVED it!), I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (haven’t watched this one yet)

I wanted to rent License to Wed but they were all out, awww!!!

Rain, rain

Yeah, yeah I’m talking about weather again! LOL. 😆 This morning It was starting to cloud up and then It really poured for a bit. Even got some thunder and lightning for a little while. Now It seems to be calm out there, for now. Supposed to be almost 80 degrees tomorrow, sheesh!!! Thankfully though, that won’t last and tempertures will cool off once again.

I know a lot of people don’t like paid posts but I’m really starting to get into them now so please just overlook them and I’ll try to post normal entries everyday as well.

Whaaat else! OH OH. FINALLY got a hold of my Doc’s office today, well, this morning. They said they would call me back AGAIN just like they said last week. ARGH. I took a nap.. woke up and they still hadn’t called. Around 2pm they finally called and said my lab work looked great and hey, that I’m pregnant! Who knew! LOL 😆 So now I need to get an appointment for the new baby Doc we’ve been looking into. YAY. I hope she’s nice.. if not then we can always switch.


I want to thank you all for the congrats! For you visitors who say you’ve been lurking for a long time, please feel free to leave comments, speak up!!! 😀 I would love to hear from you! It would make my day If you would! 🙂

As soon as Brad gets off work today, we’re gonna head out to Wal-Mart. Think we’re gonna go ahead and do our grocery shopping tonight since I need to get my prenatal vitamins!!! Heheee! I’m also gonna get my eyebrows waxed at the barber shop… man do they need it BIG TIME LOL! 😆 I have let them get out of hand! Sheesh!

As you can see on my site, I’ve got a few Pay Per Post things up! Yes I know some people don’t like the extra posts but It’s something I want to do and I’ll try to post a normal entry after I’ve posted the PPP ones.

So what are you guys doing this weekend? I have no idea what we’re gonna do after today. Hope everyone has a great weekend! And I added my pregnancy page! 😀

Scatter brain

I tell you what, already I have the pregnancy brain going on. I’m constantly forgetting what I just said LOL. 😆 I’m just sooo happy to be pregnant!!!! 🙂 🙂 Man last night I was EXHAUSTED already by like 10pm! I think I went to bed around midnight but I was dragging by then!

How was everyones Halloween? We only got a few trick-o-treaters! Mainly because It’s a very, very small town and mostly everyone was at the main Halloween church event that was going on. Brad actually put a fake icky looking wound on his forehead! It looked awesome haha. So we have lots of leftover candy but I am going to avoid it LOL. I don’t need it!!!!!!!!

Also, notice the theme! I wanted something very simple for now so I snatched the theme from jenn! Very nice, simple theme which is exactly what I want right now and probably for a while! 😀 Oooh and finally some new smilies! Courtesy of bouncy-bubbles.net! 😀