

Wow this time last year I found out I was pregnant! Can’t believe It’s been a year. It’s surely true what they say about time flying. It only seems to go by faster when you get older. We don’t have any plans for tonight.. didn’t have money to buy Halloween candy to pass out.. boo. Next year will be different since Katie will be old enough to maybe understand it, maybe. She’s currently taking a nap before her night feeding which will probably be about 6:30-7PM. I kindof wish we had something to do tonight since I’m ready for some serious fun but not this year.

We’re boring & broke people, lol. Hope everyone has a safe and spoOoky Halloween!!!!!!


Welp we got the keys to our apartment today and the big move is tomorrow!!! We’ve gotta get a new Internet service so I won’t be back online after tonight until we get a new service!

WEEE can’t wait to set up the new place woot woot!


Sorry I haven’t updated in a couple of days but we have been so busy!!! We got our 2nd DVD from Netflix in the mail the other day this time It was Beowulf! Actually really good movie and I enjoyed reading it in High School too. Last Wednesday I had asked Brad about going to the gym that is inside the local hospital because I had asked him before about it and we just never did check into it but Wednesday we went with his Grandma up there. It’s not too terribly big but It’s really nice and we went ahead and worked out that day. We’re gonna sign up for a membership at the beginning of October!!! Yay! We’ve worked out last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday! The water bottle I was bringing with me was hella hard to get water out of it and when I’m dieing of thirst and sweating trying to work out I don’t want to have to hassle with having to shake the stupid bottle to get water out of it so I went ahead and bought a new water bottle this weekend and It’s really nice! It has an open mouth on it so I can directly get the water or whatever it is to drink fast which is exactly what I want.

I’ve got my own little work out schedule going. I usually go in and do 10 on one of the arm machines then I get on the elliptical and do 20 minutes on that. When I’m done with that I usually have to sit down for a few minutes before continuing. Next I get on one of the machines that you do crunches on and do that until I can really feel it in my stomach and abs. After that I get on the treadmill for 15 minutes and I’m slowly learning how to jog on it but I can only jog for a few minutes before I have to walk again but I’ll get there. I love working out!!! I’m so glad Brad is doing it with me. If we keep going the way we are and I know we will!!! Then come Christmas we both probably will see a pretty big difference!

I’m so excited!!!

YAAAY Friday!

Another week down and good news! Brad thought he wasn’t gonna get any money from last week for this weeks paycheck but he got paid for his 2 personal days he took off so yay monies!! I’m glad It’s the weekend! Brad and Katie are currently zonked out on the couch together lol <333

Got a package from my Aunt today!!! All kinds of goodies– this BEAUTIFUL blankie!

And then these.. stuffed animal, picture frame, 2 outfits and 2 pack bath set!

And just looooooooooooooook! Our little family<3

SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE. I love them more and more each day! <333 Have to also add that my hubby is damn sexy sexy<333

Have a great Friday evening!!!!

Friday appointment & busy!

Man am I tired! Was up quite a bit during the night because of leg/hip pain and having to use the bathroom every couple hours and then a little more haha. Then we had to get up at 7AM to get ready for my baby doc appointment @ 8:30AM. Brad happened to be off work today (I think I had mentioned in a post before that his work has had random weeks lately where instead of 5 days they’ve been working 4) SO I was glad that he was gonna be able to take me to the doc once again. I think I got up around almost 6AM? to use the bathroom and then Brad got up about 6:45AM so I layed there for a few more minutes then finally got up to start getting ready.

We left about 7:45AM and got there a little early so we sat in the truck for just a bit before going in. Waited a few more min inside before the nurse called me back. Haven’t gained any weight in 2 weeks. Blood pressure was 134/85 and my sugar was 69! Brad was already waiting back in one of the rooms hehe so I went and joined him to wait for the Doc. She came in and said everything still looks good! :] Measured my belly – my belly is measuring about a week ahead of where It should be which she said is ok. Got to hear Katie’s heartbeat and she had been squirming all morning so her heartrate was up to 158-159bpm then It went back down to 147bpm which Doc said was just fine! Told her about my leg/pelvic pain so she prescribed me some muscle relaxers. Take 1 an hour before bed time. I really hope they work, lol. That was about it! Made my next appointment for in 2 weeks then we headed out to get breakfast! I got a sausage biscuit and bottle of water and Brad got a chicken biscuit and coke. Went to Wal-Mart parking lot, ate then went inside to wander around. Didn’t have to be back at the Docs till 11AM. Bought a few little items and Brad’s Mom called to say they had gotten their stimulas check and they were heading up to Wal-Mart to buy groceries. We met them in the parking lot right before we were heading back to the Doc and said after we were done we’d come back, follow them in Wal-Mart till they were done then we’d all go eat lunch! YAY! Back to the Docs. The awesome nurse Linda took my blood sugar this time and as she said while we were waiting.. “Drum roll please” hehe and number was… 88! Woot! Then she joked and said, “I’m sorry but I’m gonna have to let you go” lol. She is great. So we were out of there!! Headed back to Wal-Mart & went and found Brad’s Mom and Stepdad in the store and went along with them as they did their shopping. They checked out and we headed for the Mexican restaurant! I wound up with a shrimp chimichanga YUMZ. I was so full, lol. Afterwards, we thanked them then headed home.

Brad’s Mom and their crew were grilling out tonight so we wanted to eat some yum grill food too so after going home, relaxing a bit, watching most of Dr. Phil then I called Mom and talked to her for a long while – we headed back over to Brad’s Moms about 5:30PM-ish and food was delish. We stayed over there past 8PM then came on home. I got in the bath to relax and soak and now I’m sitting here typing this listening to Breaking Benjamin! Think I’m gonna do a few more things then maybe log onto Lord of the Rings Online for a bit before taking my muscle relaxer, waiting an hour then hopefully getting some niiiiiiiice Zzzz’s! Busy but awesome day and even better? How good the temp was outside today! WOOT WOOT. Have a great rest of the weekend!

Our little girl

WOOT! We finally have a final name for our baby girl! After finding out that Brad’s Aunt is OK with us using the same name as her 1st baby (that was stillborn) – our daughters name IS!…


Brad and I both adore it 🙂 Denise is after my middle name

P.S. – found out one of my baby showers is gonna be May 31st! YAY can’t wait!

Thursdays appointment

(taken from my livejournal)

My Doc’s appointment went well Thursday 🙂 Gained 1 pound which they said is good because from now on I might gain a pound a week. Blood pressure was excellent @ 120/79! Of course my MIL drove me up there @ 8:30AM and after they weighed and took my blood pressure, they stuck my finger to see about my sugar level. It was 80 and they said that’s good. Told me to go wait out in the waiting room for the Doc to see me. Finally came back and the nurse asked my MIL if she wanted to come back with me 🙂 At first she said no but then the nurse said, “Come on back and hear the babys heartbeat!” Heheh and my MIL asked me If I cared and I said no so she came back with me. Doc finally came in and measured my belly – I’m measuring a bit bigger but she said I have extra inches on my belly and that baby will probably fill in those inches. Got to hear my little girls heartbeat!!!! Going at 142 beats per minute, awwwww. It’s just so nice to think about that.. It’s my little girls heart I’m hearing! So was done seeing the Doc – she said to go and get something to eat and come back in 2 hours. Doc said that because she wants to watch my glucose (sugar) level that I will need to come every week now (normally would be every 2 weeks at this point) and It needs to be in the morning.. which means Brad can’t take me anymore, boo. =( My MIL said of course that will take me anytime I need her to. Made my next appointment for Friday, May 2nd.

My MIL and I left to go see about getting Taco Bell but It was 9AM and they didn’t open till 10AM. Wasn’t sure where to eat but we decided on McDonalds where I got a sausage biscuit and a breakfast burrito + low fat milk. Ate on the way to the courthouse and went in once we were finished eating. Asked about where the ID department was and It was downstairs so we went down and there was a pretty big line. Ugh. The examiner asked what everyone needed and of course I said ID. She left soon after that to go do a driving test and wouldn’t be back till 10:15AM so everyone cleared out at that point so we got to sit down, yay lol. Waited.. examiner came back, got a few more people done then I got to go in!!! WOOT AND I FINALLLLLLLLLY GOT AN ID hahah so now I can identify myself after all these years haha. Pitiful. Also picked up a permit book to study and hopefully soon I can get my permit, practice driving and get my drivers license. When we left there It was 11:00AM and we had to be back @ the Docs at 11:30AM so we went over to Shoe Show real quick and when we went in my MIL said to pick out a pair of sandals and she’d buy them for me! She is too generous! She really didn’t have to do that but I thought WOOT new sandals! 😀 She helped me look around and I finally decided on these nice blue Nike flip flops that have green and orange flowers on the bottom and the straps are white with a green Nike check on them. Their really nice! We left around 11:25AM and got back just in time! The nurse called me back just as I sat down lol. The older nurse Linda cracks me up everytime I’m there!! She’s great. She stuck my finger and my glucose was 124 and they didn’t want it higher than 125 so I just did make the number, lol. We sat there and waited for the Doc to get through with a patient so Linda could tell her my number but It took a while! Linda and I talked about all kinds of things – I’m so glad their such nice people up there. Makes me feel sooo at ease, relaxed and welcome. Finally the younger nurse came in and said she’d go tell the Doc and Doc said that number was fine so I was done! My MIL drove me back home and I was soooooo thirsty! Told her thank you, thank you, thank you over and over hehe then headed inside to eat lunch and clean up a little. Layed down at 1PM, woke up 2 short times then got up when I heard Brad came home!

So yeah that was my Thursday! 😀 We had chinese last night and It was soooooo good! Planning on going out and about today and going grocery shopping sometime tonight before we come back home. OMG gas prices are insane. In maybe the last 2 weeks? It’s went from $3.29 to $3.55!!!!!!!!! Insanity. Also – my baby girl has really been giving me some big kicks lately! Like 4-5 kicks in a row! It’s funny, lol. I hear the kicks start to really hurt at the end but I don’t care If they do. =) Welp, better get up and go get ready! Have a great weekend!!!

(guess this is the longest entry I’ve typed in a long time! lol)

Busy busy!!!

Wow. Since Friday, Brad and I have been running around crazily! Friday we had to be up at the Docs @ 8:30AM for my 3 hour glucose testing. My final 3rd hour number was about 20 points higher than It should have been so I guess I do have the gestational diabetes. =( They gave me a guide to a diet and I’ve been following that. I go back this Thursday at 8:30AM, can’t eat anything that morning, go in, they’ll stick me and see what my glucose is and then wait 2 hours, come back to the office and see what it is then and I think If it’s ok I don’t have to be on the diet anymore, just be careful so that the baby doesn’t get too big in my tummy. If It’s still high, I have to continue the diet, continue to come back every week to see what the level is. Shew. By the time the 3 hour test was over, It was around noon and I was STARVING. Hadn’t had anything since midnight! Brad was starving too so we went over to Taco Bell, ordered and ate in the parking lot. Went over to the courhouse to see about getting myself an ID but they only do that on Wednesdays and Thursdays so I’ll be getting it this Thursday. YAY FINALLY AN ID!

Saturday we had to get up early again so we could go to the ZOO with Brad’s Mom, Stepdad and 3 younger sisters!! They came and got us at 7:30AM, got breakfast from Mcdonalds and hit the road! It was an absolute GORGEOUS DAY. Around 70 degrees with a little breeze so It was lovely. Had a blast! Got to eat a snowcone – It was delicious! We went all the way through the zoo and got to see everything except maybe an animal or 2. Ate around 2:30PM – I had a hot dog and a few little chicken tenderlions (they were AWESOME) + a lemonade. Hurried very QUICKLY over to the Sea Lion show at 3PM. Man, my legs and hips were starting to really get to me towards the end of the time we were there and of course just about anytime we went past a bathroom I had to go, lol. I think we started a little after 10AM and didn’t leave the zoo until somewhere around 5:30PM? I was reaaaaaaady to go at that point. Well, I don’t think I could have walked anymore honestly. I did get pretty red under my neck, shoulders and back. My face just a tiny but It was NICE to get some sun!!! Brad took over 200 pictures and you can see them over at my Flickr! 🙂

22 today!

Thanks for the comments everyone on the last entry!!!!

Just wanted to drop in and say



Yesterday and today have been exciting!!! Monday afternoon, Brad and I went and got our taxes done — woot woot! We should get that in TOMORROW! (hopefully!) Also yesterday, Brad called in to order us Cable TV and Cable Internet (from the same company) so they said they would come out today between 8AM-12 noon! Ugh I’m so used to having a morning nap so I was bored and sleepy waiting around this morning, lol. The guy got here a little after 9AM and didn’t get done with everything until after 11AM! I can’t TELL YOU how GOOD it is to finally have our own CABLE TV! When the cable man left, our wireless router wasn’t connecting through to Brad’s computer for some reason? Cable guy said he wasn’t sure and that we could call their company to ask so then that was all! Brad came home for lunch not long after he left and tried to work with the computers a little but couldn’t figure it out as he had to get back to work. Brad went back to work and I got to watch baby/pregnancy shows, yay!!! At 1:30PM, I layed down and didn’t wake up till Brad walked in the door at about 3PM from work. He fiddled with the computers again and called his Cousin to ask him about it and not long after voila, he figured it out. YUMMY CABLE INTERNET! Our AT&T/Bellsouth DSL was fast but every time a storm would come through our Internet would go IN AND OUT, IN AND OUT. We went ahead and cancelled our home phone (and we’ll just use our cellphones) and of course the DSL so NO MORE AT&T/Bellsouth! I’ll tell you what, we have a pretty good deal, fast Cable Internet + 140 TV Cable channels about $100 a month!!!!!

Tonight was SPLENDID. We went out with Brad’s Stepdad for a few hours and got home a few minutes before 7PM, just in time for The Biggest Loser! Ate a pretty here-there dinner but It was nice and we stayed home and watched our show yaaaaaay! We might go over to Brad’s Moms house to have dinner a few times a week? Or maybe not If we can budge some cheap dinner meals for the week — that’s our main issue so we’ll see what we can come up with.

CABLE TV AND INTERNET, so happies!!! Oh and today marks 21 weeks preggo for meee!!!! So I’m thrilled all around!