Weekend stuff

Don’t know If I mentioned about our iguana but we let him go in the woods Thurday night.. we couldn’t keep him because he was biting Brad and we were afraid he might bite someone else. What else could we do? Wow, ER’s episode was amazing Thursday night! Made me cry! Was a really touching episode. Interested to see what’s gonna happen with the show when they come back in the new year.

Friday we didn’t do much, really. Got food from Mcdonalds Friday night and just played online, yaddaaa yadda. Our friend Gatlin wanted Brad and me to come over Saturday and so at some point I had posted about getting rid of our animals on livejournal and Megan (Gatlins wife) said she wanted our bunny so when we went to their house Saturday evening we gave them the bunny! I know she’ll be in good hands. So now all we have to get rid of is our 6 birds. I watched them play Rock Band, pretty cool game! Then we went to Tupelo to eat @ Red Lobster to celebrate mine and Brads 2 year wedding anniversary (which is tomorrow!!) and had a pretty good time. The shrimp was yummy but my mashed potatoes weren’t the best but yeah. Went to Books-a-Million afterwards and I bought a little beanie baby penguin! It’s a Christmas penguin and it jingles! Also bought Mom a little glass angel for a Christmas present! 🙂 We left there right about when they were fixing to close then headed back to their place and they played Rock Band a little longer. I think It was after midnight when we left to go home. It was around 1:30AM when we finally got home! We both didn’t go to sleep until after 2:30AM I think.

Today I slept in until almost 1PM and got up feeling very hungry and haven’t had that much energy all day! Went grocery shopping and bought more Christmas presents! I think we’ll finish up the shopping next weekend then I can sit down and wrap them all up! YAY! We fixed pizza rolls for dinner, still finishing mine up now! Yum yum! Still got 1 more load of laundry to fold then I have to get started on Christmas cards so I can mail those off hopefully tomorrow.

That about wraps up my weekend! Hope everyone had a good one!!! 😀

9 weeks!

I’m soooo excited to be 9 weeks pregnant! 😀 Can’t wait for the next few weeks to go by! I thought I would be 9 weeks tomorrow but that was my “estimated” due date so I used a due date calculator. The doc said I’m “due” July 10th just from my LMP but when I used an online calculator it said July 8th so yeah. It’s gonna be so exciting to get to hold my baby. OUR BABY!!!

SO. What’s up? I’m sitting here drinking hot chocolate. It is yummmmmy! Had to get up a minute ago and turn on the heater because I was freezing! It’s been getting really cold late at night. During the day so far this week It’s been OK. Just a little chilly but It’s supposed to be windy for the rest of the week.

This afternoon, Brads Stepdad took me and Brad to Wal-Mart to see about him getting an eye exam and we got there after 4:30 and the woman said he saw his last patient @ 4:30… UGGGGGH. She set him up for 4:30PM tomorrow even tho he usually doesn’t see people AFTER 4:30 but Brad desperatley needs to be seen so he can get new contacts. He REALLY needs new glasses too but he’s not gonna do it. He just wants the contacts so *shrug* Haha.

Seems like today should be Wednesday instead of Tuesday. Soon It will be Wednesday tho!!!


WOHOO! I’m sooo happy It’s finally December! Now I’m hoping It will go by fairly quick! Can’t wait to travel and see Mom and celebrate Christmas! 😀

I thought about blogging this weekend but eh, decided to wait. Friday I did my cleaning and Brad was gonna clean the animal cages but we were both hungry so he went and bought McDonalds. By the time we ate, he was too tired hah!! He woke up early Saturday (after 9AM) and wanted to clean the cages so I got up, ate then I helped him slightly with all the animal cages but he did most of it. Of course Saturday we went grocery shopping and bought a few Christmas presents hehe. Just got a few more to get then we’ll be done. Hopefully can buy up the rest this weekend! We had a YUMMY dinner Saturday! Ate tuna helper and mac and cheese! While we ate we finally watched License to Wed! What a lovely movie!!! I thought It was great. I LOVE JOHN KRASINSKI! He seems like such a wonderful guy!

Also, Brad had talked to a woman at his work about our Iguana and she said she would come get him Saturday. Brad said she kindof sounded like she would back out of it though and she must have because she never showed up. Oh well… speaking of animals, we MUST put an ad in the paper and see If we can sell any of them. I’d like to have them sold before we left for Christmas but I guess we’ll see what happens.

Brad’s eye contact ripped last week so he’s had to wear his glasses (that he’s had since he was like 12? 14?) and he can’t really see that good out of them, espically at night. We need to go to the eye center @ Wal-Mart and Brad’s Mom said she would take him but come to find out the eye Doc wouldn’t be there during the weekend only Mon-Thur so maybe we can see about going when he gets off work because he really needs new glasses and contacts but right now he just wants new contacts. He’s had those contacts… for I dunno almost a year probably? I know It’s been a loooong time.

8 weeks!

8 weeks pregnant today! Well, that’s what I estimate.. according to my LMP due date, I’d be a little over 8 weeks so I might change my tickers and such or I may wait till I go to the Doc and see exactly when I’m due according to her. I feel pretty good, I think my boobs are already growing a little, gosh lol.

My only concern is that I’m sooo afraid they won’t do an ultrasound or anything with my appointment and I just want to hear my little ones heartbeat. I guess I’ll have to see what my Doc says and then If nothing I think I’m gonna plead to atleast hear the heartbeat through a doppler or something!! Just to hear the little heart yenno?? Just some reassurance that my little bean is OK in there! It’s keeping me on the edge of my seat! If they won’t do ANYTHING, I’m gonna rent a doppler so I can listen to it @ home. I might do that anyway.

Getting very, very excited about Christmas! We DEFINETLY are going to visit Mom, my Aunt and Cousin YAAAAAY! We leave early on the 22nd, woohoo! Talked to Mom yesterday and she was naming off all the food she’s cooking for Christmas.. sounds DELICIOUS! She’s also making like 4 different desserts, lol. Cherry pie, strawberry cheesecake pie, red velvet cake (she always makes that @ Christmas) and this type of jello-mashmellow salad stuff that is beyond awesomecore! I JUST CAN’T WAIT!!!! 😀

So Brad randomly said to me yesterday while I was on the phone with Mom: Would you want to move to Georgia? After I got off the phone with Mom I asked him – HUH? Coz he doesn’t like Georgia. He said he could get used to it. Man, I would love to live in Georgia again. I grew up there! I dunno, we’ll see If anything comes of that or not.

Know what I wish I had right now? A can of spaghetti-o’s! 😆 Gonna have to stock up on those this weekend haha!

7 weeks!

Yay yay yay!!!! I’m 7 weeks pregnant today! 😀 😀 I can’t wait to meet each new week as my pregnancy progresses further along! I actually feel pretty good today, thankfully. Just woke up from a nap not too long ago and am about to eat some peach slices! Yum, yum!!

Here I go with weather talk again, lol. Today is rainy, rainy! We might even get some serious storms later this afternoon and into the evening. Then tomorrow brings in a blast of cold air, brr!!! It’ll be more holiday-ish I guess, lol. Supposed to remain very chilly for a couple of days after that.

Well we’re either going to Brad’s Grandmas house (Dads side) or going to his Cousins house (Moms side) and It’s up to Brad, his family and all. Doesn’t matter to me, I’ll get talk of the baby ever which way we go hehehehe. And Thanksgiving food, yum! I guess technically we could go to both but again, It’s up to him. I’m just along for the ride!

Happy Thanksgiving Eve! When Brad gets off work today, he has a 4 day weekend!!! 🙂


Had a great weekend, what about you guys? Friday night, Brad and I did wind up getting chinese food. I tried the hot & spicy shrimp.. haha. Wrong choice! It wasn’t hot or spicy but very ONION-ish. It was nothing but a few vegetables, little shrimp and TONS of cut up onions. I just picked out the shrimp.. argh. Saturday night, Brad’s friends Alex and Amanda came over and Brad was gonna take us all out to eat @ Red Lobster sooo that’s what we do. Took a while to drive out there. I wind up getting grilled shrimp and mashed potatoes. HAHA They gave me one tiny scoop of potatoes.. atleast the shrimp was good and I ate it all. First time I’ve ate that much in a while. Just wish they would have given me more mashed potatoes! Had a good time though.. then afterwards we were gonna go meet up with another one of Brads friends but he was busy so we went to Wal-Mart to wait around to see If he was gonna be done anytime soon. I think we stayed there like 2 hours. It was after midnight when we left Wal-Mart and Brad’s friend still hadn’t called so we just left and headed back home THEN he called us on the way back and we got to talk to him on the phone.

Got home, took my vitamin, ate a little and Alex and Amanda hung out for a bit then they left and I think I went to bed not too long afterwards. Since yesterday I have felt DRAINED. I’m starving but I also feel very sick at times so It sucks, lol. I’m just waiting for the puke city to start haha. I didn’t eat much yesterday and haven’t eaten much today either. I woke up @ 3AM this morning.. STARVING with a really sick feeling all at the same time so I got up, ate a little goldfish snack and a little piece of these corn flake-mashmellow treats that Brad made yesterday and drank some Sunny D and sat on the couch to see If I would feel a little better. I finally went and laid back down. *sigh* Hopefully I’ll be able to eat a little dinner.. depends on what we’re having. If not then I guess I’ll snack around on this and that when I get home tonight.

YAAAAY, Brad is off Thanksgiving (Thursday) AND FRIDAY, woot! Can’t wait till Wednesday, I’ll be 7 weeks! Our tiny baby is growing, growing!


Wohoo, so the holidays are right upon us! What are you guys doing for Thanksgiving? I’m not sure of our EXACT plans but I do know I’m getting some yummy food and I can’t wait for that! 😆

Next month is gonna be a busy one for us! December 10th will be our 2 YEAR wedding anniversary! We always go out to eat to celebrate. Then come all the Christmas cheer with Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! I’m hoping and praying that we will be in Georgia by then visiting my Mom, Aunt and Cousin! That would make me very, very, very happy to see them again! Espically Mom. I’ve got my very FIRST baby appointment December 27th – Brad has vacation that week so we’re gonna try to go to Georgia from Saturday – Wednesday then come back that night and get up and go to the Doc’s appointment on Thursday! Shew! Then a couple of days later we’ll be bringing in the new year, 2008! Wow. 😯

I think tonight we’re gonna eat chinese. Gosh I hope It’s what I want, LOL. These days I NEVER know what I want anymore so half the time I’m left unsatisfied and still wanting something else. My appetite is pretty much gone! I hope everyone has a great Friday night!!!! 😀 😀

*feet drags the floor*

Ugh – I feel like my feet ARE dragging the floor. I think I might be coming down with something. I hope not but I sure do feel that way today. I’m sitting here eating my dinner. I fixed sweet potatoes, corn and honey bbq chicken wings. Good stuff! Yet my taste buds don’t seem satisfied. Rah.

Pretty slow day. Brad made “oreo delight” yesterday. Basically It’s just oreos and cool whip beat up together. It’s pretty good, espically really cold. We took some over to Brad’s Moms today and watched a LMN movie with her, lol. 😆 It was actually a pretty good movie. Lots of lies and blackmail… OOOoo.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, a week from this coming Thursday! I actually can’t wait! 😀


I am tired! Might go to sleep a bit earlier tonight or might not, lol 😆 Might just stretch out on the couch for a little.

Check out this neat, cute little flash game, I’m addicted!

Pretty average day.. cleaned up the apartment today. It was actually a tad bit warmer outside and tonight It was cool not that bitter cold that I don’t like. We had McDonalds for dinner since on Fridays there’s usually not much to eat in the house. Was actually very good. I’ve been wanting something to eat to satisfy my tummy since nothing seems to make my tummy satisfied.

We might go to the mall tomorrow! Yay! It’ll be good to actually go out somewhere and maybe buy something or atleast get to look at more baby items!!! Hehehe. Alright, everyone have a great Friday night!


I called up to my Docs office today to try to get my blood test results – they were out to lunch and she said they would call me back. Oook they never did today. Tomorrow I’ll call back and hopefully will get my results!

Man, tonight we had pizza at my MIL’s. It was.. ok but not exactly what I wanted. I’m kindof getting to the stage where I don’t know what I want to eat so here I am with water and a bowl of green peas, lol. We don’t really have that much else. I could have eaten a granola bar like I usually do but I wanted something hot.

Anyone watch the TV show ER? Tonight episode was great but Abby. Dear Abby. And LUKA comes back next week! I’m so disappointed he’s not gonna be on the show anymore. I also don’t know how he’s gonna react once he finds out Abby slept with another man AND has been DRINKING ….. again after all those years. 🙁