Last period was May 11th 2018, with 26 day cycles.
We had been trying since February and I had been using OPK’s to track ovulation but this time I used different OPK’s plus Clearblue advanced digital ovulation test.
I had a couple high fertility days by following my blinkey smiley on the test then on May 23rd I had positive OPK and solid smiley!
DTD 19th, 21st, 23rd, 24th with peak days on 23rd and 24th

Ovulation was more than likely the 24th.
Period was due June 6 2018.
May 31st- Got a very very very faint something @ 7 DPO on internet cheapie test! So maybe implanted @ 6 or 7dpo.

June 1st- A very faint line on a Clearblue rapid detection at 8 DPO.

June 3rd- Faint lines at 10 DPO on internet cheapie, FRER, and Clearblue line test! Positive digital!

Early pregnancy symptoms: May 30th-June 3rd.. Achy legs, few headaches, night sweats, waking up at 5AM to go pee, waking up earlier in general and feeling wide awake.
June 4th to 6th- Lines got a lot darker between 11-13 DPO. My progression lines!

June 8th- 4 weeks pregnant!
June 15th- 5 weeks pregnant! Baby’s heart should start beating soon 🙂
June 22nd- 6 weeks pregnant! Had my confirmation appointment and transvaginal ultrasound- saw everything! Baby, fetal pole, yolk sac, and even saw/heard the little heart beat! SO HAPPY. Queasyness has started a tiny bit and little breast tenderness too. Hunger is starting to increase.
June 29th- 7 weeks pregnant!
July 6th- 8 weeks pregnant 🙂 and main symptom is HUNGER and a little bit of nausea.
July 13th- 9 weeks pregnant.. woohoo!
July 20th- 10 weeks pregnant and had 1st OB appointment! Was another transvagnial ultrasound. Got to see tiny baby and measured 10w3d. Took glucose test.. passed! Got lots of blood taken. Go back at 12 weeks for genetic testing and ultrasound. Baby’s HB was 176bpm. No weight gain.
July 27th- 11 weeks preggo! 🙂 Still haven’t gotten sick but have felt like it a few times. Mostly just random queasy and a mix of hungry/tired sometimes!
August 3rd- 12 weeks pregnant and we had our first trimester screening! Baby’s HB was 170bpm, measured 12w3d. Always so awesome seeing/hearing the little heartbeat! Baby wouldn’t turn the way the nurse needed so she had me lay on my side.. nope. I went to go pee a little since my bladder was overfilled and that helped! Baby started to wiggle a bit and profile looked JUST LIKE our boys from last pregnancy! Baby’s nub bits were looking like a … GIRL! We’ll see! Had blood drawn for down syndrome testing. Got 4 or 5 ultrasound pics to take home!
August 10th- 13 weeks pregnant and I SWEAR I’ve felt little movement “sensations” since about 11 weeks!! Nausea has let up a bit.. loving sugar snap peas and mashed potatoes and yummy BBQ chicken and my supreme pizza like last pregnancy. Day before I turned 14 weeks I started having trouble getting comfy at night and getting really HOT again but then also chilly in the morning. No sickness but tummy troubles.
August 17th- 14 weeks pregnant! Had an OB checkup and heard the heart beating at 156bpm! Found out the pre-term labor shots are now NOT covered by my insurance so trying to figure out if I can get coverage somehow. 14 weeks 2 days I felt a tiny kick/jab for sure!!!!!!
August 24th- 15 weeks pregnant… can’t believe it!
August 31st- 16 weeks pregnant and am going to need maternity pants real soon! Still no sickness but hunger is really kicking in!!! I *think* total weight gain is about 8 pounds so far.
September 7th- 17 weeks pregnant!
September 12th- OB checkup, HB 150bpm, blood drawn for 2nd part of genetic testing and Doc said 1st part came back normal, which usually means the 2nd is too! Got our anatomy scan scheduled.
September 14th- 18 weeks pregnant – getting closer to halfway!
September 21st- 19 weeks pregnant
September 24th- 19 weeks 3 days pregnant and our ANATOMY SCAN! Baby is a girl for sure.. she wouldn’t wiggle enough so once again I had to go empty my bladder like in the past and she moved a little more but didn’t get the right angles for the rest of her heart scans so they wanted me to come back in 2 weeks. It sucked that I didn’t learn anymore info!
September 28th- 20 weeks pregnant means half way!!!!!
October 5th- 21 weeks pregnant and hubby finally felt her kick for the first time the day before!
October 8th- 21 weeks 3 days pregnant and her follow up for anatomy scan to finish and got a cute profile picture of our bitty girl!
October 10th- 21 weeks 5 days, OB checkup, HB 150’s bpm, anatomy scan results came back and our baby girl is healthy!! SO THANKFUL.
October 12th- 22 weeks pregnant
October 19th- 23 weeks pregnant
October 26th- 24 weeks pregnant
November 2nd- 25 weeks pregnant
November 7th- 25 weeks 5 days pregnant, OB checkup, HB still 150’s bpm! I feel this baby girl a lot!!!
November 9th- 26 weeks pregnant
November 16th- 27 weeks pregnant and have gained about 17 pounds.