Katie Denise. After 14 months of fertility struggles and after losing 20 pounds or so, I found out I was pregnant on Halloween of 2007! I had a decent pregnancy all except for being diagnosed later in the pregnancy with gestational diabetes. Katie was due July 2008 but I had her May 18th, 2008 at 32.5 weeks after going to the hospital just to be “checked” to find that I was READY TO GO! She was perfectly healthy at 5 pounds, 8 ounces and only had a little jaundice. I gave her my middle name. We got to come home after only 2 days! She is our gift, blessing and miracle. I’m thankful that Heavenly Father allowed us to have our baby girl. I do NOT plan on having anymore, unless God has other ideas haha.
[our fertility struggle] [pregnancy with katie]
Our sweet surprise, Benjamin Nolan. Well, remember in the last paragraph where I said I do not plan on anymore babies? Welllll. Hubby and I had ONE unprotected time June 2016 and I missed my cycle and just knew I was pregnant but in denial. Yep, I was pregnant all right! We had early ultrasounds since I had Katie prematurely and Doc said babe looked like a BOY, even from – I think it was 13 weeks? Thankful to have a little boy! He will be a year in a few months. Seems unreal! He is a pretty laid back boy and SO HANDSOME.
[pregnancy with benjamin]

Can’t forget our other baby! Our standard grey chinchilla named Rocko! We brought him home as a tiny baby on January 27, 2006 so he is now over 5 years old! He loves to be rubbed behind his ears and under his chin. He is a wonderful pet!
Sadly, November 2011 Rocko passed away. RIP little guy, I love you soooooo much!
We had a little rat named Ratticus Finch that passed away November 2014 after 2 1/2 yrs.
March 30th, 2013 we bought a baby ferret and named her Echo! She turned 4 in January 2013.
my religion and faith
Yes, I am a Latter-Day Saint and I attend The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” – Proverbs 3:5-6
I have believed in God all my life and grew up Baptist but did not go to church except every good once in a while. After I married Brad, he tried to encourage me to read scriptures or that we might start going to church but I would usually give him the cold shoulder. I had a lot of fear in my heart and my heart was indeed “hardened” as they say in the scriptures. Brad prayed for me for years. We started going to a non-denominational church before we got married and that is where we were married as well. We both grew up Baptist but he was wanting to search for the right church for himself and hopefully — for us. He ordered a Book of Mormon online since he likes FREE things and who doesn’t? The missionaries came over with the Book of Mormon and I hid in the bedroom. One of the men that had with the missionaries invited us over for dinner later in the week. I told Brad that I did not want to go but he convinced me to anyway and you know what? I’m glad he did. Brad started attending church and then I soon did as well. It has been one of the best choices I think I’ve made in my life. We were baptized on August 10th, 2008.

Some of the basic beliefs of the church are:
** God is our Heavenly Father
** Jesus Christ is the Son of God
** The first principles and ordinances of the gospel are: faith in Jesus Christ, repentence, baptism, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.
** The Church of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth with priesthood authority.
** Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can return to live with Him if we keep His commandments.
** The Bible and the Book of Mormon are the word of God.
** God reveals His will to His prophets today.
** Families can be together forever.

The Book of Mormon is another witness of Jesus Christ, that He really lived, and that the Bible is the word of God. It contains a record of the Savior’s visit to the American Continent after He was resurrected.
The Book of Mormon is also proof that God has restored His Church in our time. It concludes with a promise to us: “If we will read it with an honest heart, the Lord will reveal its truth to us by the power of the Holy Ghost.”
Temples are sacred houses of the Lord. In temples, church members participate in ordiances like marriage and baptism to unite their families together forever.
What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ? The gospel of Jesus Christ is Heavenly Father’s plan for the happiness and salvation of His children. It is called the gospel of Jesus Christ because the Atonement of Jesus Christ is central to Heavenly Father’s plan. According to His plan, Heavenly Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to show us how to live meaningful and happy lives and experience eternal joy after this life. Through the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ, you can become clean from sin and enjoy peace of conscience. You can become worthy to live in Heavenly Father’s presence after this life.
~ Developing faith in Jesus Christ
~ Repenting
~ Being baptized and receiving the Holy Ghost
~ Enduring to the end
Firstly, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Days Saints is not a cult. By no means! We are all about family. We believe God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost are 3 seperate heads. We do NOT practive polygamy. I want to bare my testimony to all that read this. Thank you for taking the time to read it. I do know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is indeed the true church. It has the fullness of The Gospel! I’ve never seen a church like it. I do know that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith did indeed restore the church back onto the earth. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior, my Redeemer and he gave me The Atonement so that I might be forgiven of my sins that I repent for. I’m thankful for the church and how It helped me have a change of heart… a change of life, a change of MIND. I know that The Gospel can do amazing things in everyones lives If we are willing to live the commandments of God and live as righteously as we should be so that we can be as happy as we deserve to be — as happy as HE wants us to be! I know that Thomas S. Monson is indeed the living prophet on this earth and that I can learn much for his counsels. I do know that I am a child of God and that He loves me and He loves us all! The church means everything to me and I am so thankful, grateful and blessed for every day that Heavenly Father allows me to have. I say all these things humbly in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

I HAVE CENTERED MY LIFE AROUND GOD and am the happiest I’ve ever been!
I am now a positive, motivated person and I owe it to Heavenly Father
Letting God into my life and converting to be a LDS was the BEST DECISION I’ve ever made
I’m mostly a very keep to my self person until you get to know me
I was raised by my Grandma aka “Mom” and didn’t know that until I was 18
I love my Moms homemade dressing
My Mom is an elvis freak. Hah.
I can only wear certain types of jewelry coz some break me out
My last name is french
I do not like Politics
I’m just now getting my driver’s permit, in my late twenties
I have never had the chickenpocks. Bwack
I really really really enjoy swimming
I was stabbed when I was 4. Got 16 stitches & a scar
Stalked by a middle-aged man when I was 5.
Bitten by my best friends Chow when I was in 7th grade.
I do not label myself. I’m just myself and that is all
Love is my weakness and what I love to dote on
I’m a huge nature and animal lover
I still have my tonsils! *screamssss*