Sunday was spent just Brad and I out at the mall! :) We had a great time together, as we always do. When we got there, we went to Spencers and looked around for a bit and then I went to see about getting my eyebrows waxed. Had to wait about 30 minutes for the lady to cut a little girls hair then she said she’d do my eyebrows. Waited and waited some more. Finally, I went back and she waxed my eyebrows. She did a great job, too!!!!!! I was extremely happy about it! :grinny: After I was done there, Brad and I got an icee a piece then headed to Hot Topic! I was looking for a new silver set of piercing jewelery and I found a few things then I went and checked out what they had at Spencers and wound up back in Hot Topic and bought a new silver set! Then we went to Romancing the Stone and looked around in there for a bit before heading over to FYE. Brad was contemplating on a few games but decided against any of them. Afterwards, on our way out, we stopped by Claire’s coz I wanted a shell necklace and a new earring for my left cartiledge piercing. I got both!!! Yay I love them! Espically my shell necklace!!!!! :D We left the mall and went to eat at Taco Bell. Mmm yummy! I got 2 burritos and Brad got a burrito, hard shell taco and something else. We were STUFFED once we left there!!! Haha. We made our way back home and I took care of the animals then we went over to Brad’s Grandmas house to watch The 4400!!!!!!! Was a gooood 2 hour premiere!! Was highly pleased with the episode. Got back home and Brad wasn’t that tired so he stayed up and played PS2 but eventually went onto bed.

Monday.. nothing special, really. I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned, cleaned cleaned. I think Brad just played PS2. Found out that Brad’s Mom and the rest of them weren’t gonna be here till late Tuesday or even early Wednesday. Tuesday.. Brad called his Mom and they said they were almost to Memphis, TN so we knew It would be a couple more hours. Brad played PS2 and we got ready to get dinner prepared and I was playing PS2 and a bit after 7PM, Brad’s Mom, Stepdad and 3 sisters pulled up! They couldn’t stay long since they had to go to Brad’s Grandparents house to stay the night since the movers hadn’t gotten there with their stuff yet. It was nice to see them all again! Brad’s smallest sister, Lindsey, who is 4 I believe.. gosh she is wild! Wanting to touch everything, grab everything. Brad’s Mom bought us a whole slew of things! Their all really cool. The coolest thing to me was the little keychain she bought me… it’s a little squishy sandal that says “I <3 Brad” Hehehe. :) They left and then we finally sat down to eat dinner and then watch Last Comic Standing! OHH, Brad’s Mom let us borrow the movie, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Interesting movie… little crazy lol. After that was over, Brad and I spent some time in the bedroom, heh. ;) Then he went onto sleep and here I am. My mouth is dry.. I’m thinking of getting ice cream or a popsicle or somethin.

I can’t wait for this week to be over. I MAY orrrr MAY NOT have some news but you’ll just have to wait and seeeee. I wish I had more modivation to do a bit more with this site but I just don’t really, lol. Oh! Monday, we recieved Daxter’s flea medicine in the mail and we put it on him today! I gave him a nice bath Monday too so I hope It all kicks in soon and helps his skin & coat.

Ugh, well I’m pretty worn out so I’m gonna relax, listen to Angels and Airwaves then in a bit here, I’m gonna go get some sleep! :sleep: Have a great Wednesday! :) :D  Â