YAY, finally a NEW layout! I really, really like it. I think I did a pretty good job on the image! :happy: Now that I have a new image that’s a tad bit longer than the last – I now need to work on changing fonts/colors thenn I really need to start on my navigation links for the content! I’ll get around to it… eventually lol. :cool:

Things have been pretty good lately. I’ve still been slacking on the exercise and I just HAVE to get myself back into it. Brad & I went to see my Mom Saturday!!! It was reallllllly good to see her again. Also, Saturday my little white hamster Whitey that I’ve had since Aug 05 passed away.. RIP Whitey. OH! I don’t think I’ve mentioned our NEW animal! Weekend before last, I think, Brad went out with his cousin James and he bought a BABY GUINEA PIG! Heheee. He’s adorable & littttle! He loves for me to hold him and everytime I’ve held him so far, he’ll lay on my chest and doze off. It’s cuuute. :love:

I hope the Groundhogs prediction is right – early spring! BRING IT ON! I cannot wait for Spring & Summer. I really look forward to it. Warm weather and then eventually we can GO BACK TO THE BEACH, hells yeah!!! Anyhow, have a great Monday!