Our little one finally decided to have those legs open, lol.

We have….

Dun dun dun!

Its a girl

That’s right!!! Didn’t see any boy parts! :) I’m so thrilled. A daughter! My dreams were right.. I knew having 10 or so girl dreams had to mean something! Baby was kicking away today! She is still head down like she has always been with her butt & legs on the upper right side of my belly. I CANNOT WAIT TO HOLD HER! Appointment went well – +1 weight gain, 117/82 blood pressure. Only thing is my glucose test came back high so I have to go back up there tomorrow @ 8:30AM for a 3 hour testing to see If I have the gestional diabetes (which means I’ll have to REALLY watch what I eat with the gestional diabetes if I’m not careful baby could get too big)

WHEEEEEEEEEEE I’m so happy! One extremely HAPPY pregnant MOMMY TO BE! <333