I was born in Louisiana and definetly have cajun in my background. I really love spicy, zesty foods and espically shrimp. Any kind of shrimp will do just fine for me! I try to get shrimp whenever I can. My favorite though would have to be fried shrimp. I tend to get a lot of that when we eat at the Chinese restaurant here in our town. The coconut shrimp is also very, very delicious. Speaking of shrimp, there is a great shrimp and andouille cassoulet recipe by Chef Brian Landry who is also from Louisiana! You can check out his great recipe at Great American Seafood Cookoff. Please stop by www.GreatAmericanSeafoodCookOff.com and see the other recipes in the cook off and cast your top vote of the 5 and you can enter to win a trip to good ole New Orleans! I know I’d like to take a trip back to New Orleans where I was born. The shrimp and andouille cassoulet sounds absolutley delicious. It has sausage and Louisiana shrimp in a white bean casserole which makes my mouth water. With Louisiana shrimp you can’t go wrong with such a fresh great taste from domestic seafood.

Why not try out one of those top recipes for yourself and experience a new taste! Who doesn’t love delicious food?? I know I do!! Who knows what you can whip up in the kitchen when you really get to it. Sometimes I’m really in the mood to cook up a big meal. I still need to get more recipies from my own Mom to try out some of her more famous dishes so maybe I can keep the tradition of that meal going. Recipes are great to keep going in a family so It can be passed down generation after generation.
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