HEY there online bloggers! How are you guys? I’m doing GREAT! Almost over my cold and Katie is getting there too. She’s on antibiotics for her almost-infected ear but hopefully that’s just about all gone now too. Well since January 10th I’ve now lost 9 pounds!!! I feel so great! I did 4 miles on the treadmill today and plan to just keep going! I’m excited to see how much I can lose this week!

Brad is trying to get March 14th off (Saturday) so we can travel out to see my Mom and spend Thursday-Sunday with her!! If we get to be out there till Sunday (my birthday!) then I’ll get to see her on my birthday for the 1st time in… a long time!

Everyone having a good week so far? Days are just flying by for me!!! I cannot WAIT for spring and summer! I MISS the warm weather! I can’t wait to see my progress by summer, WOOT!

Have a great rest of the week!!!