Today has not really been a good day. At all. I got on the scale this morning and GAINED 3 POUNDS. I know why. I was trying to up my calories and protein and I know I had TOO much. GRRRR this really pisses me off. I’m a lot more calmer now than I was this morning. Oh well. I’m gonna start recording my food and counting my calories and go from there. GRRRRRRRRRR. Been reworking my meal plan and seeing what I can do – can’t go back to my old menu because I had too many carbs that made me feel dizzy and disoriented so I’m trying. This junk is hard to balance !!!!!!!! I need Bob Harper at my front door, lol.

I was going to go into detail about Katie’s party and that day but short and simple version? VERY busy day.. most of that morning was spent with me running around the house doing a million things and then rushing rushing rushing to get to my MIL’s house in time to decorate for the party. After the main party, Katie went down for a nap in my MIL’s bedroom while we all went and sat on my MIL’s front porch and It felt so good outside! My MIL, Brad and his 2 sisters were all acting silly haha made for a good laugh.

Thank goodness I have today and tomorrow to relax and rethink everything. I’m gonna go finish cleaning the house. Everyone have a good Saturday night!