Rah, I am determined to start posting again daily even If it’s just a short simple post.

This one will be short and simple because I’m in a hurry. This last week was interesting and amazing at the same time. I got to spend a whole week with my Mom for the first time since 2004!! I can’t describe how nice it was to get to spend that much time with her and I PRAY she gets to move down here next year for good!

I got my incisions looked at yesterday by the nurse since the surgeon was in surgery and she said they looked good BUT they called back this morning and the actual surgeon wants to see me one more time so have that appointment for this coming Monday.

Been feeling extremely happy and today have a little bit of emotion tossed in there, lol.

IT IS SO COLD HERE! It was way cold yesterday too! I’m gonna get on the treadmill today for the first time in almost 2 weeks I think. I can’t jog yet since I don’t wanna risk irritating my incisions so I’ll go for a slow walk slash brisk pace but It will be AWESOME to burn some calories again.

Katie learned so much while my Mom was here. Waving and saying bye-bye, saying UH OH, playing peek a boo, doing a little bit of the patty cake with clapping the hands, rolling the hands lol. I’ve been signing and singing along to itsy bitsy spider and shes already picked up a little on that! She is a SMART GIRL!