The nurse called today and said they got my liver blood panel results back and so I’ve got an appointment this coming Monday. I’m ready to get that over with and see what is causing or possibly causing my liver to be enlarged.

I have felt great today and thankfully my back is not hurting quite as bad as yesterday and also feel better emotionally too. I did my usual Wednesday workout which consisted of the resistance ropes DVD plus some cardio on the bike and I did more miles on the bike than I have in a long while!!! I have learned so much about how to push myself and If I’m doing an exercise and feel like I want to stop… why?? We all need to push ourselves out of our comfort zones to be able to try new things and burn that much extra. I know people say, “Oh, I don’t have time for exercise.” Yet we make hours for video games and TV that aren’t going to help us get fit. All it takes is 30 minutes to an hour a couple days a week to help your body and I have realized how much I love to exercise now. In other good news, Katie has been excellent today which definetly helps my day when she has days like this where she just wants to run around and play with her toys.

I would like to put up a festive layout but digging into my creativity takes a long while sometimes so I’ll see what I can come up with. I’ve had a few ideas but I might go with a theme I find online or just customize it. I’m wanting something different from my current since It’s been up a while.