Happy New Year’s Eve! I’m so tired but that’s nothing new. 2010 is winding down and soon It will be 2011! I wanted to post my re-cap of this HORRIBLE year.

january 2010 -
1 year since I started my weight loss journey

february 2010 -
nothing stands out?
except that I still had energy =(

march 2010 -
our birthdays
shopping spree
energy starts to decline

april 2010 -
trip to georgia
traded our truck (BIG MISTAKE)
moved into current house (BIG MISTAKE)
energy = GONE

may 2010 -
got my FITBIT
walked a bazillion miles outside
appetite really screwed up
Katie’s 2nd birthday
traded car for blazer

june 2010 -
hubby got his current church calling
“attempted” to potty train Katie [we got so stressed out I eventually just quit]
things got worse overall

july 2010 -
gyno appointment showed low estrogen/progesterone so went on birth control pills (BIG MISTAKE)
Brad and I went through some VERY rough times
I got a pretty nasty sinus infection
appetite was CRAZY out of control
hubby takes ASVAP test for military and passes
7 year anni since we met

august 2010 -
got rid of the artifical sweetners and aspartame in my diet
car dealer screwed us over
church friend sold us our current car

september 2010 -
birth control starts to make everything worse for me
Brad and I go through MORE rough patches
cars transmission died

october 2010 -
new transmission for car
went OFFFFFF birth control
got my Paragard IUD back
SUPER stressful month

november 2010 -
..appetite was STILL out of control
still no energy since March
Thanksgiving with Brad’s Dads side of the family
started the Doctor run-around

december 2010 -
totally wasn’t in the Christmas spirit
more run-around with Doc & WON’T be going back to them
froze to death but finally got heat!
pipes busted but a church friend fixed them
5 year wedding anni
Katie got a decent Christmas <3
we got a white Christmas!!!
decided to go vegan
Holistic Doc helped point me to possible vitamin deficiency so I’m taking super B complex and B12 sublingual tablets
STILL NO ENERGY but sleep has gotten a little better

Hopeful that 2011 will be great. Oh, I hope so. 2009 kicked major BUTT but 2010 sucked major butt, hah. Let’s hope 2011 will rock the most! I just want to feel NORMAL instead of tired, foggy minded, unfocused and unmotivated. Do you know how much that sucks?!!!

Hopeful things for 2011:
– keep the vegan lifestyle (really diggin it!)
– get health straightened out and energy BACK ONCE AND FOR ALL!
– lose the weight I’ve gained and MAYBE get to my OFFICIAL ultimate goal of 130! [but gotta get my health straight before I can lose!]
– keep up with vitamins so I’m definetly not deficient in anything
– get a job
– participate in more church events
– serve others and Heavenly Father more

Here’s to the new year and 2011!!!! Let’s all keep a positive outlook and try to be the best we can be! It’s gonna be a stormy New Year’s Eve here… I think I just heard some thunder! There’s a church party tonight but I just want to stay home, honestly. Just want to chill out and wait for midnight and a NEW YEAR!

Enjoy your night! BYE BYE BYE BYE 2010!