Brad is thinking of reapplying to one of his old jobs. This makes me nervous because If he gets the job we’re gonna have to find a new place to live and move again. I’m also afraid he’s gonna get the job back and hate it just as he did the last time. I’m staying positive about it because I know this could be a chance for him to retry and get a more decent position instead of the hard job he had at this same workplace before. I guess we’ll see what happens! It has felt wonderful outside so I’ve had the windows cracked to let in some fresh air which is sooo nice.

If there’s anything big that I’ve learned since I’ve joined the church and found this new happiness, It’s that all that matters in this life is family, love and God. We cannot find that full potential happiness through material things of this world. We can’t rely on those things to bring us true happiness when we should focus and find it from drawing closer to God and family. What a huge difference this has made in my life! I used to rely on TV shows, video games as my means of happiness to cover up the sadness I was feeling but now that I have faced those feelings and fears, I don’t need to rely ONLY on those things to bring me happiness. It took so much change and really re-evaluating my life, fears, emotions and overall feelings but now that I have I understand so much more about this life and what a wonderful feeling it is.

“All that I’m after is a life full of laughter as long as I’m laughing with you! I’m thinkin that all that still matters is love ever after – after the life we’ve been through cause I know there’s no life after you” Heh. Love Daughtry!