Do I dare say that today has actually been…… good?!! The little mess up with the bank was cleared when we checked our account online this morning – WOOT. We just have to figure out how much money we have left all together to try to get enough money to pay off his ticket. I’m feeling very confident about everything and I know It’s in Heavenly Father’s hands!!!

I did a Wii Active workout this morning mainly focusing on my upperbody since the bottom of my legs have really been sore! It was a nice little workout and Katie got to watch some cartoons afterwards while I ate a snack, talked to my Mom on the phone for a bit then got a refreshing shower. I fed Katie lunch then let her play about 40 more minutes before rocking her then putting her down for nap and WOW, she didn’t throw a fit!!!!!!! *YIPPEEE* Of course I had already started my online work so I worked some more, fixed lunch then got my hair dry and styled and finally laid down for about 30 minutes before waking up to Brad calling me on one of his work breaks. I ate a DELICIOUS black cherry almond CLIF bar then more work, work, work! Katie got back up soon and has been playing ever since! As soon as I finish this and a few other things we’re gonna go in the kitchen so I can fix dinner then get ready to put her to bed and eaaaaat!

I’m happy to say that Katie has been the best she’s been in a long while… and It’s awesome! She hasn’t had one fit today (so far… cough!) and that is DEFINETLY A PLUS! Another plus?!!! Get to watch new BIGGEST LOSER TONIGHT — EEE!