Last night Brad had the idea to try to burn a stump in our backyard so after Katie’s dinner, I took her out in the stroller to watch the fire with me and Brad. It was nice because we collected sticks and such to help the fire and I love things like that, hah. I stayed up the latest last night that I have in a long while! We studied our scriptures together then Brad fell asleep on the couch and I got on the computer and SANG my lungs out!!!! I love to just sit and sing and focus on lyrics and songs. Its really awesome to me so I just kept singing and singing! Eventually Brad woke up and got on the Internet and we stayed up till around 1:30AM or so.. might have been closer to 2AM but ah well, I had a good time singing.

Title says it all… today was actually pretty good. I told Brad he could take Katie outside while I did a workout on the Wii Active and that way she wouldn’t be stuck in the living room while I tried to exercise and so he did!! They went outside and eventually he washed the car! My workout was pretty tough but was great. I went outside aftewards with them and cleaned the inside of the car and the inside of the windows then Brad went back in while we stayed outside. I sat in the car for a long while with the door open and Katie played with sticks and rocks. I brought her in around 1:30PM to get some lunch and told Brad to put her down for her nap @ 2PM and I went to get a shower. Didn’t do too much while Katie was down for nap except hang out and then my church friend was coming around 6PM to hang out and talk about some church stuff we gotta do and she showed up and then her husband came in right behind her to pick Brad up for his meeting, lol. She stayed for an hour and 30 minutes and It was so nice just to talk to her!!! I fixed dinner, bathed Katie then put her to bed. It’s so sweet… she now says “love you” *makes kissy noise* and then If she’s playing she’ll do that then come up and hug my leg, heh. So sweet. She LOVES BOOKS. She loooooves for me to read to her so I always try to before her nap and before bed time. Her temper tantrums have decreased dramatically… thank yoooooou!! She was pretty cranky yesterday but she was great today and I know her being outside for a long time today helped because she loves it outside as much as I do!

I talked to Brad more about the military today and he says he still wants to but just hasn’t been motivated and that It seems “unreachable” to him so I tried to help uplift him and give him some positive encouragement. We’ll see what happens! I just want him to be able to make decisions about what will make HIM happy! I love him lots. I’m thankful to have him in my life and I’m thankful for my Heavenly Father and The Gospel! I’m gonna finish eating dinner and wait for my love to get home!!!