I go through these periods where I love certain healthy snacks and my taste has changed quite a bit over these last few months and so I found this great new snack that I came up with… I’ve been having it after my workout and then also for dessert since we haven’t had any ice cream!

Chocolate PB cottage cheese explosion!
– 0.25 C cottage cheese
– 0.25 scoop of choco protein powder
– 1 tablespoon flaxseed
– 0.25 part of a banana
– 1 tablespoon PB (I use Smart Balance Smooth)
Mix together very well and you can also put into the freezer for a little bit! Usually when I eat it after my workout I put a little on a piece of multigrain bread and when I eat it as a dessert I put a little on an ice cream cone! Yes — sounds odd but it’s SUPER healthy and SUPER good!

It’s great to come up with your own healthy snacks and meals because you can see what your taste buds really like. Go through your fridge and cabinets and see what healthy snacks you can come up with! I’ve come up with a few but sadly another one of my snacks doesn’t taste the same anymore! Ah well.

I started to watch The Princess and The Frog with Katie last night and we finished watching it today before her nap time. OH I LOVED IT. Heh. I love Disney movies though and always have. I’m a sucker for “fairy tale” stories too. Loooooove it! What did I do today? Nothing spectacular… did a workout on the treadmill this morning and burned a little over 300 calories! Fed Katie then we watched the movie then It was her nap time and I soon fixed lunch for myself. I sat outside for a bit before that and thought about Brad and I… how I want our relationship to be as strong as It used to be. As long as we keep working on it I know we’ll only grow stronger and closer again to one another. I love him a lot and I know we’ve been going through some very rough patches and seems like I only post and talk about our problems and I have to remember all the good times we’ve been through and how I felt in those times. That’s what matters most! I ate lunch, fixed my hair, fiddled online for a bit then laid down for a nap. I just ate a snack and gotta get Katie up soon to feed her dinner and let her play. Brad got paid today so we need more groceries since we only got a little on Monday and soooo he’s gonna go to the store after work and buy what we need.

I’m thankful for my life and these last 6 months have been the suckiest months of my life — I do believe. I feel like I’m moving in a good direction now though. OH and my church friend sent me a text yesterday asking If I would help her lose weight!!!!!!!!!! AH I LOVE helping people when It comes to healthy eating, living and weight loss so I really hope I can help her in any way I can! I also want to share with her where I went wrong with losing weight so that she won’t have to go through some of the mistakes I did!

Alright I’m off! Have a great evening!!!