Sitting here listening to INCUBUS!!!!!!!! How I do love BRANDON BOYD INDEED! Today has been a lot better than yesterday that’s for sure! I’ve decided that with my body in the condition it’s in, it’s important for me to look at all aspects of my daily living to see how I can HELP myself get better! I have PCOS and so I can kindof guess that right now with my hormones all whacky that my blood sugar is having trouble staying stable SO here is my daily living plan to STICK WITH until I FEEL BETTER:
take a multi-vitamin, B vitamin and omega-3 pill every morning
NO FRUITS (just until my hormones settle since I’m having all this trouble with my blood sugar)
NO ICE CREAM yea. that has sugar too, hah.
as little of sugar as possible
LOW GI veggies eat plenty of these veggies
GET A REGULAR SLEEP SCHEDULE and get MORE sleep really gotta get this set in stone!

I usually eat quite a BIT of fruit DAILY and I think thats going to make a big diff for me and all this mess. Here’s some guide lines I read online about adrenal fatigue:
eat an early breakfast before 10AM i eat at 9:30AM!
eat small frequent meals i do this but i’m tryin to make the meals more calorie even
Combine fat, protein and whole grains at every meal and snack gonna strive to do this too
Avoid fruits and juices in the morning whoops. I ALWAYS have apple slices with my breakfast but I didn’t this morning!!! also had been drinking the Trop50 but also didn’t this morning.

I talked about eating a lot of fruit throughout my day… here’s what I would usually eat in fruit terms daily:
– few grapes and/or honeydew in the morning with my pills
– apple slices with breakfast
– bit of banana with my morning snack
– whole peach with lunch
– fruit with snacks in the afternoon
So as you can see I had fruit all throughout my day and from what I can put together my body is probably REALLY oversensative to sugar right now with the hormonal imbalance so even tho fruit has good sugars – it’s still sugar and right now I don’t want anything more messed up than it is, haha. I made it the whole day today without any of the usual “sugar” so WOOT! I look forward to keeping at it and seeing how I feel and I KNOW that will help! SLEEP is another big one!

Oh man oh man! I really ROCKED it this morning on the exercise bike! I told myself I would get on it and just have FUN so I started at a real steady, easy pace and I wanted to go for 45 minutes and I DID! I also had speed-ups every now and then and WOWIE, It was awesome!!!!!!!! The rest of today has been finishing online work – and I still have a bit more to do and finish! Got a load of laundry folded and put away anddd that took up my day! Brad came home from work not long ago to get dressed to go help with his works haunted house (like he did last night) and so I hope he has fun! I’m about to post this, get my dinner warmed up, finish online work then WATCH THIS WEEKS BIGGEST LOSER!!!!!!! Brad’s gonna miss it but he’ll just have to watch it on his own since I want to watch it tonight! WOOT WOOT, can’t wait!

Have a great evening! Thankful, grateful and blessed for everything Heavenly Father has given me!!!