Day started out with still no hot water! Brad took a bird bath last night with some boiled water. I got up this morning and gave Katie a bath with some boiled water too. Our church friend came back over today and… our pipes are now all fixed!!! Thank goodness! It was sooooooo nice to finally take a proper hot shower and get all shaved and clean!

I made a Doctor’s appointment for tomorrow at 11AM so I will FINALLY be able to hear the blood results and get a flippin copy! Then I can take further steps into reclaiming my health and feel like my true, happy, motivated, clear-minded self again and I can’t tell you how READY READY READY I am for that day to come.

Watched the Biggest Loser finale last night!!! YEAA PATRICK! I’m so glad he won and from the South too, woot woot. He looked AMAZING! Mark and Adam did too, woah Momma! Heh. I’m eager for the new season already!!!

Brad’s gonna go by the store and pick up some groceries after work then we’ll eat and hopefully watch Dexterrrrrr. Not much else for today! I ran out of peanut butter so for my usual sweet potato snack tonight, I stole a little bit of Brad’s peanut butter and also put a little banana on top of the potato and peanut butter. It was delicious. The weather was quite warm today?! Also very windy! The temp has been slowly dropping all day though and tonight we’re gonna get down around 30 I think.. sheesh. We’ve had a little bit of everything weather wise lately! From rain, thunderstorm, snow flurries, freezing temps, sleet/ice, windy and warmer temps and now it’s getting colder again with possible snow flurries this weekend! Seems Mother Nature wants some variety for Alabama!

I’m out. Have a great night… peace and love! God loves you!!!!!!!!! :love: