After another sleep-in morning we all got up, ate, dressed and headed out to tackle the leftover snow!!! There was quite a bit still stuck to our car so Brad had to scrape it off. We ventued off to Wal-Mart to do our weekly grocery shopping and It was actually quite busy in there but not as bad as earlier this week. It’s been a week and a day since we switched to vegan and we both are doing well with it! We used to spend close to $150 each week on groceries but with switching vegan, we’re down to about $90-100! We also had to buy a few extras non-food essentials so yeah. OMG ALSO.. THEY HAVE SILK DARK CHOCOLATE ALMOND MILK! OH YES we did buy it!!! Once we got home and all the groceries in the kitchen, I started chopping, sorting and putting things away in the fridge. LOVE IT! Here’s all I’ve fixed up from this afternoon through this evening:
– cooked more brown rice
– baked a spaghetti squash
– cooked a whole lotta lentils!
– cooked some pinto beans

After I got done choppin and sortin things earlier, I fixed a dish full of random veggies to bake in the oven then took a bowl and put some brown rice, little spaghetti squash, lentils and some seasonings and heated those up while my veggies roasted. I could only eat half of it! The rest I’m gonna eat with my dinner tonight. After I ate, I decided to do some EXERCISE! It’s time to get back at it and gradually and hopefully build up to back where I used to be but I’m gonna have to ease into it. I did 20 minutes on the treadmill with a little sprinting intervals then did a Wii Active (more workouts) workout for 20 minutes then got a nice, hot bath! I was pretty hungry after my bath so I fixed a smoothie with the Dark Chocolate Almond milk, spinach, blueberries, lots of ice and choco protein powder. I got Katie up from her nap and let her eat her dinner while I got started with our OAT/bean/veggie burgers (I used the cooked pinto beans for those) and after they were DONE… I got to sit down as I mentioned at the first of the post! I’m downloading my online work and have been eating pumpkin/choco protein powder/powdered peanut butter mix since I still feel kindof hungry after all the running around, chopping, cooking and exercising!

Oooh and Twilight: Eclipse came in our Netflix today so hopefully we will be watching that tonight! I can’t wait to see it!!!!

We’re gonna have sweet potato and veggie beans for dinner plus I’ll have my leftover veggies from earlier with it then we need to study our scriptures together too. Hope everyone has had a good day! I’m interested to see how sore I will or will not be tomorrow from the exercise I did today – we’ll see!!!