Here we are – the last day of January 2019!

This month has been all about getting ready for our Abigael and we are pretty much ready ready. I’ve been having a bit more practice contractions recently, especially yesterday and have had a few this morning. I really hope she comes on her own sooner rather than later but at least wait till tomorrow for February!!! Washed her clothes that we’re gonna use soon? Check. Washed the cloth part of the infant car seat? Check. Crib done? Check. We even put cute letters for Abbie and deco above her crib. Now Brad just needs to re-install an infant car seat back into our car again probably today. Washed the cloth part of the swing? Check. I put clothes/diapers both up and downstairs so we’ll have her things in both places wherever we are at that time. I’m writing down the other kids schedules for when my MIL comes into town to stay with them while we’re in the hospital. I can have the membrane sweep at the doctors If I want at 39 weeks, which will be next Friday but I really hope she comes before then so I don’t even need the sweep but we’ll see!!!

My health and energy are MUCH better this pregnancy! I have finally found something that works to improve digestion/energy – taking ox bile (which I was doing for the last few years) but also in combination with digestive enzymes (which I had tried to do off/on) and also milk thistle to help my liver! I also started eating more veggies and just recently started eating salads again for my afternoon snacks. This is really gonna give me such a big benefit with handling labor I feel like this time. I mean, I did great last time but I’m talking as far as how much energy I’ll have during and after labor. I have really, really enjoyed this pregnancy!! No complaints, besides feeling queasy from 6 weeks till about 12-13 weeks, bouts of fatigue, and then of course belly getting heavy towards the end and trying to switch positions at night in bed. Our mattress doesn’t help that AT ALL because it’s an old memory foam that basically puts me on a slanted hill… which is terrible for a pregnant body. We should get taxes really soon and we’re gonna go compare mattresses and hopefully get a new one.

We are ready to meet our new daughter – our sweet Abbie!!! I cannot believe how much our Benjamin is starting to talk now. He rocks back and forth at night in his crib when he’s tired and I always say, “No rocking k?” So now when it’s close to bed time he literally says, “Mommy! No rockin, k!” LOL. I’m so shocked that he put all that together and he’s not even 2. He also used to lean on his other baby gate all the time so I would say a million times a day, “STOP, off the gate!” so of course he would say, “Off da gate!” Hahahah. He doesn’t say that really anymore because we bought him a new wall mounted play area gate with a door!! It’s awesome and was worth every penny so I don’t have to worry about him trying to push over a gate like with the other. Time goes by too fast!!!

Katie recently went into our room without permission and was messing on my iPad without permission and I CAUGHT HER running out of our room that day. Busted. She is grounded till further notice. She has lied to my face and went behind my back sneaking far too many times over the last few years and I told her this time that If she continues then that just tells me I know I won’t be able to trust her at all when she’s a teenager. I just gotta stick to my rules and try to steer her in the right direction.

Just wanted to give a quick update before breakfast… I’m starving! Me and little Abbie were sleeping so well this morning that I slept almost 10 minutes past usual time. Next time I post we might have a new baby girl in our arms!!! I’m excited for February. New baby, VALENTINE’S DAY!! (I’m all about all things LOVE/hearts), Benjamin’s 2nd birthday, and getting ready for MARCH- which means daylight savings, mine and hubby’s birthdays, and SPRING WILL BE HERE!!!! =) Enjoy the last day of January… cheers to February!

Also, update on my mom and aunt. Mom is about the same and still breaks my heart that things will never be as they were. Great news is my aunt may not need heart surgery after all!!!