I spent most of my morning exercising! After the usual morning routine, I took Katie out in the stroller for our walk and overall I think I walked almost 5 miles? Once back in our yard, I let Katie roam free while I pulled more grass, dead leaves and whatnot out of the front flower bed until It was time for her lunch and nap. I decided to hop on the treadmill for a more INTENSE workout and did intervals of walking and running for a total of a little over 2.3 miles! It made me feel good and I really need to get back to running like I used to! I’ve really fallen behind. I was SOAKED after that so I sat outside in the cool breeze to read for a few minutes before lunch. After lunch, I took a shower then soaked in the bath for a bit and dozed off! It was loooovely. This evening I’ve been doing some online work and now I’ve got my DINNER cooking!!!!!!!!

OH OH! We watched the FRINGE finale last night. NoOooOoo! It was awesome but of course they’ve gotta leave me hanging. I’m SUPER SUPER SUPER excited to watch Biggest Loser – we’ve got 1 episode then the Finale to watch. I really wish we could WATCH IT ALL tonight but alas, we will only have time for the 1 episode before It’ll be time to head to bed. Yup, days sure do fly by! For my evening line-up… dinner, Katie’s dinner, my dessert, her bath+bed time then getting Brad’s dinner fixed then straightening my hair and watching BL! There ya have it. I’m so thankful for my life. I’m thankful for each and every day. I love The Gospel and everything it has brought into my life. SO MUCH GOODNESS! Thank you Heavenly Father for this wonderful day.