Loooove the song by OLP (Our Lady Peace) – Angels Losing Sleep! “Just like it’s cold before it’s warm, you’ll get back here again…”

How was your day?? I won’t BORE you with the same old deets. Basically, I started laundry, worked on my college paper a bit, took naps, visited with my neighbor, and then Katie drove me crazy while waiting for Brad to come home, hah. Headed out for THURSDAY NIGHT GYM! STATS STATS STATS >>>

warmup, elliptical cross trainer (standing) – 12 minutes, 2.12 miles, 132 calories
bicep curls – 3X, 40lbs, 10 reps
tricep pulldown – 3X then 3X later, 20lbs then 12.5lbs, 10 reps
bicep curl pulley – 3X, 25-20lbs, 10 reps
low row – 3X, 50lbs, 10-15 reps
iso lateral incline press – 3X, 58lbs, 10 reps
** free weights **
bent over rows w/tricep kickbacks, shrugs, shoulder press, upright rows, pinwheel – 12lbs till max
** /end free weights **
virtual bike – 32 minutes, 7.44 miles, 297 calories
treadmill – 18 minutes, 1.30 miles, 160 calories

Ya, could tell that I didn’t fuel enough after yesterday’s workout and it affected my performance today, rah. HOLY COW the virtual bike route had a KILLER HILL… I wanted to cry!!! I THOUGHT IT WOULD NEVER END. My lower thighs really got a workout! I was actually happy to get on the treadmill! I had a protein bar afterwards and we talked to one of the girls that works there for a bit before heading home. Brought Katie home for a bath then to bed. I think I *might* actually do a mini workout tomorrow by jogging on our home treadmill, while watching an OTH rerun! I dunno though, since I already burned a lot yesterday and today. We’ll see how I feel and etc.

Excited to go out tomorrow night for groceries with my love and excited for the weekend, YIPPEEEEEE! Also, last day of MAY… here comes June and the real start of my fav season – SUMMER, YES. I’m so thankful for my life. Thankful in general. Always try to remind myself to appreciate the little things in life. I have so many blessings and am so lucky to have a home, food, and clothing. I know there are so many out there who do not have those things. I pray for them…

Wishing everyone happiness and peace on this evening!!!