Today has really been awesome thus far !!!
First, I finally attended to my site a bit. I updated my pages, found a twitter plugin, displayed my archives in a dropdown, and added the rest of my blog links I’ve been meaning to add for months and months – but have just been unmotivated or too busy/tired, but I got it done!

I feel very accomplished about today! We got up early, got everything done then headed out the door to drop Katie off at Mom’s, while we went to help clean our church! It lasted about two hours and Brad and I chose to clean the classrooms. Brad vacuumed the floors, while I emptied and replaced the trash bins, cleaned the chalkboards and windowsills. I ended up with chalky hands, but a grateful heart for helping out. We left and went across town to Petsmart to browse and get our rat some new bedding. We got a HUUUUUGE bag and saved $2… awesome! Came back to pick up Katie and came home to clean our own house. Katie played, ate lunch, and eventually went down for nap. I finished cleaning, cut Brad’s hair on the porch, spent some ALONE time with him ;) and then we sat down together to do our “marriage homework” for our strengthening the marriage class at church. Lastly, I sat down to work on my last college assignment AND I AM DONE!!!!!!! :)

I’ve added a few natural detox methods to help my body out in this process. Not only am I taking a liver detox supplement twice a day that my Naturopath gave me, but I recently started doing Epsom salt baths at night (and THEY DO HELP!) and we bought fresh ginger and lemons yesterday, so I made homemade ginger water and add a bit of fresh lemon to it. I had a little glass this morning and that should help fight inflammation and help with detox. I’m still tugging along with the HCG program and I am super excited because I’m starting to feel a *little* lighter and a *little* better overall. However, day before yesterday I didn’t add my MCT oil to my lunch shake and that only made the detox symptoms WORSE because it made me detox TOO fast and so now I’m paying for it with a stuffy nose and drowsy-ness. I am praying it will go away quickly.

I’m stoked because I got allllllll the to-do’s checked off my list for today, so all that is left to do is check out the NEW TOMB RAIDER GAME that I have on my computer!!!!!! And probably watch more Parenthood on Netflix! OFF I go to eat my dinner and I can’t wait!!!!! Have a wonderful night and know that you are worth it! You can do anything you set your mind to. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Stay positive and love one another.