Anyone get any good deals today?

This morning I put on laundry and ate some breakfast! Brad washed the dishes…. I was super stoked he did. I did a 10 minute workout on the Wii Active then got on the treadmill at a very brisk pace for 40ish minutes while watching a Secret Life rerun and actually got a pretty good sweat. Also felt pretty queasy afterwards and we were low on food, so I fixed a can of cream corn to eat while I soaked in the tub and IT WAS YUM. I had to try to come up with various food ideas the rest of the day.

We went out this evening while Katie was at my Mom’s. We originally had planned on only shopping at Wal-Mart, since we’re tight on money BUT Wal-Mart didn’t have any almond butter so off to Whole Foods!!! We bought a few things there and had health bars for dinner, lol. We came back to my Moms and she gave Brad and I some of the leftover jello salad she made for Thanksgiving…. it was delish. We went over to my Aunts for a few to look through her DVDs to see if we wanted to borrow any and now we have a whole stack of DVDs, lol. Awwww and my Aunt feeds a whole bunch of KITTIES outside and there are 2 little ones that are so cute. Brad badly wants a kitty but no thanks!!

I nibbled on a fruit bar that I bought (only 14 cals!) and a little almond butter- that was so good. We were trying to decide which movie to watch, but still not sure. I actually feel pretty good tonight, except a little tired.

Posting this then catching up online! :] Have a greeaaaaaaat night!