Hey guys!!!!! :teeth: How did everyones weekends go? Mine started out well then got worse. :blank:

I woke up before Brad Saturday morning!!! :O The clock said It was 7:45AM-ish when I woke up and I layed there for a bit then finally, hubby opened his eyes too, heh. Finally got up a tiny bit after 8AM, fixed us some chicken patties sandwiches! After that, got dressed, makeup, straightened hair, got rest of the stuff together and called Mom before we headed out. It was um.. almost 10AM when we left the trailor. It was around 11AM when we got there. I set up Rocko and Pipers cages then helped Mom cook porkchops!!!
Cathy (my aunt), Steve and his Mom, Helen arrived a little after 1PM, I think It was. They had-had some car trouble when they were getting pretty close so that worried Mom a whole bunch but they finally made it!!! OMG, It was so good to see Cathy again!!! :grinny: It was a bit weird to be around Steve (coz he used to be on drugs and a few years ago, he sent me disturbing, dirty emails) but everything went alright. We ate and ate and ate. Haha. :D We stayed up until after midnight telling story after story. It was really great and fun!!! I was so glad to go to sleep in my old bed coz It’s nice and comfy and with 3 people smoking in the house, my eyes were ready for some shuttin.
Woke up around 10AM and sat around and talked some more. Steve attempted to put some transmission fluid in his car but then something started leaking. Believe It was his oil so uhhh-oh. They wanted to go to Wal-Mart so Brad and Steve had to push the car out of the way so Brad and Mom could get their vehicles out. I’m not sure what Steve is gonna do about the car or how/when they’ll go home. I’m gonna call Mom here in a bit and ask what’s up with that and if they got it fixed or not. They planned on leaving Sunday evening but couldn’t with the car messed up.
Anyhow, they all loaded up in Moms car and Brad and I in his truck. Wondered around Wal-Mart then we all wound up eating at the little snack bar there. Joked around some more and had some good laughs. Mom got a hot dog and commented that it was as “hard as a preachers dick at a wedding” I was like OMFG.. :LMAO: Never expected a comment like that from Mom, hahaha!!!! :dizzy: Stayed there a bit longer then came back to the house and wound up eating a piece of chocolate cake. Yummy.

Brad and I knew we had to leave soon since it was getting into the afternoon and we still grocery shopping to do. We loaded up and said our goodbyes!!! Steve’s Mom gave me $40 as a late wedding present! OOOOH and Saturday we watched mine and Brad’s wedding tape, heh. :grinny:
Brad and I drove back home to drop off the animals and I went to get Piper and Rocko water and uh.. there was no water. Uhhh-oh. Our pipes had frozen since It had gotten really cold Saturday night. :BLAH: Of course, that really upset Brad so he was slinging things around so I just sat quietly. He took off his shoes, put his wallet and things away so I knew we weren’t going anywhere anytime soon. I didn’t know what to say to him or what to do so I just sat. :grumpy: After almost 2 hours or so – we finally went grocery shoppin and that wasn’t that fun either, seeing as how he was acting and all. But, he finally came out with it and said that he was really frustrated and all. He bought a pipe heating kit that was $15 and we also got Saw II! Once we got home, he started to talk more but when he acts like that, he just makes me so crazy! I finally cried and told him that I hate it when this stuff happens coz I just don’t know what to do or say. Things got smooth again. We ate pizza + bagel bites for dinner!!!! We went outside to see if we could wrap that pipe heating thing around the pipes but it was too cold and Brad wanted to wait until today to do it so we went inside and watched Saw II! OMG, i really, really, really loved that movie! So TWISTED and just nicely done, in my opinion! :teeth: We watched some of the special features and then he went to bed.

Oh, oh. While at Wal-Mart with my Mom and the gang, Brad and I found a venus fly trap!!! I’ve had one before so we bought this one to see If we could get it to live. Their really interesting.
I got up this morning around 11AM and a bit ago.. I heard something in the bathroom.. WATER!!!!! :D Yay! So our pipes are alright now and I’ve got the water barely running so they won’t do that again. That was definetly a pain in the ass. Uggh and Earthlink (our dial up service) hasn’t sent us our bill but they sent me an email saying that our bill was overdue? :yell: :WTF: ??? I’m guessing they think we’re gonna pay online but we don’t have a credit card. They sent us a bill to our mailbox last month, guess we’ll have to call and tell them to do that again. The bill was due yesterday so I’m hoping they won’t cut us off.
Anyhow, Brad should be home soon so I’m gonna go!
P.S. – new smilies!!!! Their tiny but I love them since they don’t buldge the single space lines of typing!!! :)
Later lovies! :MUAH: