Eeesh…. I have been tired (like nodding off almost tired) all day, up until this evening when I finally seemed a bit more alert. I tried to start reading my college chapter this morning, but literally kept nodding off, so I just stopped. I just wanted to sleeeeeeeeeeep. I usually get up, fix my warm lemon water, drink on that, and then eat breakfast around 9:30AM. I’ve realized since I’ve went lower calorie though that I cannot hold off eating that long. I get up at 6AM. This morning I went ahead and ate breakfast a little after 8AM and actually had to use the bathroom after I was done eating, so that seems to work better. With my hypo/hashi symptoms, I FREEZE drinking 3L of water a day, so today I only drank ~2L and that seemed to do better for me, & just stop when I start feeling really cold. I ate lunch with Katie, put her down for nap, then went to get a bath (and almost nodded off there, too) & afterwards, WENT TO TAKE A NAP! Katie got up, had snack, then watched cartoons, while I went into the bedroom to finally read my college chapter. I got done and started on my 1st discussion, and I’m almost done! WOOT. Brad went to store after work, and bought Katie a mini etch-a-sketch. She really likes it! I would have bought her one last Friday, but the one I found was open and I didn’t see any more at the time.

I don’t know about calorie counting with this hypo/hashi crapola. I’m not sure where my calories should even be. I ate 1500 calories today, but felt hungry tonight so I’m prob more closer to ~1800. I dunno. I thought losing weight in 2009 was “complicated” haaaaaaa! Trying to figure out how to lose weight with this mess is beyond ridiculous. My body doesn’t “like” certain foods anymore… like for instance today. I had 1 tablespoon peanut butter with my lunch. It made my gum pain come back! No more peanut butter.

The two ways I have found to lose weight with the health mess up is either: a) go on a juice fast. or b) eat a few bananas for a meal, then rice/veggies in a bowl for dinner. Ah well, I’m working on getting my immune system back on track, then my thyroid will be able to heal and then I’ll be back to the usual eat-clean, lose-weight routine instead of this confusing mess. Atleast I hope I will get back to that.

Getting tired again. Make it go away?…