Poor Brad, something always go wrong for him. :upset: Saturday I was waiting for him to get ready so we could go grocery shopping. La la, he was finally ready and so got ready to go, he opened the door and whaddya know.. his tire. Was flat. Again. FOR THE 3RD TIME. He ran over ANOTHER screw at work. Oooh boy, there are no words for how upset and enraged he was. Cussing, throwing things. I didn’t know what to say. He just about cried.
He couldn’t get ahold of his Mom and Stepdad so he got out there himself and jacked up the tire, took the tire off and plugged up the hole. Called his Grandma to come get him to take the tire to fill it back up. By the time he got back, he was a little bit calmer. I just get so.. distraught when he gets like that, so mad and upset. I just don’t know what to say or do. SO another flat tire plugged and he put that back on, got cleaned up and we headed off to get groceries. I finally told him at the store that I’m sorry that happened to him but in life we have to take the good with the bad and the bad with the good!

Well, my Uncle is the one that helps pay insurance and up-keep on my Moms house and apparently It’s getting too expensive and my family wants Mom to find an apartment. Mom loves the house but It’s got so many problems and has from the time she moved in. The yard is pretty big too and there’s no way she can take care of it. Late last year Brad’s Mom was looking into apartments around here for my Mom and said she sent my Mom an application for one of the apartments but my Mom never got it sooo I’m gonna check back into those apartments. Mom would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be closer to me and I would love for her to be closer too!! That would be so great! I really hope things pan out. My Uncle and other members of the family have agreed to pitch in money when she moves for the U-Haul, etc etc. Mom says she’s already getting excited about the idea and told me to get on it LOL. Ooo that would be so great! I could give her company whenever and we could drink coffee together and go for walks!! :grinny:

I love my Mom.. even though as far as blood goes she’s my Grandma but to me she’ll always be my Mom. I don’t know what I would do without her. She is the closest family member I have and pretty much the only family member I talk to now. Mom mentioned her eye sight is getting worse.. she’s always been blind in one eye so I can’t even imagine how that would be. I have my Aunt and Cousin but I don’t ever really talk to either of them anymore and they live in Georgia. I feel like Mom is all I have and without her, I wouldn’t have my foundation. Moms the person I go to for my ranting – espically when It’s about Brad lol. Who would I go to when Moms not around? Brads Mom? Don’t know If I could.. just wouldn’t feel right even though Brad’s Mom is awesome, just not my Mom.

Well, I’m gonna snack a little then once Brad gets home, It’s LORD OF THE RINGS ONLINE time!! Woo I love that game! SO awesome!!! :grinny: