Rah… well I tried to keep up with blogging! Fail. February has been alright. Brad got Katie and I cards and flowers for V-day!! His card made me CRY! <3 Heh. It was very sweet. Switching down from 60mg of thyroid meds to 30mg to see how I do and about to start B12 shots.. I know they will help me BIG TIME. In fact, it may just be the biggest turning point. I've gained weight the last month or 2, ugh. DO - NOT - WANT, but I can't seem to get it to go down. No surprise. I have these viruses, deficiences, and other imbalances that are so hard to juggle, but I'm still going to keep trying! We were supposed to have a "snow storm" this week and so Katie was out of school Tuesday, Wed, and Thurs and guess what? We got snow flurries and cold rain... that's it, lol. Ah well. Brad also got off work yesterday just to be cautious. Everything back on schedule today and it's sunny outside, yay! I CANNOT WAIT FOR MARCH because 1) daylight savings!!!!!!!! 2) MINE AND HUBBYS BDAYS! and 3) SPRING AND WARMER TEMPS... lets go. I'm ready for summer, actually. Also, BONES and The Following are coming back on TV in March, woot. Oh, Monday Katie and I went to the dentist for our 6 month cleanings and we are both cavity free! However, I think part of one of my crowns broke or chipped (again) this week. It broke a few months ago and they repaired it but said it could happen again and might have to be replaced.. ugh. I'll have it looked at next week. I also ordered a whitening kit (with trays) since it was being offered for a really good price (normally around $320 or so) and I also had a credit on my account, so I only ended up paying $40 for a PROFESSIONAL whitening kit! FOR THE WIN! I will have SHINY WHITE teeth! I might look into braces soon, maybe. I cannot believe I have a little more than three months of college left then I graduate!!! I'm ready though since It's been four more years of school then I will be on my own to trying to find out what career path to take with my degrees. We shall see! I'm just so thankful, grateful, and blessed for everything Heavenly Father has given me. I will work to overcome this health mess and do everything I have been wanting to do. 🙂 Sending out positive vibes <3 Have a kick butt weekend!