WOOOOOT. :grinny:

I have some exciting random news!! First off, Brad’s Mom found her copy of Windows XP and let me install it, LOL I’ve had Win 98 FOREVER and now I finally get to enjoy XP and so far, It’s very nice. YAY XP, finally!!!!!! :D
Next.. the other day, we had mentioned to Brad’s Mom that Nickelback is going to be in Tupelo at the end of August. WELL GUESS WHAT?! SHE BOUGHT BRAD AND ME TICKETS TO GO SEE NICKELBACK, HINDER, HOOBASTANK AND CHEVELLE ON AUGUST 29TH! OMG! My first REAL concert! I’m really excited. I love ALL of the bands. I’m really getting to like Hinder, too! SQUEEEE.
Brad and I went today and bought a thing that goes behind your toilet, a “space saver” that has some shelves on it, if you know what I’m talking about? I’ve been wanting it for a while so I can put our bathroom items on it instead of cramming all of them under the little part under the sink, lol.

AND IT’S THE WEEKEND. Sunday already though?! Sheesh. Brad and I slept all day Saturday haha and we didn’t get up until past 3PM. We went over to Brad’s Moms house and ate soup for din-din and then hung out, watched When Good Pets Go Bad 2 on TV then ended up watching Runaway Jury befored heading back home at midnight.
As soon as we wake up later today, we’ve gotta head onto Wal-Mart to buy our groceries for the week and then in the evening, go over to his Mommy’s house again to watch The 4400 and The Deadzone! Then the weekend will pretty much be over. Has gone by really, really fast! I also need to call and see what my Mommy’s been up to lately!

Okiiiie. Just wanted to share my random news with you guys. Have a great Sunday!!!! :)Â