After 3 years of having my eyebrow pierced, I took out the eyebrow ring for good Saturday. It just didn’t really interest me anymore. Plus I kept losing pieces on the jewelery haha. I’d loose the top or bottom screw so for a long time now I’ve only had the top screw and I dunno, again, just didn’t have any interest in it anymore. However, I am still SO attacted to my lip piercing hahah. :grinny: I really love it. I think the hole is already closed up. *waves goodbye to eyebrow piercing*

Nothing exciting going on. . . sometimes I feel like such a rock, lol. I just want something new and exciting to happen. Maybe something will eventually. Well, gotta get up here in a minute, go feed + water the animals – the iguana needs a bath and his tank cleaned then I need a shower and hair washed myself. Hope you all have a good day! :cool: