We got up bright and early this morning – espically for us on a Monday morning! We usually sleep in till after 9AM on Monday’s (or atleast I do.. someone else usually gets to sleep longer.. ahem) but yeah, we got up at 7AM this morning to get breakfast then head out the door for my gyno appointment! I got my IUD placed, YAY! My gyno is really concerned about my extreme fatigue and she did a blood test back in July where she found out my estrogen and progesterone are a bit low but the only thing she didn’t test was my testosterone so we talked about the fatigue then she gave me an order to go to the building another street over to get the blood drawn so we did that then headed home! Oh and she said to give my body time to get all the birth control pills out of my system and see how I feel then. If I still have the major fatigue then she suggested I get my regular Doc to look into it.
Once home, I researched a few things online then got my cellphone and headed out for a walk to call my Mom and tell her about our day so far and what my gyno had said. It was REALLY windy outside but felt awesome!!! I walked for about an hour then when I got back we loaded up to head out again! First up was the hair place because I was in desperate need of an eyebrow waxing! Brad dropped me off there and he went to pay a bill then came back to wait till I was done. Check! Next up was the store to buy our usual weekly groceries. Katie was getting quiiiiiite cranky since she was hungry and tired but we got everything then headed home again! Katie eventually went down for nap and I was SO EXHAUSTED. I tried quickly to make myself a lunch then Brad and I went to take a looong nap too! Except everything wakes me up now, grrr. I woke up atleast 3-4 times while we were laying down. One time to pee, another time coz something fell then another time cause I heard my phone go off from someone sending me a text and then when I did wake up It took me a while to get back to sleep. It’s so annoying. I have GOT to get a better sleep schedule. Not to mention the IUD placement has given me… CRAMPS! I haven’t had cramps since last year? Since my hormone levels dropped then my period went missing for a long time and then with the BCP even when It did give me my cycle back I haven’t gotten cramps but boy I have since I got the IUD in but It’s worth it!

We’re just hanging out right now… gotta download my online work to get it ready for this week then put Katie to bed and start our dinner of – TURKEY BURGERS!!! Probably gonna RELAX as much as possible and maybe watch a movie or somethin?? Yup! Deffo gonna see about going to bed earlier tonight since I need to get as much sleep as possible. I wouldn’t know how to act If I went to sleep and woke up refreshed and rejuvenated but I’m waiting for that day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thankful, grateful and blessed for my life!