Is the diet pill you’re currently taking not working well enough for you? Or perhaps you want something more out of your diet pills? When looking into diet pills If you like a more hardcore, high performance pill then check out Fenphedra. Unlike many, many other high performance diet pills Fenphedra does not contain all those stimulants that you normally find in those type of pills. This pill contains DiCaffine Malate, Chocomine TM, Phenylethylamine, Synephrine and Humulus Lupus. When taking Fenphedra, it is said to help your well being and just your overall mood as well. This diet pill is definetly not a cheap pill but many consumers and websites have stated that it is well worth it’s price. Again, you have to remember that not every pill works for every person. Each individual body works in different ways and sometimes the diet pills work with that person and sometimes they don’t. Get Fenphedra to burn off your body fat!