Ugh. I have felt like POO all day. Just drowsy and my sinus cavity has been throbbing a little. I feel pretty sleepy right now. Brad didn’t feel good this morning either but he went into work but said he might come home early. I set Katie up with a movie then got to slowly cleaning house. IT WAS A GORGEOUS DAY so I opened windows. I finished cleaning then went to take a shower and Brad knocked on the door then called me on my cellphone to come unlock the door, lol. We’ve just been lounging all day pretty much. I went outside and talked to my Mom for quite a while then watched 2 episodes of The Secret Life. I had some BABY CLAMS in my salad today for lunch along with a slice of the beef liver. MMM iron! I haven’t felt *as* hungry today but that might be from this cold too. The temp outside all day has been GREAT GREAT GREAT! I’ve still got windows open, YEEE!!

I’m hoping I’ll feel maybe… possibly… slightly better in the morning? I can hope right?! I’m definetly hoping so. We’re all staying home from church tomorrow since we don’t want to get anyone sick and honestly I just wanna stay home.

Speaking of church! I’m so thankful that Brad led us to the church. It’s an incredible church and I love everything about it. We don’t pay someone to preach to us.. we teach each other. We don’t pass around a money plate but do have tithing but no one knows how much we do or don’t give because It’s between us and Heavenly Father. The tithing goes to GOOD and not to someone. It helps with welfare for people who don’t have much and for building Temples and other things for the church. For the people out there still thinking Mormons are so bad… we are not a cult. We do not and I repeat… DO NOT practice polygamy anymore – that was rid of long, long ago. We believe that families are forever. Yes, we have what some would say is “strict” rules to live by but guess what? We don’t HAVE TO. We have free agency so those of us members who do follow these “rules” follow them because we want to be more like Heavenly Father. Our bodies are our temples and the Word of Wisdom just is a guideline to taking the best care of our temple and you know… It REALLY REALLY has helped me realize how important my body is. We do not worship Joseph Smith – we worship Heavenly Father. We DO read the Bible along with the Book of Mormon. The Bible talks about other books does it not? The Book of Mormon is one of them. What other church has all of this? Whenever I talk to non-members about the church a lot of them say, “Well each to their own!” Which is true but still. How can I not share my love about a church that I know holds so much truth about The Gospel?

I love The Gospel. I love my Heavenly Father. I love my life and I owe everything I AM and EVER SHALL BE to my Heavenly Father. Life has taken on such a greater meaning and understanding to me since I really opened up to religion and Heavenly Father. It’s incredible. I wish the same for everyone but It’s hard in this world with so much greed and hardened hearts and SUCH NEGATIVITY. I want to live a positive life and be hopeful even in the worst of times because life is short and precious.

Every day is a treasure so cherish it!